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What make s a club GHETTO???


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I refuse to defend my topic...

If it is not to par with what you may find interesting, then there is only one thing to do....IGNORE IT....

see the use of a message board is to post, entertain, and well do what ever you want with out overstepping.

So if you truly find it a waste of time, I am sure there is a cause out there you can shed your bra for and BURN BABY BURN :):laugh:

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Originally posted by fidosgrrl

I refuse to defend my topic...

If it is not to par with what you may find interesting, then there is only one thing to do....IGNORE IT....

see the use of a message board is to post, entertain, and well do what ever you want with out overstepping.

So if you truly find it a waste of time, I am sure there is a cause out there you can shed your bra for and BURN BABY BURN :):laugh:

Your defensiveness amuses me. Per your suggestion of ignoring your topic, thanks but, no thanks. I’ll post whatever I choose and without your permission (as you should). And, if I think it’s a waste or stupid, I’ll tell you. If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!

Now, about your “bra” issues… Speaking solely for myself, please keep your bra on. I have no desire to see your sagging puppies.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Your defensiveness amuses me. Per your suggestion of ignoring your topic, thanks but, no thanks. I’ll post whatever I choose and without your permission (as you should). And, if I think it’s a waste or stupid, I’ll tell you. If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!

Now, about your “bra” issues… Speaking solely for myself, please keep your bra on. I have no desire to see your sagging puppies.

Hey GM66 I think this thread is kinda ammusing its just funny !!!!!

and about the sagging puppies :laugh: :laugh: to funny

no offense fidosgrrl

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Your defensiveness amuses me. Per your suggestion of ignoring your topic, thanks but, no thanks. I’ll post whatever I choose and without your permission (as you should). And, if I think it’s a waste or stupid, I’ll tell you. If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!

Now, about your “bra” issues… Speaking solely for myself, please keep your bra on. I have no desire to see your sagging puppies.

:flame: :goofy: :clap2: :clap2: :rock:

I look forward to meeting you on Sat. Now as for floppy puppies---Ay please...


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Originally posted by guyman1966

Your defensiveness amuses me. Per your suggestion of ignoring your topic, thanks but, no thanks. I’ll post whatever I choose and without your permission (as you should). And, if I think it’s a waste or stupid, I’ll tell you. If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!

Hey pappy...relax man...it'll be ok...I promise. lol. U've been quite the fiesty one one this board lately huh??...down boy..down;) Anyways, I think this thread may have started due to another one where ghetto attire was brought up and stuff like that..not b/c Fidosgirl doesn't know what ghetto is or not. Personally, I find this thread quite amsuing and funny. Anywho......if u have any funny comments ab how've u've seen "ghetto" change over the years;) :tongue: we'd be more than happy to hear/read ab them and continue on from there:D

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Originally posted by fidosgirl

I look forward to meeting you on Sat. Now as for floppy puppies---Ay please...

I wish I could say the same. I promise the meeting will be brief.

Originally posted by sunnyhost

U've been quite the fiesty one one this board lately huh??...down boy..down;)

Yes I have! GuyMan is on fire!!! GuyMan is PMSing!!! GuyMan is the Rebel Without A Clue!!!!!

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Originally posted by sunnyhost

:confused: Guyman needs to get some :idea:

P.S: isn't the saying "rebel without a cause"?!?!????

Yes, its should be "cause", but today, I'm not myself and I have no CLUE.

fyi - Guyman and Mrs. Guyman had a wonderful night!!! Mrs. GuyMan went out with the girls, and came home all horned up... woke my ass up and raped me... I LOVE IT. Its our agreement, when we go out, we can come home and wake the other for some-some-some!

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In light of that response....I am sure it will be short

Guy---are you PMS'ing or is it you are sexually represed...Sad to say that men with that much "fiestiness" is due to high testosterone levels....both which can occure at special times such as those above :P

Don't hate guy...Be peaceful!

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Yes, its should be "cause", but today, I'm not myself and I have no CLUE.

OOOOoooohhhh:rolleyes: :tongue:

Originally posted by guyman1966

fyi - Guyman and Mrs. Guyman had a wonderful night!!!

Well good 4 u then ol' chap!:D

U still need to work on that fiestiness though!

Oh yeah, and still no comments on "ghetto"?

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Originally posted by fidosgrrl

are you PMS'ing or is it you are sexually represed...Sad to say that men with that much "fiestiness" is due to high testosterone levels....both which can occure at special times such as those above :P

Well, I think it is impossible for me to really be PMSing and I'm happy to say that your second idea of repression is not the case here. So, what do you think? Are you certain that this is a "HIGH TESTOSERONE" problem? Do you suffer from the same "HIGH TESTOSERONE" issues? Are you an expert on men?

Originally posted by fidosgrrl

Don't hate guy...Be peaceful!

GuyMan does not hate anyone. Let's go hug a tree!

(This is soooo much better then that Ghetto debate!!)

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Originally posted by guyman1966

If you need someone to explain to you what makes a club a Ghetto club, you are clueless or from a foreign country. Please!



