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Anyone Else following this Sniper Story?

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I would be scared too...you never know when this guy is going to strike, his shootings are so radom, its fkn scary...I feel so bad for those families...he is toying with the police and the FBI, I hope they catch him soon...its scary people have the sick minds to do things like that:mad: :mad:

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I just typed a NOVEL response and it was FRIGGIN lost cuz my pc froze.. I for the life of me can't imagine the fear these people are living with. I mean you could just be walking in the morning in your robe to get the paper and ZAT your a goner. I wouldnt be able to comprehend what that feels like.

The police just released a report that they found a note from the sniper saying your children aren't safe no matter where they go etc etc.. now he's gonna target children, how F-cking sick is that? they need to catch this guy and not even give him a trial just hang him in an arena somewhere and let random people stone him.

Why couldnt this guy go to Idaho or some oddball state out there? no offense to anyone from idaho, but Maryland is TOOO close for comfort not to mention i have over 40 family members down there.

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yeah, i was just watching CNN and they were talking about his message. I know that the schools in Richmond County are closed, and that all major Routes and highways into the DC area are being shut down right now b/c they are checking cars. This is sooo scary b/c someone is out there getting away with all of this. Whats even worse is that there are probably fkn psychos out there that think this guy is doing something "great" and will copycat this thing in another city or state!! Not to mention that this Sniper is actually looking at the news and feeding off the media frenzy knowing that he is getting over on the police! I seriously hope they catch this ASSHOLE fast b/c I know I wouldnt want to live in fear like those poor people in that area are doing right now...I mean, how can you send your kids to school, or drive anywhere knowing this guy can shoot you DEAD from over 500 feet accurately with one shot?? You can tell now that he is getting cocky about getting away with it by sending stupid messages and tarot cards...I hope his cockiness leads to a mistake that the police will catch fast:mad: :mad: :mad:

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This jerk-off has got D.C., Maryland and Va...thats a lot of people...on the run and scared for their lives...schools r closed...people arent going to work or if they do step out they r RUNNING to their destinations...and at agas stations people are actually buying a few dollars worth of gas and then taking off...ALL THIS OUT OF FEAR of having your head blown off...that really sucks!!...and what really sucks is that when this guy is caught the govermnent is going to want to give him a FUCKING trial...THATS bullshit...he should be shot ON THE SPOT!!! :2guns:

Actually i know that we would all love to know what the hell he is thinking first and then SHOOT HIM DEAD!!

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Originally posted by bobydigital

This jerk-off has got D.C., Maryland and Va...thats a lot of people...on the run and scared for their lives...schools r closed...people arent going to work or if they do step out they r RUNNING to their destinations...and at agas stations people are actually buying a few dollars worth of gas and then taking off...ALL THIS OUT OF FEAR of having your head blown off...that really sucks!!...and what really sucks is that when this guy is caught the govermnent is going to want to give him a FUCKING trial...THATS bullshit...he should be shot ON THE SPOT!!! :2guns:

Actually i know that we would all love to know what the hell he is thinking first and then SHOOT HIM DEAD!!

I agree with boby. They need to catch this asshole, then torture him. Let each of the victim's families torture him slowly.

How do you shoot at children!!?!?!?!?!? :mad:

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