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Phat Music Sessions No Longer at Lola


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Last Friday was the last Friday of Phat Music Sessons at Lola. In these eleven weeks we were able to establish a respectful night of quality music.

Many were the achievements. But to name only the most important, we saw the emergence of two local DJs, Chris Duque and Mono Henao. Pure quality music. True underground feeling. Real vibe. You guys are the whole reason of the success we have.

We have seen our party grow, and then tried to be brought down. We don't care. This is night life someone told me a few days ago. I answered, "you are right, but this is real underground". And the underground movement can't be killed.

My highest respect goes to both Chris and Mono, for believing in the project, for working really hard to have the best music they can bring week after week after week.

To Lionel and Regina, our two VJs who joined the team from the heart. You were right Lionel...but this is just a change of air to make the party what it will inevitably become. No need to have our wings cut. We are like the puma, we give one step back only to jump.

To Ora, Johnny, Amalia, Rafael and Ursula, for giving me the support when most needed.

To my fellow Cpers, Corinto, Funketeer, Vipnerd, Macboy, Pod, Milano, DJ Burrito Bbflux, Caliux...

And finally, to all who have supported this party. We wouldn't have ever continued without you.

We will switch to a monthly formatt. I will keep you posted when and where. And the anxious wait will be worth it. I promise you.

"I just want people to understand that money is one thing, but soul is another".

Mil gracias,


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Yo Marco, first of all...thanks for all the sessions, I met lots of nice people at your party and really, really, really enjoyed your Djs. Francisco "Mono" Henao and Chris Duque, very talented and very nice people...I'm going to miss it a lot!

I'm possitive that your next project will be as cool as P.M.S. and of course "always with a good vibe" ;) and guess what???

I'll be there like a modafakin bear!!!


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Thanks for PMS, the times I was there, it was AWESOME!!!BOTH Resident DJs were great!

Anyway, you know you can count on me supporting on whatever you plan doing in the future...

EL Under no muere, solo agoniza...Vamos pa adelante!


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Thank you guys for the words of support.

Believe me, this is the best decision for the party to continue its growth.

Going weekly, we took a risk. And we demonstrated all those who didn't believe that it was possible.

No need to keep up in a relation if we are the only ones giving. It's like in love. You only miss when you've lost...

Anyway, Phat Music Sessions just ended its cycle at Lola.

My feeling is that a weekly at Lola would had turned our night into just another party. And that isn't the reason we started all this.

We will keep our formatt and keep all of you posted. For some time now we have had serious offers. I will study them with my team and decide when and where. Just want to reiterate, we closed a cycle, not died. Even though there were enough reasons to want to kill our party.


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marco, hey brother, i know your motivation & how hard you worked trying to make fridays happen. i feel it first hand every day. trying to maintain a underground weekly especially without any real support from a venue is so hard man. anyway i sure if you want to take it back to the monthly joe & myself can sort you out with our space downtown. don't let it get you down. you always have our support & respect. peace... tomas@aquabooty

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Originally posted by marcodavalos

Thank you guys for the words of support.

Believe me, this is the best decision for the party to continue its growth.

Going weekly, we took a risk. And we demonstrated all those who didn't believe that it was possible.

No need to keep up in a relation if we are the only ones giving. It's like in love. You only miss when you've lost...

Anyway, Phat Music Sessions just ended its cycle at Lola.

My feeling is that a weekly at Lola would had turned our night into just another party. And that isn't the reason we started all this.

We will keep our formatt and keep all of you posted. For some time now we have had serious offers. I will study them with my team and decide when and where. Just want to reiterate, we closed a cycle, not died. Even though there were enough reasons to want to kill our party.


:eek: :eek: :eek:

I'm leavin to NYC tomorrow. Sad to hear. F**k 'em, bro. :bigfinge::biggun:

I will see U when I'm back. Don't give up, I had great nites there and the music was some of the best I've heard since movin' down here.

