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Question of the Day..?

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Since its a shitty day out and everyone is miserable, I'd figure I would post QUESTION OF THE DAY. My last Question got a good response so hopefully the same will happen with this one. So...

Question of the day...?

What got you into going to clubs in the first place...?

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My older cousin is best friends w/ ernie capone (nyc promoter) and when i was almost 16 i used to go to her house all the time and hear them talk about the night before @ the club....she made me listen to the music and taught me to dance to it......

After a few months when i actually turned 16....my friend and cousin put a pound of make-up on my face --dressed me up like a hooker, gave me a fake ID and sent me off to the limelight....(pre-closing days)....

Well needless to say that was the sickest thing I had ever experienced in my 16 years of life and became completely addicted to this day........palladium, expo, club usa......those were the clubs that set the foundation for my tranformation into a complete clubjunkie!

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I recall my Senior year of High school and a bunch of the girls we hung out wit were away at some cheerleading competetion in Dallas. I mentioned something bout this place in seaside called Temptations. So me and 3 other guys took a ride down on some saturday nite in March. We went there and had no clue what to expect. So we walk in and our jaws hit the floor. We had such a good time and couldn't wait to tell everyone the next day. Evryone in my HS came up to me askin bout this place. So the next weekend, we pre-gamed it my place and then drove down. From that point on in the winter and spring, every saturday was temps. then in the summer we discovored surf club and Xs. WE had such a great time. Now here I am tellin my friends who just turned 21 and I am tellin em Teen nites at Temps are comepletly different then regular Saturday nite in the SUmmer at temps

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Originally posted by thehype

Since its a shitty day out and everyone is miserable, I'd figure I would post QUESTION OF THE DAY. My last Question got a good response so hopefully the same will happen with this one. So...

Question of the day...?

What got you into going to clubs in the first place...?

When I lived in CA, I had friends who DJ'ed, so we would go check out new spots and raves.... It's all their fault!!!!!

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I was also 16 and Limelight and Tunnel where my clubs of choice. My best friend and I kinda of found the club scene together. We already did everything together........ so clubing with each other being 16 in the city was so funnnnn, having to be home B4 my dad me up for school was so exciting. I was raised superly strick (Italian Catholic Parents, my dad had 3 girls), so if I cold get away w/ going to the city in a dark dirty club this to me was so rewarding, so rebelious so BAD................ FOLLOW

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Originally posted by thehype

Since its a shitty day out and everyone is miserable, I'd figure I would post QUESTION OF THE DAY. My last Question got a good response so hopefully the same will happen with this one. So...

Question of the day...?

What got you into going to clubs in the first place...?


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Wow those places in the city were my first spots too!! The tunnel, limelight palladium.....!!!! B4 SF was the place the bus went after temps it was ARENA!!!!!!! God I think I might be showing my age!!??? I have been around the block I guess a few hundred times!!!!! hehehe!!!!


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Originally posted by hunnie818

Wow I forget to mention the tunnel.....Tunnel was definately among the first corruptors.....

I miss limelight....palladium and tunnel (the way they were back in the day)......Clubs don't have the same "magic" anymore :(


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well, lets see iwas a "man child" at 12yrs old i was 6'2 with a beard and just never grew had a older cousin who i use to hang out with give me his info went to dmv got a liscense started going to loop lounge and various spanish bars. at about 16-17 i discoverd facades in nanuet i use to hook up with so many girls at that place i fell in love with the music,girls, and scene. did that for a while than at 21 dicovered hell "SF" its been a roller coaster ever since :confused:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Wow I forget to mention the tunnel.....Tunnel was definately among the first corruptors.....

I miss limelight....palladium and tunnel (the way they were back in the day)......Clubs don't have the same "magic" anymore :(


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I wish exit never went down the tubes.....I used to love that place a few years ago when tsettos & baes were there....

Nothing compared to it @ that time....those were my last " magical days" i think

I still like jersey too....i used to go to abyss and tempts when i lived in staten island but did'nt really frequent clubs out here till i moved here a few years ago...i was always in the city...but now that i go all the time i really do enjoy the jersey scene :D

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Originally posted by hunnie818

I wish exit never went down the tubes.....I used to love that place a few years ago when tsettos & baes were there....

Nothing compared to it @ that time....those were my last " magical days" i think

I still like jersey too....i used to go to abyss and tempts when i lived in staten island but did'nt really frequent clubs out here till i moved here a few years ago...i was always in the city...but now that i go all the time i really do enjoy the jersey scene :D


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