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I graduated a few years ago.

I love when they send me mail asking for donations. It makes me want to walk into Oliva's office and shove it right up his ass.

greedy fucks. As if they didnt take enough of my money. as if i'm not already going to spend the rest of my life paying off those student loans.

other than that I had a great trime in college ;)

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Originally posted by LavenderMenace

I graduated a few years ago.

I love when they send me mail asking for donations. It makes me want to walk into Oliva's office and shove it right up his ass.

greedy fucks. As if they didnt take enough of my money. as if i'm not already going to spend the rest of my life paying off those student loans.

other than that I had a great trime in college ;)

i actually thought the same way until my economics teacher told me why they do this... when people make a lot of money in order to put themselves in a lower tax bracet they make charitable donations for a tax write off... most people donate to their schools to fund clubs and new projects... its in the best interest of the school as well as the person donating the money because they both benefit.. unless if u think ur money would do better somewhere else... hope that shed some light on the topic.

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Originally posted by trancerxn112

i actually thought the same way until my economics teacher told me why they do this... when people make a lot of money in order to put themselves in a lower tax bracet they make charitable donations for a tax write off... most people donate to their schools to fund clubs and new projects... its in the best interest of the school as well as the person donating the money because they both benefit.. unless if u think ur money would do better somewhere else... hope that shed some light on the topic.

except that I dont make a lot of money... and I wont anytime soon, or possibly ever. And one of the main reasons I'm so broke is because of my DEBT. so I'm not really feeling too generous towards them. Besides, they are one of the the most expensive schools in the country. I dont really think they're hurtin for cash.

And dont they try to buy washington square park like every other year... and arent they building a brand new student center when there was absolutely nothing wrong with the old one?

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