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Can Somebody Please Explain ....

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i saw THE RING last night - it was realy good i thought, except i didn't understand the ending ..... can somebody who saw it please explain to me what the hell hapenned ???

my perception was this - rachel didn't die because she made a copy of the tape, so she had her son make a copy of the tape too.


i don't get it - if that;s the case why did she go through all that trouble of finding the dead girl and setting her FREE ???

i HATE movies that confuse me !!!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

i saw THE RING last night - it was realy good i thought, except i didn't understand the ending ..... can somebody who saw it please explain to me what the hell hapenned ???

my perception was this - rachel didn't die because she made a copy of the tape, so she had her son make a copy of the tape too.


i don't get it - if that;s the case why did she go through all that trouble of finding the dead girl and setting her FREE ???

i HATE movies that confuse me !!!


:mad: :mad: :mad:

Ok The reason why she wanted to get the girl out of the wel is because she didn't realize she was evil (her stupid son left that minor detail out) and she thought by doing so I t would lift the curse. But after she let her spirit out her son told her that she was evil and now she's going to kill more then ever.

Now the reason why her son and her did not die was because they copied the tape. The girl in the well was some kind of evil artist and she wanted her work to be seen by many. So every time you copy the tape (spreading her artwork around) she would spare your life because you are like her promoter

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Originally posted by notallthere

Ok The reason why she wanted to get the girl out of the wel is because she didn't realize she was evil (her stupid son left that minor detail out) and she thought by doing so I t would lift the curse. But after she let her spirit out her son told her that she was evil and now she's going to kill more then ever.

Now the reason why her son and her did not die was because they copied the tape. The girl in the well was some kind of evil artist and she wanted her work to be seen by many. So every time you copy the tape (spreading her artwork around) she would spare your life because you are like her promoter

well if that is the ending then i think the movie kind of sucked !!

i mean it was GOOD but the ending has no connection to really anthing else that happened in the movie except the tape that the little girl was on where she says "it will never stop"

for ex: the horses going MAD, or the mountain inn where the tape was, or even why the mom killed her to begin with ??

i'm assuming this child was possessed - did she make all that shit happen ??

god damn - i wish i never saw that movie cause now it's all i'm trying to figure out today !!

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

well if that is the ending then i think the movie kind of sucked !!

i mean it was GOOD but the ending has no connection to really anthing else that happened in the movie except the tape that the little girl was on where she says "it will never stop"

for ex: the horses going MAD, or the mountain inn where the tape was, or even why the mom killed her to begin with ??

i'm assuming this child was possessed - did she make all that shit happen ??

god damn - i wish i never saw that movie cause now it's all i'm trying to figure out today !!

Your reading into it to much. The mom killed her because she was just a all around weird demented evil chick that was able to make such disturbing art work that it kills people and does shit. The horses went crazy around her becuase the could sense her evil.

To be honest the movie wasn't that great. It was made to be scary but in reality there's not much to it.

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Originally posted by barbiegirl

well if that is the ending then i think the movie kind of sucked !!

i mean it was GOOD but the ending has no connection to really anthing else that happened in the movie except the tape that the little girl was on where she says "it will never stop"

for ex: the horses going MAD, or the mountain inn where the tape was, or even why the mom killed her to begin with ??

i'm assuming this child was possessed - did she make all that shit happen ??

god damn - i wish i never saw that movie cause now it's all i'm trying to figure out today !!

not too sure about the horses either but the reason behind the mountain inn was because that was where she was thrown down the well...if you recall they digged up the floor in the cabin and that was where the well was...the ending was a little cheesy but the part where she came out of the well was freaky as hell

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Originally posted by notallthere

Ok The reason why she wanted to get the girl out of the wel is because she didn't realize she was evil (her stupid son left that minor detail out) and she thought by doing so I t would lift the curse. But after she let her spirit out her son told her that she was evil and now she's going to kill more then ever.

