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How many GOOD TRUE FRIENDS do you have?

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They say that when you die, you'd be fortunate in life to count your GOOD TRUE FRIENDS on one hand. I'm talking about those people you can count on when the going gets tough and you find out what people are really made of... not just people you chill with or party with from time to time, I'm talking about the people you'd call your brothers and sisters.

And to the guys, do you actually have any female friends that are simply just that, friends?

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I have to say I am blessed by good friends, and they don't all hang out in the same group........ I had, at one time, weed out the good from the bad, and the what I thought were real friends from the true friends. Overall I can honestly say I am blessed by the friend god......... it is a wonderful feeling when I can have them all together, when all my groups meet up and they are al getting along...... I can sit back and say Ahhhhhhh, ...............

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that is very true...good friends, real friends are very hard to come by. Sure you have "friends" and "acquaintances", but how many people can you honestly say would do ANYTHING for you?? I can name very few besides my family. I have tons of friends, but there are only less then a handful that I would trust with my life.

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I believe I have a lot of true freinds, but most importantly, when things got really rough for me, two people stood by me(other than my family) and will always mean the most to me....................One is a guy and the other is a female(only a freind).......................both cp members

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I was hoping this thread would turn into something positive, so far, so good.

I am very fortunate to have a lot of very good true friends, many of whom I would and do trust with my life, people that would go to battle for me. I also have several different groups of friends that hardly know each other, some from high school and college, friends from work (actually where I met one of my best friends) and the largest group of friends I have fun with partying, getting together to do almost anything, a lot of them I consider to be like family. Its almost impossible to have a large group of people get together without much drama but it does happen when you surround yourself with good people.

Recently I celebrated my birthday in South Beach with 17 friends, of which 10 of them being good true friends and at least another 10 who couldnt make it. A lot of people asked, how the hell did you get that many friends together in one place at the same time. The thing is, it was so easy. I said I wanted to go to celebrate my birthday in South Beach and everyone just followed. We're good like that and wooooow did we celebrate!

My boys are like family, we look out for each other all the time and we're always there no matter what to pick each other up when things get tough. We have to bust each others balls for it, but we'll help each other out 24 hours a day. For the most part, we were all introduced to each other by one or another so its easier to be close to someone that one of your boys is down with. At any given moment, I can call on any one of 6-8 of my boys for anything and I mean anything. And there is probably 1 or 2 that I would follow into the gates of hell (as Christopher Multasanti put it). And there's a couple of the girls, namely 2 of them that are like sisters to me, separated at birth. We're a close group, all very fortunate to have each other around. And it always seems like the group is getting bigger, one Sunday this past summer about 20-25 of us went to Surf Club to celebrate a friend's birthday. These are not just people that I get crazy and party with, these are people that I can count on 365 days a year, just a phone call away even if its just to say hello.

Women come and go, but your real true friends can and often will last forever! If you dont have friends, you dont have anything...

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I have very different types of friends...I have the high school group, the few from school ( college), the ones you make at work, the ones you make just randomly. But like I said before, I have seen ALOT of my friends go through trying times. I myself have gone through times where I thought my world really was crumbling and only a few, a very special few stick out in my mind besides my UNBELIEVABLE, ABSOLUTELY WONDERFUL family. You can laugh with alot of your friends, but can you sob( not crying, I mean SOBBING) in front of them all and bear what you are really feeling?? Thats a REAL friend in my book...someone who regardless of the circumstances WILL always have something positive to say about you and will always be there for you.;)

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true friends huh, i only have one that i would do anything for i put him before myself. he does the same on different levels for me. yes i have one strictly female friend that i am so cool with this chick has done so much for me and has always been there when i needed help. i have about 3 friends that i'm real cool with that have always been there. but you got different friends for different things. lend you money, do favors, help you out,give you advice etc... i think as long as you know who u can count on for what your in good shape. i think we all should also relize what kind of friends are we? :D

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Im Also Blessed to have alot of Good Friends that i can count on for anything. Some are my boys from high school and some have become close quickly through work or college etc...

I take Friendships VERY seriously, I dont like fake People. Me and My group of friends are always REAL to eachother and always look out for eachother no matter WHAT.

Oh And Yes I have A few Girls That are Just Friends. Very Good Friends actually.

I always say " True Friends Walk In When Your Whole World Walks Out."

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:D I have made alot of good ones this year to.

I think that true friendship is even when your friend wrongs you you find peace within yourself and forgive them and continue to have a good time.

Like if your brother or sister does somthing eventually u must forgive them. That unconditional love.

Friends that stick by you through rough times are very hard to find.

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as far as real friends someone i could count on in a split second or someone who tells you want you need to hear and not what you want to hear. probably like 3. One of my best friends the person i can always count on for advice is actually a female and just a friend. Other than that most of my other friends are people i probably wouldnt count on in an emergency or wouldnt ask. However I think as you get older the people you count on shrinks because of the directions in peoples lives. Seems like nw my friends and i are lucky if we get together once every month or two. Seems like who cant get a sitter who has to work whos doing this or that. So sometimes not being able to count on people is just based on thier priorities nt on weather or not they are a good true friend.

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Originally posted by stardo

:D I have made alot of good ones this year to.

I think that true friendship is even when your friend wrongs you you find peace within yourself and forgive them and continue to have a good time.

Like if your brother or sister does somthing eventually u must forgive them. That unconditional love.

Friends that stick by you through rough times are very hard to find.

I agree Stardo...when you are a really good friend to someone, you always find forgiveness;) and true friends that stick with you thru the worst are very hard to find...

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Originally posted by stardo

:D I have made alot of good ones this year to.

I think that true friendship is even when your friend wrongs you you find peace within yourself and forgive them and continue to have a good time.

Like if your brother or sister does somthing eventually u must forgive them. That unconditional love.

Friends that stick by you through rough times are very hard to find.

your 100 percent right

i got maybe 5 freinds that i could count on i got few close but i don't see them to often so i go out of my way call them and say hi

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Originally posted by angelicious

ummmm like 2 girlfriends,somehow I always get dicked over by my girlfriends, and I think that I am a pretty nice person.

Actually I honestly would say I would have more good close guy friends that I can count on anytime for anything then I would girlfreinds.

ill be ur friend:D

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