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I have to ask...

Why would “they†move the “_Pack It Up Miami/sobe, I Told You Its Ova, And It Is..." thread to Drama, but leave the "so i had to change my name for now...." “xsaleen351†thread untouched? I thought a good debate was going on in the Pack It Up thread and the other one is 100% drama.

Will the person who made the call have the decency to respond?

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Guest saleen351

typical CP bullshit...

any ways, I was in sutra last night and i'm not sure if they'll be opened for the weekend, they got the place torn apart... so more then likely we have to go to your spot for the hook ups..

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I have to ask...

Why would “they” move the “_Pack It Up Miami/sobe, I Told You Its Ova, And It Is..." thread to Drama, but leave the "so i had to change my name for now...." “xsaleen351” thread untouched? I thought a good debate was going on in the Pack It Up thread and the other one is 100% drama.

Will the person who made the call have the decency to respond?


Man you must have been reading my mind because I was going to post this exact same thing before the phone starting ringing.

Anyway to answer your questions this xsaleen351 is either shoormy or GA2 (the moderators). They have done things like this countless time in the past so just learn to expect this adolescent behavor.

I personal think it is a fucking shame that instead of debating and arguing your opinions like adults some people on here have to result to personal attacks and immature photo shop pictures.


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Originally posted by guyman1966

OK. Now someone moved the "XSALEEN" thread to Drama. Good move! But, why not offer an explaination on the other? It would be nice to know why... I don't want to argue about it.

Don’t you see how ironic it is that the thread was moved only after our comments?:rolleyes:

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Guest saleen351

don't worry, in less then 2 months not one person will post on vip or cp.... trust me on that one.... we all know where we will be, and i'm sure they will run a fair game over there, where legit threads such as mine, that actually discuss the scene won't get moved...

its time to make guyman a mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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Originally posted by guyman1966

OK. Now someone moved the "XSALEEN" thread to Drama. Good move! But, why not offer an explaination on the other? It would be nice to know why... I don't want to argue about it.

Guyman, I moved it by mistake. I meant to move the sgtfury thread that had 5 things saleens should do blah, blah, blah.

I never read the other xsaleen351 thread, that's why it never got moved.

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Originally posted by saleen351

don't worry, in less then 2 months not one person will post on vip or cp.... trust me on that one.... we all know where we will be, and i'm sure they will run a fair game over there, where legit threads such as mine, that actually discuss the scene won't get moved...

its time to make guyman a mod!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

yeah I vote for guyman

he's hella cool:bounce:

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by georgeacasta2

Guyman, I moved it by mistake. I meant to move the sgtfury thread that had 5 things saleens should do blah, blah, blah.

I never read the other xsaleen351 thread, that's why it never got moved.

have dave move it back....

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Here's the PM I just sent DaVe

Can you please clear things up for me.

I am being accused of starting this thread with a fake username Link

Can you please respond to this accusation by clearing my name on this thread link

Oh one more thing, I moved this thread by mistake to the drama board. Can you please move it back to the Miami board link

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Originally posted by guyman1966

GA2 -

Thanks for taking action and admitting the mistake. I’d buy you a drink @ Spin, BUT THEY ARE ALL FREE! C-ya there.


I would've responded sooner but I haven't had time today. I moved the xsaleen351 thread and was about to respond to this thread when something came up at work.

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I have obviously been a little out of it for a while.

But here are my general rules about what I move to drama.

Personal attacks. i.e. you fat ugly slut etc.. (unless they are on Saleen, who deserves it.)

Racial/Ethnic attacks or comments.

Promotions or Spam not related to Miami.

Posts that go way off topic and are hijacked.

I will almost never move an entire post that starts as drama since I figure only those interested in it will read it after the first time. (Which it sounds like "Its Over" was, but I never read it.)

BTW I move about 1 post every few days on average unless Saleen or Mikey are PMS'ing, then I get a work out.

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by shroomy

I have obviously been a little out of it for a while.

But here are my general rules about what I move to drama.

Personal attacks. i.e. you fat ugly slut etc.. (unless they are on Saleen, who deserves it.)

Racial/Ethnic attacks or comments.

Promotions or Spam not related to Miami.

Posts that go way off topic and are hijacked.

I will almost never move an entire post that starts as drama since I figure only those interested in it will read it after the first time. (Which it sounds like "Its Over" was, but I never read it.)

BTW I move about 1 post every few days on average unless Saleen or Mikey are PMS'ing, then I get a work out.

nigga what???????????

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