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Back from Miami


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Back from Miami

I arrived on Friday but I was tired from being out all night on Thursday, so I got to my hotel at midnight and slept. My friends agreed to go with me to Miami if we went to Key West on the weekend, so I went and it was fun. I had some rice crispy herb treats that I prepared specially for this trip and I was trippin at the people who came out for this Fantasy Fest thing.

Monday we head back to SoBe and again all tired and deprived of sleep, we sleep as soon as we arrive. We get out at about 10 had something to eat and since I really didn’t know where to go we head over to Crobar to check if its open and it was. It was interesting!! I wanted to ask around if there were any CP heads there but I started seeing guys in drag all over the place and thought, maybe not. I heard music I haven’t heard in so many years. The DJ would play some 80s music and interrupt with some house. It was driving me crazy!! so I left. I didn’t leave because of the 80's music cause it was cool hearing it. I just wish the dj would have play a set of 80's and then a set of house but it just went back and forth.

Tuesday we did the tourist stuff Beach, Ocean Drive, Downtown, etc.. I keep seeing less and less people out there each time I go. I guess it is as bad as I heard.

Wednesday we chilled almost all day and then headed over to Greed early at about 10:45 but I was told by the door lady that it was a private party for Ocean Drive Magazine so I took it as a your not getting in with those jeans and left and spent my money on a nice dinner. I try to avoid places that cater to the "VIP" crowds (I prefer the freedom of clubs that cater to the music lover/supporter).

So now i am thinking I wont be able to party with the CP junkies unless I meet some at Spin on Thursday for Danny Howells.

Thursday I call Spin to find out what time Danny is spinning and the girl offers to put me on the house list (THANK YOU AGAIN). So I get there early for the comp entry and I see Oscar G on the decks playing some cool shit so I danced and danced and danced. Then Dark Beat comes on and the crowd goes APE SHIT. I heard it before at home but when you hear it in a club, its f**king awesome (even I went ape shit). I didn’t even ask around for CP junkies because I on that dance floor. The night came to an end and I don’t remember anything after that until the next day when I have to get up and get my arse to the airport and get home in time for my brother's wedding.

I was hoping to meet some of you there but there always WMC 2003.

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