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You Drive a Honda Civic Not a Race Car

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This is funny as hell.. taken form the maddox website

You Drive a Honda Civic

Not a Race Car

Why are people so obsessed with making their cars look like they're faster than they really are? It's not just Civic owners, it's people with Neons and Hyundais too. They go all out and buy new rims, tint their windows, add fins, paint stripes on their car... why? It's old. You drive a shitty car, deal with it. Mitsubishi Eclipse owners are some of the worst offenders. What's the point of dumping all this cash into modifications when it won't significantly change the performance of your vehicle?

It's ironic that with all the money that these morons dump into modification, they could have saved up and bought a real sports car in a couple of years instead of pretending like they drive one now. It doesn't matter how big your fins are, it doesn't matter how cool your rims look, it doesn't matter how much noise your muffler makes. You still drive a shitty car. Period. End of story.

The other day I pulled up next to some jackass in an intersection. He started to rev up his engine and roll back and forth. I turned my head towards him, glanced at his car, glanced at him, rolled my eyes and turned back to the road. This pissed off the driver and as soon as the light turned green, he went peeling off. Way to go jackass. Now what did he prove? A) That his car is so fast and powerful, that he can even beat people who aren't racing him. B) That he's a wise investor for buying those rims, because the ones he had just weren't cutting it. C) Those stripes on his car look sharp and hide the fact that it's still just a Civic or D) That he's a dipshit.

Why didn't I race him? Because I don't drive a sports car and I know it. I could pretend I drive a sports car, just like anyone else. I could put giant fins on my car and pretend it's a jet or whatever the hell they think putting huge fins on a car accomplishes. Or I could quit pretending and just drive my damn car to work and school. Watching people race in Civics is like watching people race in minivans. I suppose the competition is there, but it's anti-climactic, like watching two geriatrics playing golf. It's a race where even if you win, you lose.

What's the point of having a fast car anyway? Is there some legal speed that they're trying to reach that they can't seem to do with normal cars? Even if your car can go more than 200 mph, you have to break the law (more often than not) to do so. Way to go dipshit, you spent your life savings on something you can't use. Worthless.

people modified their cars in hopes of making it look unlike the cheap piece of shit that it is.


Back to how much I rule...

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"Watching people race in Civics is like watching people race in minivans"...:laugh: :laugh:

Z100 a while back was giving away tickets to moms in minivans...that was hysterical. They made them all peel out and whoever made the longest tire line (or whatever its called) won. That reminded me of it. Very funny.

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I personally hate it when people that drive civics and whatnot rice the hell out of their cars. In my opinion it looks like shit. Yes, i will admit it will get my attention at first, but then me & my girls or me & my boys sit there & laugh at how dumb they really are. If i had a fast car, i wouldn't show it off...I luv fast cars & get a rush when i race them, but i seriously hate it when those jerks pull up next to me & rev their engines. The funny thing is, sumtimes i just get fed up, put my car into first & take off...Then i beat them sumtimes & they make up sum excuse like they weren't ready. Please, u r sittin next to me, revin your engine, tryin 2 get my attention & i race u & u aren't ready? just take your defeat & move on. only once did a guy say nice job to me. Sorry, i had to vent that all out..

i personally hate all the exterior things people to do their cars. I will admit sum look very hot. i especially like that picture of the supra that was posted, very hot..well, back to work for me :D

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I hate those f'n annoying mufflers, bzzzzzz zzz zzzzzzz! Whoever invented them should be deported. How the hell can you drive around every day with that f'n thing buzzing, it sounds like shit. At least the Flowmasters from back in the day made it sound like you had something under the hood even if you didnt.

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Originally posted by chillfactor

if you dont live the life stop hating on it people.. yea dont get me wrong i hate rice boys 2 but there is so much more 2 it then assholes driving civics....

What's that? assholes driving Eclipses too?

:laugh: :laugh:

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:laugh:..actually the other day this guy was next to me and my boyrfiend on the road. He's sitting next to us reving his engine in his Tracer(whatever its called) and my boyfriend has a Lexus. I was dying laughing then the light changes this kifd takes off and almosts hits the guys right in front of him. IDIOT.
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Originally posted by ou812

What's that? assholes driving Eclipses too?

:laugh: :laugh:

yea eclipses 2 bro.. there are a few cars out there that everyone and there grandmother thinks is fast but really needs a shit load of work 2 get them there.

and yea piro8 is right they do watch alot of fast and furious.. i love that movie but i also hate it at the same time because of the wrong image it gave about the real import culture...the movie just made every lil punk go buy civics and eclipses, buy underbody lights-big wings-and made kids drive stupid which bothers the hell out of me cuz i get these lil punks reving at me at the light too....when they know i will probably destroy them if i really took em serious...

dont hate bro there there is so much more 2 it then assholes reving at a light with slow cars and alost causing accidents.

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

The funniest thing I ever saw was a totally pimped out Neon!!!!

Rims, tinted, stereo, alarm, stripes, exhaust......it was hysterical. Yeah it looked phat, but why not just a better car instead of pimping out a Neon.....lol

tell me about it spygirl i hate them too... it is so funny that all these american cars are trying 2 get into the import scene.**focuses,cavilers,neons,mustangs,camaro,etc...**

the import scene will have venues like hot import nights,import revolution ,etc... big major shows and u have all these shit american cars in the show with there own title or bracket called domestic imports .. that shit makes me laugh so bad

so yea they get a chance 2 win a trophy 2 with those ugly ass cars:laugh:

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Ahhhh, it's just a stupid waste of money, it's impractical. Buy a $20K car and then dump $25K worth of crap into it to increase it's performance by what 15 maybe 20%. I found that Supra up there from the movie for sale onthe interenet for $150,000, yeah that's right, and it has 60,000 miles on it already, what a waste.

I'd rather blow my money on a bike. For a grand total of about $15K you could have a turbo equipped gixxer 1000 that puts out about 280 or so hp, will do 1/4 mile in the 8's and will have a top speed of over 220 mph. Of course you'd need balls the size of grapefruits to ride the things, but how's that for financially responsible :D

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Originally posted by ou812

Ahhhh, it's just a stupid waste of money, it's impractical. Buy a $20K car and then dump $25K worth of crap into it to increase it's performance by what 15 maybe 20%. I found that Supra up there from the movie for sale onthe interenet for $150,000, yeah that's right, and it has 60,000 miles on it already, what a waste.

I'd rather blow my money on a bike. For a grand total of about $15K you could have a turbo equipped gixxer 1000 that puts out about 280 or so hp, will do 1/4 mile in the 8's and will have a top speed of over 220 mph. Of course you'd need balls the size of grapefruits to ride the things, but how's that for financially responsible :D

i agree bro i would never buy that stupid crap off the computer , what just cause it was in a movie or a prototype ...yea ok

i can buy a simple supra for 18k dropp 2 huge snails in it and have it running 8's easily or even a new gen. rx7

i have three cars bro and i am build all three some for show and some for go so thats why i went with the cheaper cars, if i had the money 2 burn now i would get a new m3,350z... but like u said u would get a streetbike and that my next toy. i been wanting a bike since i was lil kid man but i had 2 get thecars out the way first.

now its time 2shop for the gixxer gsxr 600 or 750

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