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has this ever happened to anyone?

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i wonder if this has ever happened to anyone else but me - i got my credit card bill (ouch) with a weird charge on it, so i called citibank to figure out what it is. i ended up on the phone with a rep for about twenty minutes talking about vacations in europe, we shared travel stories...all of this at work, of course...weird.

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I had something similar happen to me recently. I advice you to proceed with caution... I was laying in bed on a Sunday eve when the phone rang. I answered it very sleepy sounding and on the other end, there was an incredilbe sounding voice... He had the wrong number... Well some how we began talking and we had a 30 minute conversation. Well he called back a few more times and than we met for drinks... Believe me when I say, I try very hard not to base anything on looks. I try to base it on personality... Well first off this guy told me he had a full head of hair, worked out reguarly, had a job, nice teeth, I could go on and on....

Well we made plans for Saturday nite. Than Shuga told me she was meeting up with a friend to go out in the city, but I was all excited about this date.. (i cannot remember his name) well i go into meet him and as soon as i walked in i saw him, i wanted to turn tale and run like hell!!! he was bald, teeth like fangs, belly over the belt, etc..... I had one drink with him and than excused myself. and oh did i mention he was unemployed and has a tape worm???

it was to late to find my friends and well i was exhausted from the experience.... plus he horrible taste in music!!!

at least i can laugh about it now!!!


Life can only be understood backward, but it must be lived forward.

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thanx - ive actually been reading the posts for a while, but never posted myself until recently. im addicted now...

and the credit card bill tirns out to be right, which means that im officially broke cwm36.gif being broke sucks!

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being broke definitely sucks. this, unfortunately, is my state of being until thursday.

i once called at&t wireless for some mundane thing and chatted w/the customer care lady for like 2 hours. It was the only good experience i had with at&t smile.gif

wackydream: also a former lurker who just started to post. welcome :P


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Must say that this damn site is addicting, Im on all day at work in between tasks, and lunch. I used to lurk, now im on like 60th post.. WTF! Anyway, I never hooked up with a customer service stranger.. Some have had hot voices though cwm35.gif

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