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Should the US attack Iraq?

Should the US go to war against Iraq?  

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  1. 1. Should the US go to war against Iraq?

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Originally posted by dnice35

If you ever run for presidency you have my vote!


1. Start and Finish law school

2. Run for local Government (White Cuban boy in Miami - - appeals to all sides)

3. Run for Senate

4. Run for President

i am non-partisan right now...so i dont know which party to run for..maybe even as an independent:idea:

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277


1. Start and Finish law school

2. Run for local Government (White Cuban boy in Miami - - appeals to all sides)

3. Run for Senate

4. Run for President

i am non-partisan right now...so i dont know which party to run for..maybe even as an independent:idea:


Can I be in your cabinet?

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Originally posted by dnice35

hicks? excuse me but is that not a racist remark???

Ok, so I don't like hicks. I lived in the Midwest for 6 months and I have a reason not to like them...tipping cows, driving around drunk in a pickup truck, and fucking my brother isn't my cup of tea.


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Nine Reasons why the US should NOT attack Iraq:

1. There has been no credible evidence that Iraq had anything to do with the Sept 11 attacks. Heresy but no physical evidence.

2. Iraq has accepted unconditional UN weapons inspections. Previous weapons inspections have already identified and eliminated much of Iraq's program to aquire weapons of mass destruction.

3. The CIA says since 1993 there have been NO Iraqi attacks on US citizens anywhere in the world.

4. There is no evidence proving that Iraq, devistated by the 1991 Gulf War and is now suffering under crippling sanctions, constitutes any significant threat to the US.

5. While Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia could all be hit by Iraqi scud missles they do not feel threatened by Iraq and oppose an attack, in fact, Moscow recently signed a 10 year trade agreement with Baghdad. Iraq has the worlds' largest oil reserve and Russia is it's no. 1 customer.

6. An atack on Iraq will make us less safe, in fact it will ignite anti-American sentiment around the world, strenghtening the resolve of terrorist networks.

7. An assault on Baghdad would result in far more American casualties then the war in Afghanistan and the toll on Iraqi civilians will be greatly higher.

8. The war will cost at least 100 billion dollars and no allies will be helping the US like Japan did in the first Gulf War, in other words the taxpayers will be footing the bill. Money for blood, blood for oil and Bush has blood on his hands... Iraqi blood.

9. The UN is trying to resume weapons inspections but the Bush administration is dismissing the effort. This is foolish and the US should work with the UN.

It's the oil he wants and he'll kill for it nor does he care at what expense of American military casualties as well as civilian casualties to achieve his personal goal.

Yeah, Bush is doing a real fine job for America :rolleyes:.

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Nine Reasons why the US should NOT attack Iraq:

1. There has been no credible evidence that Iraq had anything to do with the Sept 11 attacks. Heresy but no physical evidence.

2. Iraq has accepted unconditional UN weapons inspections. Previous weapons inspections have already identified and eliminated much of Iraq's program to aquire weapons of mass destruction.

3. The CIA says since 1993 there have been NO Iraqi attacks on US citizens anywhere in the world.

4. There is no evidence proving that Iraq, devistated by the 1991 Gulf War and is now suffering under crippling sanctions, constitutes any significant threat to the US.

5. While Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia could all be hit by Iraqi scud missles they do not feel threatened by Iraq and oppose an attack, in fact, Moscow recently signed a 10 year trade agreement with Baghdad. Iraq has the worlds' largest oil reserve and Russia is it's no. 1 customer.

6. An atack on Iraq will make us less safe, in fact it will ignite anti-American sentiment around the world, strenghtening the resolve of terrorist networks.

7. An assault on Baghdad would result in far more American casualties then the war in Afghanistan and the toll on Iraqi civilians will be greatly higher.

8. The war will cost at least 100 billion dollars and no allies will be helping the US like Japan did in the first Gulf War, in other words the taxpayers will be footing the bill. Money for blood, blood for oil and Bush has blood on his hands... Iraqi blood.

9. The UN is trying to resume weapons inspections but the Bush administration is dismissing the effort. This is foolish and the US should work with the UN.

It's the oil he wants and he'll kill for it nor does he care at what expense of American military casualties as well as civilian casualties to achieve his personal goal.

Yeah, Bush is doing a real fine job for America :rolleyes:.

:nopity: ....cry me a river.....:nopity:

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Nine Reasons why the US should NOT attack Iraq:

2. Iraq has accepted unconditional UN weapons inspections. Previous weapons inspections have already identified and eliminated much of Iraq's program to aquire weapons of mass destruction.


5. While Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia could all be hit by Iraqi scud missles they do not feel threatened by Iraq and oppose an attack, in fact, Moscow recently signed a 10 year trade agreement with Baghdad. Iraq has the worlds' largest oil reserve and Russia is it's no. 1 customer.


7. An assault on Baghdad would result in far more American casualties then the war in Afghanistan and the toll on Iraqi civilians will be greatly higher.


8. The war will cost at least 100 billion dollars and no allies will be helping the US like Japan did in the first Gulf War, in other words the taxpayers will be footing the bill. Money for blood, blood for oil and Bush has blood on his hands... Iraqi blood.


It's the oil he wants and he'll kill for it nor does he care at what expense of American military casualties as well as civilian casualties to achieve his personal goal.


Yeah, Bush is doing a real fine job for America


:peeright: SADDAM......

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Originally posted by normalnoises

Nine Reasons why the US should NOT attack Iraq:

1. There has been no credible evidence that Iraq had anything to do with the Sept 11 attacks. Heresy but no physical evidence.

2. Iraq has accepted unconditional UN weapons inspections. Previous weapons inspections have already identified and eliminated much of Iraq's program to aquire weapons of mass destruction.

3. The CIA says since 1993 there have been NO Iraqi attacks on US citizens anywhere in the world.

4. There is no evidence proving that Iraq, devistated by the 1991 Gulf War and is now suffering under crippling sanctions, constitutes any significant threat to the US.

5. While Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran and Russia could all be hit by Iraqi scud missles they do not feel threatened by Iraq and oppose an attack, in fact, Moscow recently signed a 10 year trade agreement with Baghdad. Iraq has the worlds' largest oil reserve and Russia is it's no. 1 customer.

6. An atack on Iraq will make us less safe, in fact it will ignite anti-American sentiment around the world, strenghtening the resolve of terrorist networks.

7. An assault on Baghdad would result in far more American casualties then the war in Afghanistan and the toll on Iraqi civilians will be greatly higher.

8. The war will cost at least 100 billion dollars and no allies will be helping the US like Japan did in the first Gulf War, in other words the taxpayers will be footing the bill. Money for blood, blood for oil and Bush has blood on his hands... Iraqi blood.

9. The UN is trying to resume weapons inspections but the Bush administration is dismissing the effort. This is foolish and the US should work with the UN.

It's the oil he wants and he'll kill for it nor does he care at what expense of American military casualties as well as civilian casualties to achieve his personal goal.

Yeah, Bush is doing a real fine job for America :rolleyes:.

fuck them, i can agree with a lot of this :aright:

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