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Club Culture: A last cry for family?

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So I was having a discussion with a good friend about club culture in general these days. It all started with a discussion about knowing people if you wanted to get anywhere... and it got me thinking...

is that all NYC is about? Just knowing people? Is there a sense of family in the scene anymore, or is it all about knowing someone in order to be someone? Where do you place yourself in this mess?

I suppose i'm having a rather rough time thinking about nightlife in the city. I'm very much of a family kind of guy - i like the sense of a community, of enjoying a night together with others like myself and celebrating as one family the events that precipitate around us, though the course of our time together...

I"m sure other people go to enjoy the music for themselves and themselves only, perhaps the "next man" doesn't even enter their minds, or affect their sensation of the party. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into this?

I suppose i'm curious what all you cats out in clubland think when it comes to rolling up to the door, paying your money and hitting the floor. Are you there because of your friends and the music? Are you there to make friends? Are you there for yourself and only yourself? Do you cherish a need for a "family" to dance among, or do you think bullshit about family and community is just that - bullshit?

am i the only one thinking i see a rift in our culture?

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A good friend of mine used to go to the club by himself if noone else would go. Now as much as I love the music, dancing, party favors, and yes making new friends, right before i decide to head out alone, I pause and think what fun is it if my peeps aren't there to share it with me. Like anything inlife good times are all the much better when shared with those you care about and vice versa.

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i think theres definately a split...

unfortunatley, from what i've seen, and what i'm told... i think the 'scene' used to be a lot more of a family... anyone remember "plur"?? its a joke to some (most) now... kinda sad...

i think this board has a lot of fallout victims from the (oh god, here comes mugwump's influence on me) velvet rope explosion...

i think a lot less people go out for the family effect... and more for the hookup effect, or get fucked up effect... (not that theres anything wrong with that... but i think they've taken a dominance over the family thing)

i used to hear cp meetups described best with the statement "my god, it looks like a family reunion"...

i think it definately goes in waves, and i think theres still some of it left... and hopefully it will come a little closer to the forefront...

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This, much like any culture, is one with with a ridiculous amount of divisions. There was never any way that the culture "should be", and chances are that anything that ever emerged as anything resembling such was more of an idealized vision that doesn't really exist for a prolonged period of time.

You've asked people for their opinions, and you have your answer before anyone speaks a word: there are different answers for every circle, clique, and person out there.

You like the family thing? Great, because a part of nightlife, portion size regardless, is there for you. It's there, much like there are parts of this nightlife for PLUR ravers, the chemically abundant ravers, the B&Ts, the rizzos, the trendies, the music snobs, the celebs, the goth kids, the leaders, the followers, and whatever niches, cliques, and groups have you.

Personally, I'm there for the music. I make friends? I see buddies? I meet new people? Gravy. Are there things that would keep me from good music? Yes...but the main reason I'm there is for...music. In the end, it's just another drop in the ocean.

Those who wanders around looking for that idealism in nightlife will never find it. Whether anyone likes it or not, their version of "nightlife" is surrounded with people with their own ideas of nightlife is about. It's why PLUR was and still is a joke turned into itself, and it's why the "celebs and models" definition of nightlife will only be a stereotype that's perpetuated by a specific group of people.

This is New York City. It's very nature is rooted in diversity and renders "pure unity" within any given culture practically impossible, not to mention unity within a culture like nightlife that's fragmented by everything including but not exclusive to music, style, race, class, geography, age...whathave you. Even beyond that, New York city is just a piece of the pie, neglecting the fact that it's certainly a considerable piece. Take all those fragments that already exists in NYC on such a massive scale, and apply it to every single city and geographical locale in the world across what short history it's had, and then you may have somewhat of an idea of how unified this culture was, is, and will be.

This "culture" will therefore continue on as it always has, as an amorphous, ever-shifting, growing-receeding giant pile of mess.

But you know...that's just my take.

Originally posted by cintron

So I was having a discussion with a good friend about club culture in general these days. It all started with a discussion about knowing people if you wanted to get anywhere... and it got me thinking...

is that all NYC is about? Just knowing people? Is there a sense of family in the scene anymore, or is it all about knowing someone in order to be someone? Where do you place yourself in this mess?

I suppose i'm having a rather rough time thinking about nightlife in the city. I'm very much of a family kind of guy - i like the sense of a community, of enjoying a night together with others like myself and celebrating as one family the events that precipitate around us, though the course of our time together...

I"m sure other people go to enjoy the music for themselves and themselves only, perhaps the "next man" doesn't even enter their minds, or affect their sensation of the party. Maybe I'm looking too deeply into this?

I suppose i'm curious what all you cats out in clubland think when it comes to rolling up to the door, paying your money and hitting the floor. Are you there because of your friends and the music? Are you there to make friends? Are you there for yourself and only yourself? Do you cherish a need for a "family" to dance among, or do you think bullshit about family and community is just that - bullshit?

am i the only one thinking i see a rift in our culture?

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My friends look out for me like family

My mom's been struggeling since I was three

My friend's look out for me like family

My mom's been struggeling since I was three

Am I scared, am I pushed, Am I worried?

Another Day, another year so what's the hurry

Here I sit, alone and in despair

The world outside is cold, alone and unfair

No motivation, no college degree

Day to day survival starting to worry me

No goals, no money, no inspiration

My cool tattoos, that's my only salvation

5 years from now where will I be?

On the same road with no future to no destiny

No ideas and fear is on my mind

Tell me, is my life just a waste of fucking time

Someday maybe I'll find a way

To make all my fears go away

5 years from now where will I be

On the same road with no future to no destiny

My friends look out for me like family

My mom's been struggeling since I was three

Am I scared, am I pushed, am I worried

Another day, another year so what's the hurry?

Only one love in my life

You know the rest, they never felt so fucking right

There's got to be more, stop procrastination

Like depending on others for touring vacation

5 years from now where will I be

On the same road with no future to no destiny

Another Day, another year, so what's the hurry.

if anyone knows what this is wins a prize (googling not allowed). shannon, you are excluded from this contest :D

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I think once you hang out in

the scene long enough some

of the kids you use to hang with

on the floors move up to the

DJ booths...

or start organizing parties..

They may or may not invite you

on the ride.

Or people that have seen you

over and over and over

again might throw you a bone

from time to time and want

you involved in promoting

or just hanging out...

I think the "SCENES" I gravitate

to the most are the ones where people

are trying to CREATE, BUILD, make

something interesting out of

the nightlife...

something more than just

a night out on the town's dance floors..

However I WILL tell you

that in the end the circle that dances around

the fire IS a TRIBE...

And in those ceremonies when

we look across the room to see

familiar faces in the sea

of people smiling back at you..


one can only feel so lucky

to be a part of this community...

And make no mistake;

for those of us that have been

here for many years that

is what we are..

A community addicted to the night.

I'll miss you all

like you'll never believe..





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