Now the reason why her son and her did not die was because they copied the tape. The girl in the well was some kind of evil artist and she wanted her work to be seen by many. So every time you copy the tape (spreading her artwork around) she would spare your life because you are like her promoter

you the right idea.... but the wrong reasons...

listen the reason they did'nt die IS because they copied the tape but it was because the girl wanted everyone to see what happened to her....her father did'nt even know what happened.....she survived for 7 days in that well...so basically thats how long you had to ensure her story would be told....ex> make a copy......

she had a tortured soul cause she was murdered...her mother had some kind schizophrenia as a result of having so many miscarriages...she just snapped

her soul tortered people cause she was eternally tortured

hope that helps :tongue:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

you the right idea.... but the wrong reasons...

listen the reason they did'nt die IS because they copied the tape but it was because the girl wanted everyone to see what happened to her....her father did'nt even know what happened.....she survived for 7 days in that well...so basically thats how long you had to ensure her story would be told....ex> make a copy......

she had a tortured soul cause she was murdered...her mother had some kind schizophrenia as a result of having so many miscarriages...she just snapped

her soul tortered people cause she was eternally tortured

hope that helps :tongue:

No you are wrong. She wasn't tortured ...for the first half of the movie they lead you to believe that she was by the way she was treated by her parents but towards the end (the movies plot twists) and they let you know that she was always evil since she was born and the reason her parents locked her away was because she was so evil they didn't know what to do with her. Finally her mother killed her because she thought that was the only way she could be stopped.

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Actually, I would rate it a 2 out of 10. None of the story made sense. I was really hoping that this would be a 'thinking' horror movie like "Sixth Sense", but it tried way too hard. Here are a few unanswered questions (Warning: spoilers): The flashbacks to the life of the little girl looked like she lived in the the 1800's (the clothes of both her and her mother). Also the timeline of her life was never made clear. Did her parents lock her in the barn after she killed the horses? If so why does she say, the horses keep her up at night? And if not, why did they lock her up there? What was the purpose of the phone call telling you you had seven days to live, because obviously you don't actually have to answer the phone. I also don't buy Aidan knowing all the answers, he really didn't have anything to do with the girl but somehow he knows her real intentions. Also the friend of the first girl that dies also seemed to know a lot (she tells Rachel she only has 4 days left) but how did she all of a sudden know all this? Lastly the discovery of making a copy to save your life makes a little bit of sense, but when Aidan says "What happens to the person we show it to" what does that mean? Rachel destroyed one tape with no effect, so why not destroy them all! Sure this was a spooky movie, but it was mindless. People who think this is a deep movie must not be thinking too hard.

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Originally posted by mystify82281

lol angelicious had a post like this the other day.... i didn't see it yet, but dont' even know if i should considering how many people this movie is confusing!!!! :confused::D

Out all the people I know that saw,only one person said he thought it sucked, I think that's cuz he didn't get it....lol

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i agree with NOTALLTHERE, the more i think about it, the more it doesn't make sense and the more pissed i get that i spent $9.00 to see it when i could have seen EMINEMS ASS instead !!

anthony is right - they show no timeline of samaras life and what the hell did that girl have to do with it in the metal hospital, i forgot about her until he mentioned it again.

the horses - what did they have to do with the movie too, NOTHING really if you think about it !!

anyway - i agree we should see it again and take notes this time to reevaluate .... i'm not paying though, i say we sneek in !!

:D :D :D :D

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here's what I think....

when the mother went away and came back pregnant - the father did not like it at all because she wasnt suppose to be pregnant...

father never liked his daughter from the beginning therefore keeping her up there on the barn, where the horses were...

that is why the horses kept her up all night - while she was living up there, she became evil because she was isolated from people? and then making the horses drown because they kept her up all night (she was afraid of them)...

her friend who tells rachel she only has 4 days to live heard about the story... ----> remember beginning of the movie she's the one who brings it up about the story of watching the tape... so she heard about it before and because it actually happened to her friend she knew exactly when rachel was going to die..

did i just make sense at all???

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