Thanx for the vibe.:)

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Marco, I truly respect your drive and your possitivity. You set an example to many, aside from the fact of course...that you really know how to deal with your costumers. Ever since the day I set foot on P.M.S. I was hooked and that's why I became a crusader for the Phat Music Sessions...haiol yay!

Good music, familiar faces and always the killer vibe...just what I look for when I go out. I'm going to miss my Henao-Duque dose on Fridays, I hope is not for long.

Brother, do me a favor and keep me posted If Francisco or Chris play somewhere, I'll definitively want to go and check'em out.

Keep up your possitivity man, you sure know how to use it to your advantage and it transmits to the people you get in contact with...nowadays...a rare treat.

Cheers and don't forget that wherever you choose to throw your next party...Da Funketeer will chase you down and hassle you for free rum and cokes :aright:

Un abrazo y suerte en todo!

Funk :cool:


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Originally posted by digital7

oh no! ... WTF

Sorry to hear the bad news Marcos. You had a really good thing going there, too bad the people didnt respond. Best wishes on your future projects

Thank you for your support bro. This project served its mission, to have a team demonstrate that things ca be achieved.

It is sometimes better to step aside, specially when the main objectives were accomplished since the start.

Believable or not, this venture never had the intention of becoming a money maker for non of us. We wanted to establish a record, a following for two great DJs, Chris and Mono, and to show what could be expected of our party.

I believed initially the management was on the same bpm with us. When we realized this wasn't the case, it is time to re-group and find new venues, new energies that want to collaborate, instead of only demanding without giving us anything.

So Digital, be ready for some new action pretty soon. I don't want to detail more about what happened at Lola. I still have a good relationship with them, but don't share their vision for Fridays.

As I said earlier in this thread, we feel like the puma, we only give a step back in order to jump.

I will keep you guys posted. Because this underground party, in conception and soul, will only grow from here on. The base is huge by now. Getting them together week after week was not feasible in the terms we were operating.

And a monthly will prove this point, no doubt about it. Remember this was the slowest summer SOBE has seen. And with 5000 fliers in 11 weeks we brought in house close to 3000 people. It ain't about number of people, it is about not sharing the same vision.


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Originally posted by funketeer

Marco, I truly respect your drive and your possitivity. You set an example to many, aside from the fact of course...that you really know how to deal with your costumers. Ever since the day I set foot on P.M.S. I was hooked and that's why I became a crusader for the Phat Music Sessions...haiol yay!

Good music, familiar faces and always the killer vibe...just what I look for when I go out. I'm going to miss my Henao-Duque dose on Fridays, I hope is not for long.

Brother, do me a favor and keep me posted If Francisco or Chris play somewhere, I'll definitively want to go and check'em out.

Keep up your possitivity man, you sure know how to use it to your advantage and it transmits to the people you get in contact with...nowadays...a rare treat.

Cheers and don't forget that wherever you choose to throw your next party...Da Funketeer will chase you down and hassle you for free rum and cokes :aright:

Un abrazo y suerte en todo!

Funk :cool:



You are a character bro, thank you for your kind words. I know how much you enjoyed this eleven weeks. I just added some views to Digital 7.

Te tengo que decir que ese ganzaso no sabe ni donde esta Larco, menos va a saber que hacer si lo metes a la Vicky.

Un abrazo profesore, te dateo en cuanto confirme un venue.


Thank you man. Get your camera ready because sooner than what you expect I'll see you dancing to Mono and Chris.


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Hey, Marco.... just let us know when and where!!! I've taken my test so we'll be there to support. You guys had a good thing going. The way I look at it, a montlhly party can only mean more planning time. More planning = even BETTER PARTY!!! :D:bounce:

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Originally posted by bbflux

Hey, Marco.... just let us know when and where!!! I've taken my test so we'll be there to support. You guys had a good thing going. The way I look at it, a montlhly party can only mean more planning time. More planning = even BETTER PARTY!!! :D:bounce:

I agree with you. We are planning already...and will keep all of you posted.

BTW, how did it go with your test?!!!

Say hello to Chris. And thank you so much guys for your support.


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