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What direction is clubbing and music going?


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I've heard the bar scene is doing less bad then the superclubs. Less overhead and the investment is nowhere near as risky as a superclub. Superclubs are a risky investment with the sagging economy. I can't see many people investing in a superclub when no one wants to spend money. Consequently the bar scene might take off.


I don't know what the new "in" sound will be, but I don't think it's going to be progressive or trance. Maybe 4 on the floor will loose favor with clubbers and loungey, abstract broken beats will take over or retro\New Wave sounding music might make a comeback. Who knows!

This is just what I think I'm not ripping on anyone's taste.

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Clubs: doing bad (except for Space)...not what it use to be a couple years ago

Bars/Lounges: doing very good - - went to Automatic Slims and Blue this past Saturday, and the places were packed and doing very well...cheaper drinks than clubs and much more relaxed atmosphere...this and maybe next year, might be the year of the lounge

Music: who knows - - everyone is mostly sporting the Prog./Tech/Tech house...good beats...but the scene is constantly changing and so are tastes...

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Yep. The smaller mini-club/bar/lounge seems to be making a splash. It will be interesting to see how the new mega-club on SoBe does at the end of this month...

MUSIC - I realized that this will piss off a few of you, but today's club music reminds me of the late 70's and early 80's. I don't mean to say that the music is the same (look at all the remix stuff that incorporates disco), but, I think its trend towards anthem like vocals are making me feel this.... I could be wrong...

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Originally posted by mrmatas2277

Clubs: doing bad (except for Space)...not what it use to be a couple years ago

Bars/Lounges: doing very good - - went to Automatic Slims and Blue this past Saturday, and the places were packed and doing very well...cheaper drinks than clubs and much more relaxed atmosphere...this and maybe next year, might be the year of the lounge

I love Blue, the music in there is all aces. Not much space to dance though.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

MUSIC - I realized that this will piss off a few of you, but today's club music reminds me of the late 70's and early 80's. I don't mean to say that the music is the same (look at all the remix stuff that incorporates disco), but, I think its trend towards anthem like vocals are making me feel this.... I could be wrong...

Yep, I've noticed music going in that direction too.

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GA2, I'm glad you brought this topic up for discussion.

I think music trends aren't as obvious as certain media outlets and magazines will have you believe.

Dance clubs have a lot to do with what stage you are in your life. Some kids when they just enter the club scene want to be boppin their heads to some familiar Hip Hop and Top 40 tunes, and a lot of the other younger clubbers want to dance to something "hard and fast", ie Hard Trance, UK Hard House, Tech Trance, certain types of Breakbeats and Jungle records, and some of the harder Chicago Hard House.

It doesn't happen all that often that club "virgins" go to the more Progressive House/Trance or traditional House sounding parties. A real appreciation for those parties usually starts after someone's been in the scene for more then just a couple of weeks.

Part of the problem with South Beach started in 2000 when all the clubs were forced to go 21+. That started a chain reaction all across South FL in which the under 21 crowd was shunned out of way too many clubs. Now that some of these kids have turned 21 and are new to the scene what do you think they're going to want to hear? Do you think their tastes are going to be "sophisticated"? Are they just going to be happy to just get into the clubs regardless of the musical format?

Perhaps some of them are actually seeking out the clubs that play the more "obvious" radio records, and that seems only natural if you ask me.

In Europe a lot of clubbers start going to clubs at a very early age. By the time they turn 18 they're ready to go to a place that focuses strictly on electronic music, but usually at that age they'll prefer to hear as many anthems as possible.

I'm sorry if I'm making some general statements, and I know I may be wrong on some issues, so feel free to cprrect me if I'm wrong.

Anyways, the mid 20s crowd is usually the crowd that still loves to go to some of the more "bangin sets", but is also ready to hear a mellower or more experimental set. Big clubs, small lounges, it doesn't matter so long as they feel comfortable with the music and the people around them.

Another thing to remember with an older crowd are some retro club nights, and I'm not just necessarily talking about old school House anthems. Some of the adults might want to hear some 70s Disco, 80s & 90s Pop, Dance, Hip Hop, and even some big Rock hits.

Having said all that, it's not that easy to predict what the next big trend will be in Miami. I agree with what Sobeton said in an earlier post where he talked about South Beach reinventing itself. I don't think the era of big clubs is over, it's really up to the owners to find the right promoters, to price their clubs in a smart fashion for the current economy, and to know how to be more fair when it comes to admitting people into their clubs, without letting just anybody get in there.

As far as DJs in the mainrooms of the big clubs, I think the owners need to play it safe most of the time (especially when times are tough), and let the newer DJs or lesser known veterans play in the smaller rooms or the lounges. It does no good for some of these DJs (that may be very talented) to play at a big club if no one's showing up - they should instead try to focus on building a following in a more intimate setting.

Usually if you build a good night with a good resident DJ which the crowd knows, then you can also start experimenting. You can then try to book some talent the crowd may not necessarily know if the resident DJ will warm him/her up, or if the night and club are regarded highly enough for the club patrons to trust the club will bring them someone they will enjoy paying money to hear.

Again, this is just my opinion, feel free to agree or disagree with any points that I may have brought up.

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The press has been saying it's the 'year of the lounge' for the past three years, but the established 'superclubs', and smaller clubs like Spin, seem to be in it for the long run still. It's a daring move to open a superclub now, especially if you're not known to the city as a whole. I see the new Space doing well, just because of the people and talent behind it. I see a struggle for some of the others, though...

As for music, hard and fast is still around, but a more loungey sound is coming to the forefront. Wanna know why? Drugs, it's that simple. 50% of clubgoers are fucked outta their gourds. I was once one of those, I found something else to do when I went out, that I enjoy much more than any drug...anyway, 1999 saw Ecstasy come to the top as a 'club drug', the music was similar, floaty progressive trance was the thing (ATB, etc...)...but people overdid it, the bpms and the theme came down a bit...progressive house, and so forth. Now the same squad is burnt from clubs in general, and is seeking out the lounge, with the appropriate sound....where the 'clued in' clubbers have gone all along, is now attracting the masses...it's only a matter of time before Miguel Migs has stardom akin to any of the GU DJs...

Note I didn't say all clubgoers are on drugs, just half of 'em...the other half, well, you've got people who genuinely love the scene, music enthusiasts, trainspotters, the whole bit...

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