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Bertelsmann confirms its past connection to Nazis

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Bertelsmann confirms its past connection to Nazis

Tue Oct 8, 2:57 AM ET

By Scott Roxborough

CANNES (The Hollywood Reporter) --- After four years of research, the complete findings of an independent commission that focuses on the links of Bertelsmann, Germany's global media giant, to Adolf Hitler's Nazi regime and the Third Reich will be unveiled in a book that is due out today in Germany.

While some of the company's ties to Hitler and the Third Reich have been revealed previously, new revelations emerged Monday, including that Bertelsmann used Jewish slave laborers in at least one of its printing plants during World War II.

The findings of the Independent Historical Commission, headed by historian Saul Friedlaender, will be published in the book "Bertelsmann in the Third Reich," which also reveals that Bertelsmann published propaganda material for Hitler's Nazi regime in the 1930s and '40s, Bertlesmann founder Heinrich Mohn was a member of an SS sponsors organization, and the company published numerous books sympathetic to the Nazi regime.

The book also decries as "a legend that can not be sustained" the oft-repeated story by Bertelsmann in official reports on its corporate history that Bertelsmann's closure by the German government in 1944 was because of the company's opposition to Hitler.

On Monday, Bertelsmann CEO Gunter Thielen expressed his "sincere regret" for the company's wartime activities and the "inaccuracies ... of our previous corporate history.

"This experience has reinforced for us why historical accuracy and transparency must be an integral part of our core values," Thielen added. "As one of the largest media companies in the world, we have a special responsibility to promote openness and public debate on these issues. (This experience) has strengthened our continuing commitment to promote democracy, tolerance and human rights as well as Jewish causes and communities around the world."

In addition to thanking the commission for its work, Thielen singled out Swiss journalist Hersch Fischler, whose 1998 article first brought to light the new information about Bertelsmann's wartime record.

In response to Thielen's reports, Bertelsmann set up and funded the commission on the understanding that it would be completely independent and have unfettered access to Bertelsmann's records.

"Bertelsmann and the Third Reich" is published by Bertelsmann's CBertelsmann imprint, and Bertelsmann-owned Random House will bring out an English translation of the book next year.

All proceeds will go to maintaining a corporate archive of the commission's findings. The archive will be based in Munich until March 31, then it will be moved to its permanent location at Bertelsmann headquarters in Guetersloh, Germany. The archive will be maintained by a team of professional historians and will be open to the public.


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Originally posted by heretic909

When I worked at this ad agency, we did an ad for a book that linked IBM to Nazi Germany. I didn't personally read the book, but the publisher was saying that IBM designed the machines that were used to compile the lists of Jews or something like that.

i saw that book in barnes and noble, looked pretty crazy. damn, bertelsman connected to nazis, no one on this board realizes how big bertelsmanns is. that company is HUGE, they own sooo many books magazines and companies that its scary to think they are connected to nazis.

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