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WELSH'S"PORNO" book review(+Trainspotting movie update)

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So I just put down the sequel to

Trainspotting called PORNO and

I'm getting my coat on to go rent

the original movie.

Fucking Irvine Welsh is genius.

(I'm still pissed I missed him

reading from his newest book back

in NY at Barnes and Nobles) Like the

original story that introduces you to

the Laeith gang of junkies and

scam artists the sequel is just as

disturbing and hillariouse.I won't give

the ending away but I'll just tell you

that you learn way more about each

character than before.

The story catches up with the crew

ten years later and they are way more

fucked up in the head than ever.

(And equaly as illegible with hard accents

..some sentences you have to give like three

reads to decifer)

PORNO finds Sick Boy moving back to

Leith on his newest scam,making PORN movies.

Renton owns a club in Amsterdam and

is a huge Techno head, Spud's still trying

to kick nasty habits and tries to write the

history of Leith (poor Spud),Begbie is out

of jail and demented as always,(Fueled by

his hatred and desired revenge on Renton..

as well as traumatized by some gay porn

he's been getting sent to him in jail

for ten years straight.)And Diann is a

college student (now of legal age)

writing a paper on pornography.

Irvine welsh throws the entire crew of

Trainspotting fuckups all

back together for a ten year reunion

and gives you one of the funniest and most

disturbing rides he's ever penned down to date.

What's even better is that Ewen Mcgregor has

patched shit up with Danny Boyle

(director of Trainnspotting) after a major

falling out and has agreed to do the movie

along with the entire original cast.

And since the original movie was a

gem with an equally amazing sound track.

I can't wait to see what Boyle does up on

the screen with Welshes world this time round.

"Nah go ootside N rid

it ya daft cunts or yell be

sorry ya missed itlike ya ken?"


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With which character from TRAINSPOTTING/PORNO do you most identify?

-At the moment, Spud.

Are the characters based on people you know, and would you admit to it?

-I can’t be sure, but if I was I wouldn’t admit it.

Who do you think is most likely to make it to 80 – Renton, Sick Boy, Spud or Begbie?

-Probably Renton. Begbie if he gets a life sentence in a maximum security prison.

Did you do much research into the porn industry when you were writing the book?

-Just the usual Saturday night stuff. I’ve one or two friends who work in ‘the industry’ who were very helpful.

In the film of TRAINSPOTTING, you had a cameo role as a dealer. Now that the film rights to PORNO have been sold, will you be starring, do you think?

-I’d have to go into training, get rid of the love handles. Even my acting isn’t bad enough for porn.

Did you always plan to write a sequel to TRAINSPOTTING? Can you see yourself making it a trilogy?

-Yes. I had a sequel, which I didn’t use and it resurfaces as different stories. I shelved the idea as they didn’t add anything to the original. Better to wait nine years on. Now I can never envisage a third part, but who knows how I’ll feel later.

Do you feel proud of the increased profile of Scottish literature over the past decade, and of your part in increasing it?

-Yes. It has had a higher profile and I think I’ve played some part in that. Others would say it’s not been for the best, but there you go.

I know you divide your time between Amsterdam and London these days – do you still feel a strong link with Edinburgh? Do you think the city has changed much since you wrote TRAINSPOTTING?

-I divide my time between London and Edinburgh, and seldom make it to Amsterdam these days. Edinburgh city centre has changed since Trainspotting, but in much the same way all big UK/western cities have; more offices, call centres, wine bars, theme pubs, tourist attractions. Life in the schemes goes on pretty much the same as always.


What are you reading at the moment?

-Janice Galloway’s Clara.

What is your favourite book of all time?

-The Making of Hibernian Vols 1-3 by Alan Lugton

Which book do you wish you had written?

-The Koran

What do you think is the most over-rated book of all time?

-The Bible

Which living author do you most admire?

-Hubert Selby Jr. I spoke to him once on the phone from LA and he still seems well up for it.

Which of your books are you most proud of?

-Marabou Stork Nightmares.


How would you like to be remembered?

-As someone who had a good heart.

Would you prefer to top the best-seller lists or win a Nobel Prize for literature?

-Both. I’d prefer both. Given the choice the best-sellers list anytime.

Which question would you like to be asked in an interview?

-Why are your books so successful in their Italian and Japanese translations?

Which five people, living or dead, real or fictional, would you most like to invite round for dinner?

-Ghandi, Twiggy, two hunger strikers and Mullah Omar during Ramadam, as I’d be okay for a decent nosh.

And lastly – why should everyone buy Porno?

-It’s simply a magnificent book. It has strong, memorable characters, is a brilliantly plotted tale of revenge, betrayal and paranoia etc, etc.

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How did that quote from trainspotting go?

"For a vegetarian...your a real bastard..."

something like that....definitly a good flick :aright:

have to pick up the books sometime if I can ever shy

away from science fiction and philosophy.

Im kinda sorta wrighting my own book now...

So far the title of it is "The Book of Relentless Blabbering"

I know the title needs work...but im only 5 pages into the prelude.


<center><font face="verdana"><img src="http://members.aol.com/groovydougie/quizzes/spud.gif"><br><a href="http://members.aol.com/groovydougie/quizzes/trainspotting.htm">Which Trainspotting Character Are You?</a></font></center>

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You know I wonder who will

also be on the soundtrack this time


Here's my top ten picks

that should make it on the "PORNO"


"Fuck the pain away" (Peaches)

"It began in afrika-ka-ka" (Chemical brothers)

"Two Months off" (Underworld)

"Silver screen" (Felix da house cat featuring

Miss Kitten)

"Seventeen" (Ladytron)

Some poofy ROD STEWART track(read the book

and you'll know why)

"Rabbit in the headlights" UNKLE (spud's new


"Never say never" (Romeo Void..)

(might like you better if we slept together)

"Diabla" (FunkDvoid) Amsterdam techno scenes

with Renton & Sick boy at club..

"PORNO 3003" (pizzicato five remixed by

Thievery Corporation.)

And some swanky porn type seventies

track remixed by DJ DIMITRI FROM PARIS

with samples of the movie.

(With an obligatory DUBBY dust brothers

track thrown is as well)

How about you..

what tracks would you put in

the movie?

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