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I dont understand you girls or is it the guys?

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What the f' is up with the guys you hang out with these days?

I cannot understand how some of my very good looking girl friends of mine cannot find a decent guy to take them out and treat 'em right. My girls are very cute, good job, non psychos (maybe a lil, lol) and they still cant find a decent guy. Not just the girls I know, but a lot of the girls on this board too........ What the hell is up with you guys, just out looking to get laid? What the fuck?

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Yup everyone on this board is shallow we all have no heart. (me especially) we are like a bunch of animals we crave no relationship just sex. We do not have a soul. We are satins children and are completely vain. Do not become attached to a NJ club planet member it will result in immediate termination of the relationship. Good looks are not enough you must have it in your heart to have no emotion and to pummel and destroy people. We are a bulldozer the unexpected victims of the opposite sex are our dirt.

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its the women

plain and simple.

perfect example ...

i used to go to the place all the time. so there was this hot chick i kinda knew. She would blow off almost every guy that came by unless he was like GQ smooth. So one day she was all upset because this guy was cheating on her. So she says " why cant i find a nice guy" answer because she blows them all off.

sO imo women judge a book by its cover and if the cover isnt perfect nothing else matters

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

its the women

plain and simple.

perfect example ...

i used to go to the place all the time. so there was this hot chick i kinda knew. She would blow off almost every guy that came by unless he was like GQ smooth. So one day she was all upset because this guy was cheating on her. So she says " why cant i find a nice guy" answer because she blows them all off.

sO imo women judge a book by its cover and if the cover isnt perfect nothing else matters

And men dont judge a book by its cover? Being a woman, if you dont look PERFECT, there is no one that gives you the time of day. It goes both ways...there is not one gender to blame. Everyone has to stop pointing fingers and let go of resentment, or they will never have happiness :D

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Originally posted by notallthere

Yup everyone on this board is shallow we all have no heart. (me especially) we are like a bunch of animals we crave no relationship just sex. We do not have a soul. We are satins children and are completely vain. Do not become attached to a NJ club planet member it will result in immediate termination of the relationship. Good looks are not enough you must have it in your heart to have no have no emotion and to pummel and destroy people. We are a bulldozer the unexpected victims of the opposite sex are our dirt.

:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by xrapturex

And men dont judge a book by its cover? Being a woman, if you dont look PERFECT, there is no one that gives you the time of day. It goes both ways...there is not one gender to blame. Everyone has to stop pointing fingers and let go of resentment, or they will never have happiness :D

yeah ut i dont give a shit if guys judge a book by their cover. they arent looking at me and if they are they better keep some distance. Besides Ill take the one who has the great personality and is cute too. :D

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I hate hearing shit like this.............I mean really, It's all just a big catch 22.

Often times guys and girls say one thing and mean something else. They'll say oh I want someone, funny, smart, wity yada yada yada. I'm not gonna lie and say looks don't count, because they do. When someone is atracted to you, typically they are atracted to ALL of you. Not always of course, and this is where women come in, women seem to be much more adept at looking past the physical aspects and see what's underneath. That's not always a good thing though, i.e. a hot chick who's gold-diggin' with some poor schmuck just cause he's got money to spend on her.

and in your case njdionsys, you have to remember women are also more emotionally fragile, they can tend to grow attached to some douche bag that once treated them nice enough to get into their pants, even though they now treat them like shit.

At the same time though, these scenarios can all be played out just as easily by man or woman.

AHHHHHH.............who gives a fuck anyway.


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i think it's BOTH guys and girls

... most of the time we just want different things ...

the sexes are very different - it causes conflict

unless you are both understanding to each others needs, then you'll never find true happiness. give a little, take a little !!!

i have a man - but i'm not always happy. some days i want to kill him, literally, and other days i just want to HUG him till he's blue.

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Originally posted by njdionysus

What the f' is up with the guys you hang out with these days?

I cannot understand how some of my very good looking girl friends of mine cannot find a decent guy to take them out and treat 'em right. My girls are very cute, good job, non psychos (maybe a lil, lol) and they still cant find a decent guy. Not just the girls I know, but a lot of the girls on this board too........ What the hell is up with you guys, just out looking to get laid? What the fuck?


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Originally posted by ou812

I hate hearing shit like this.............I mean really, It's all just a big catch 22.

Often times guys and girls say one thing and mean something else. They'll say oh I want someone, funny, smart, wity yada yada yada. I'm not gonna lie and say looks don't count, because they do. When someone is atracted to you, typically they are atracted to ALL of you. Not always of course, and this is where women come in, women seem to be much more adept at looking past the physical aspects and see what's underneath. That's not always a good thing though, i.e. a hot chick who's gold-diggin' with some poor schmuck just cause he's got money to spend on her.

and in your case njdionsys, you have to remember women are also more emotionally fragile, they can tend to grow attached to some douche bag that once treated them nice enough to get into their pants, even though they now treat them like shit.

At the same time though, these scenarios can all be played out just as easily by man or woman.

AHHHHHH.............who gives a fuck anyway.


Wow very well said and very true.. im impressed

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