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How many GOOD TRUE FRIENDS do you have?

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Originally posted by dknybabe2929

Im not sure yet...I might have to do some family stuff during the day and be tiiirrrreeeeddd, but if not, then I will make an appearance,lol...u?

yes i am going to try my best to be there.

someone DJig that night pm'ed me and asked so i feel i must

oh yeah Angelicious how can you get DICKed ove by a woman.

Ill be your friend until the end of time

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I am trully blessed to have many friends that I can count on a even a couple came from this board...CIGS, BINOY, JARMENIO.

I beleive you have to be a friend to get a friend. Be true to yourself, your friends, give unselfessly, and learn to forgive and you'll go far in life and be blessed w/ many friends...

I treat my frinds like my family. I would say that Ii have about 10-15 friends that whenever it a holiday or birthday or importsnt event we are always there together to celebrate, be there for each other, or even to cry together....its not just about the good times.

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I see a lot of great responses about friends, friendship, the give and take, the forgive and forget, the good times and bad, getting together and growing apart... with all that said, good friends are one of life's greatest treasures!

I see that a lot of you have said that you dont get the chance to see your friends as much as you use to, thats where I'm most fortunate... we make time to get together as much as possible and I'm not talking about 4 or 5 of us. Last weekend at R-Bar, a couple of friends stopped in for drinks and by the time each one of us called another, there was at least 15 of us. The thing is, a lot of us have so much going on too... some buying a house or condo, getting married, a few of us have our own businesses to run, but we still make the time to see each other.

There are some things in life worth making time for, good friends are one of them!

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A "true" friend accepts you for who you are NO MATTER WHAT~ even if they disagree with some things you do or say or think. I am thankful to have quite a few of those friends and I treat them as my family. I would do anything for them and they would do anything for me. We help one another get through rough times and we always have a good time when we are together.


I have had a best friend for 12 years and even if we don't talk for 2 months, it's like we never missed a day. We have 2 totally different lifestyles but we accept one another NO MATTER WHAT!!! That is our love for one another. We cherish our friendship and that's how it should always be.:)

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i have a lot of people i consider my friends...but i really only have 2 best friends that i know we will be friends for life. my best friend and i didnt talk for 2 yrs over something stupid and when we started talking again it was like the 2 yrs that we didnt talk never existed. everything went back the way it used to be. my best guy friend has been there through everything. we grew up together and hes like my other brother.

"real friends come in when the rest of the world has gone out" ;)

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i agree with ceeotter, you have to be a friend to get a friend !!!

i have been blessed with many friends in my life, some that are FOREVER FRIENDS and some that have come and gone.

i have 2 girlfriends whom i trust with my life, who give to me the same friendship that i give to them, there is trust and honesty and respect and it's a TRUE LOVE, just like the love you have for your family.

i have a lot of other friends, from all different types of groups of people and even though i don't talk to them everyday, i still care about them very much.

"friends are angels who help you fly when your own wings have trouble remembering how"

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

yes i am going to try my best to be there.

someone DJig that night pm'ed me and asked so i feel i must

oh yeah Angelicious how can you get DICKed ove by a woman.

Ill be your friend until the end of time

Dont know, I guess I was told I am too nice. Oh well, as long as I have you as a friend nothing else will matter.

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Truly great friends are hard to find, difficult to leave, and impossible to forget. I would say I have 7 TRUE FRIENDS friends (XJ8mike U R 1 :D) A Friend 2 me are angels who lift us to our feet when our wings have trouble remembering how to fly ;) and let me not overlook True friends stick together even when things arent sticky! :tongue:

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