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What about Marco V?


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Guest saleen351

Biz, i do agree what some of what you said, but if the mega clubs are not doing so well and the lounges took over then why DID YOUR BOSS TELL A NEWSPAPER HE IS BUYING THE OLD TWILO AND WHY IS CROBAR OPENING UP A MEGA CLUB IN NYC AND THE LIME LIGHT IS REOPENING, AND DEEP DISH IS DOING THE OPENING NIGHT, WHICH WOULD BE SICK SICK SICK, TO GO TO... MAKES NO SENSE. Fact is the you can blame NJ.. Thats right, blame NJ. NJ is finally getting back in gear and the clubs are getting better and better. What the non nyc peeps don't realize that 40% of the nyc clubs survive on NJ, staten island and conn.... But lets break it down..

Gas to nyc 20 bucks

parking is 40 bucks (depends were you go and what time)

35 bucks to get in

10 bucks for a pack of smokes

8 dollar beers

tolls 10 bucks

so for one drink and to get there and get in you spent about a 100 bucks.. nj is a lot cheaper, may not be as good, but nj girls and the jersey vibe is good enough for me.... Fuck nyc and that is why nyc and the hamptons are not doing so well.

NYC has the best food, and the best Pubs,

check this out...


ps Deko owns abyss and both clubs are tyring to book your boys..

see you at space... ps tell security, i'd like a 5 foot perimeter around my gudio fist pumping at all times...

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Originally posted by chaos33

If anyone has a copy of the broadcast from space last time tiesto was here, the crowd actually started chanting 'tiesto' while oscar was spinning. The masses don't know shit.

i think that is because they were anxious to see him and wanted him to come on. I like Oscar to a degree (say what you will about trance, it's still my fav), but their is a clear difference between him and Oscar muscially and appearence wise. Tiesto has crossed the line and become a superstar over the past few years. Now his name is always on the tips of people's tongues the same ways Paul Van Dyk, Sasha, and John Digweed are, so I wouldn't quite venture off and say the Miami masses are that ignorant. If so, color me 952 shades of awe-struck :eek:

See everyone for the Birthday party! I'll bring the chips and dip :rolleyes::D

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Originally posted by djdekan

I dont even want to go to tiesto becaause of all this bullshit the only dj i wanted to see was Marco V, and now no Marco V, SO Fuck Louis and Fuck Space and Shut the FUck UP wise ass.

But you're still going right? We're thiiis close! Yeah, the road got bumpier but c'mon Pete. Don't bail on us now. Not on Mr. Verwest and the dancing Space cadets :worry:

IT'S GAME TIME.........

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