Mi humildad disculpa tu ignorancia.....atorrante:D

BTW, yur a little too old to post IMO. When I read yur comments in the past fews weeks... I went from being sorry for a clueless wanna be "in" .....to being really sorry. Crece huevonazo........ :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by vipnerd



Mi humildad disculpa tu ignorancia.....atorrante:D

BTW, yur a little too old to post IMO. When I read yur comments in the past fews weeks... I went from being sorry for a clueless wanna be "in" .....to being really sorry. Crece huevonazo........ :laugh: :laugh:

Please do not waste your energy feeling sorry for me. I did not notice an age limit in the CP agreement. I’m having a blast meeting the wonderful people here. Sorry you are threatened by an old man. How pathetic are you? Come on! An old guy who is not even interested in competing with you for chicks scares you!!! Hahahahahahaha.... When I was your age SON, I would have never feel threatened by an old Guy(man). Also, if you think that this message board makes you “inâ€, your are a complete loser! Have a nice day.

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Originally posted by guyman1966

Please do not waste your energy feeling sorry for me. I did not notice an age limit in the CP agreement. I’m having a blast meeting the wonderful people here. Sorry you are threatened by an old man. How pathetic are you? Come on! An old guy who is not even interested in competing with you for chicks scares you!!! Hahahahahahaha.... When I was your age SON, I would have never feel threatened by an old Guy(man). Also, if you think that this message board makes you “in”, your are a complete loser! Have a nice day.

:lol3: :lol3: :lol3::confused: :confused:

I can only be astonished by your ignorance...

You consider a foreigner clueless, because he is a foreigner. For me that is being simply a racist homophobic.

Being "in", meant trying really hard to gain the respect of a board.. to what you have to say...

You are married??, and mention girls??..a man is first for his principles..I wanted to pull your tongue, because half this board is a foreigner or first generation immigrant. We are a Miami board...

Enough said...you didn't get my point. I feel really happy if you have a good time in Lauderdale. But keep your sarcasm for your private life. Don't attack half this board and think you are a smart @$$ by doing it.

It took +/- 100 years for Bob to quote Lincoln..."You can fool some of the people some of the time...but you can't fool all of the people all of the time..."

As to Lolahotass, I've never met you...but you seem to celebrate anything Nick and his clever characters try to portray...it's fine with me, but you seem to be quite intelligent...don't become a racist homophobic yourself.

This is nothing personal, I believe we deserve the right to be respected.

Have fun tonight...can't wait to meet all of you guys...Saleen, the Hog, Dabannedjew, Dajew, whateverDUI, GM66...I would have to cook for all of you.

This is meant to be an apology to having said you are old...but it takes that to try to make you understand that regardless of what your age is, a racist is a loser, no matter from what angle you want to look at it.

Peace, I love you all...


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Originally posted by vipnerd

As to Lolahotass, I've never met you...but you seem to celebrate anything Nick and his clever characters try to portray...it's fine with me, but you seem to be quite intelligent...don't become a racist homophobic yourself.

So I praise everything someone else says. Hmmmm, only cuz I agree most of the time.... I guess that makes me bad? whateva.

And I don't seem intelligent, I actually AM intelligent:idea:

I have never on this board singled someone out becuz of color, sexuality, or race. So please, do not call me a racist or even assume I am one. You are barking up the wrong tree kiddo.

You coming out tonight to meet us? It'll be fun - we are not shady characters.... well................:laugh: :laugh:


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Far be it from me to include myself in the drama of others, BUT....

Originally posted by vipnerd

You consider a foreigner clueless, because he is a foreigner. For me that is being simply a racist homophobic.


By this, are you insinuating that all "foreigners" are homosexual? If so, than I'm sure the heterosexual "foreigners" would find YOUR comments much more offensive.

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Originally posted by lolahotass

You coming out tonight to meet us? It'll be fun - we are not shady characters.... well................:laugh: :laugh:

:eek: :eek: :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:


Originally posted by Anteye

By this, are you insinuating that all "foreigners" are homosexual? If so, than I'm sure the heterosexual "foreigners" would find YOUR comments much more offensive.

:confused: :confused:

Where did homosexual come into play????:eek::D

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Originally posted by vipnerd

You consider a foreigner clueless, because he is a foreigner. For me that is being simply a racist homophobic.

OK. If you reread my original point, it was not directed against foreigners. I was trying to say that if someone came here from another country, I'd expect them to ask what a ghetto club was like. My point was that the foreigner would be clueless as to what a ghetto club is. It was not a knock on foreigners or ghetto clubs. If you are new to a country…. (you should get my point now)

Originally posted by vipnerd

to try to make you understand that regardless of what your age is, a racist is a loser, no matter from what angle you want to look at it.

Also, when you reread my posts, please show me were I'm saying anything against homosexuals or anything racist. You could not be further from the truth. I have said I don't like the hip-hop elements in SoBe. And, that includes blacks, whites and Hispanics living that lifestyle. I did not single out any ethnic group.

Really, you must have just missed my points.

OldManGuyMan OUT!

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