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New Venue Coming To North Jersey! [Manhatten Streets]

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Im not Suposed to say anything, But i am anyways.

This is gonna be the newest most upscale lounge/bar yet!

Were talking about top Name Djs From NYC/NJ Spinning as well!

A NYC Lounge Feel In NJ!

This is No Ordinary Lounge!

Italian Design.. With a SIIIICK System!! and custom Dj Booth

Coming Soon!!!!!!

PS: Also looking for Bartenders, Promoters & Popuar DJ's! email me

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy


YOU KILL ME............

DJ'S = Jocks (Disc JOCKeys)

ATTENTION - here comes another restaurant turned night club, I feel it in my bones. This is exactly why NY has a cabaret license requirement. To protect the big boys. The place where I work did 850 last night, most of these so called lounges are lucky to fit 85. God help us all

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I agree with dtrave. I think everyone is starting to realize the good from the bad. Nowadays, people think you just through a couple couches in the corner, rent some cheap wedding dj setup and through that in the corner also, and then through the word "LOUNGE" after the current name of the restaurant they are promoting and ...........boom, they have a "NEW "nightclub/lounge! There are some good ones out there(very few) and there are alot of bad ones that go in and out of business before people get the chance to waste there $ and time even giving it a shot. People are on to the new "lounge scam". It gives what we all do a bad rap. People start to forget what they can and cannot believe.

By the way, this is in no way any offense to you jerry, and i wish you luck in this new party. Good parties are good for new jersey nightlife....................bad ones make us all as a industry(jersey)look bad. So..............HOPE YOUR PARTY IS BANGIN!

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I was not directing any of that to any place specificly. I am just talking about places that litter Metros parking lot like theres no tomorrow, places with alot of BARK and absolutly NO BITE. Other than that, i just think the promotors should be more selective with the VENUES that they choose to promote, thats half of the problem. But than again, their choices are limited also.

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Originally posted by ml2k1

I was not directing any of that to any place specificly. I am just talking about places that litter Metros parking lot like theres no tomorrow, places with alot of BARK and absolutly NO BITE. Other than that, i just think the promotors should be more selective with the VENUES that they choose to promote, thats half of the problem. But than again, their choices are limited also.

To take it one step further, promoters should work directly for the VENUE, and promote the VENUE, not themselves. Since the industry has allowed this, owners in some cases are actually working for the promoters, not themselves, this is what I despise the most. In other words, when did the promoters "party" become the attraction, not the VENUE? Let me guess, that is how they do it in the city, and where is that now?

People please catch on

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Originally posted by osb

YOU KILL ME............

DJ'S = Jocks (Disc JOCKeys)

ATTENTION - here comes another restaurant turned night club, I feel it in my bones. This is exactly why NY has a cabaret license requirement. To protect the big boys. The place where I work did 850 last night, most of these so called lounges are lucky to fit 85. God help us all

we got horse racers now too....

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Originally posted by ml2k1

I was not directing any of that to any place specificly. I am just talking about places that litter Metros parking lot like theres no tomorrow, places with alot of BARK and absolutly NO BITE. Other than that, i just think the promotors should be more selective with the VENUES that they choose to promote, thats half of the problem. But than again, their choices are limited also.

100% correct....the LITTLE promoters like to promote in other clubs parking lots...thats why they will remain LITTLE Promoters...To have a CLASSY Clientel you NEED CLASSY PROMOTERS....

it all comes back 360....cut corners now and burn bridges..it will come back..just IMO

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Dont even get me going on what goes on in the "holy nyc". Its a joke. Majority (not all) of the clubs in nyc have shitty lights, shitty sound, NO VIBE ,yes, NO VIBE. Soundfactory,hands down, only club worth going to in nyc on a consistent basis. This is what everyone forgets.........consistincy is the key. But than again, we are just jersey club guys, we dont know to much:rolleyes:

PROMOTORS...........PROMOTE GOOD VENUES AND GOOD PARTIES leave you name aside, and let people ASK, "wow, who through this party", thats how you build a reputation (good or bad). Not that anyone asked my advice:D Just giving an opinion.

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Originally posted by dtrave

It is almost time for the death of lounges - who wants to sit on a couch that has been defecated & urined on - sit at home if you want to lay on a couch. Fuck Lounges & promoters - both are a rip-off. Spelling is Manhattan

Right. I'd much rather be pumping my fists to 10,000 decibels of house music and relentless horns while guidos brush up against me causing a rip in my shirt with their arm stubble. Then again, why would that happen? Who wears shirts at the ideal club?

I do, however, agree with the fuck promoters statement.

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well as for me.. i make bad situations good.. or atleats i try too..

first off, voce, the lounge i promote, is a restaurante.. but the owner asked me to do him a favor and to start throwing parties there, it wasnt my choice, but he gave me a great deal so i couldnt say no.. what i did do though was try to make a bad situation good.. i threw shawn ink in.. a nice system and an awsome lighting set. i didnt have the greatest place to start out with, but i did the best i could, and i dont think i should be or get bashed by that.. i do very well with what i have. plus this placer is much classier than any other so called bar/lounges in nj.

as for this new restarante/lounge.. its deff coming in january..

and by far it will be the nicest place NJ has seen yet!!

osb / drave... try not to be that jelouse huh!! now get over it!

i wonder what venues u guys are trying to start up... cause obviously u guys are talking shit for a reason..

ml2k1 - ill make sure this party wont die.. the venue is beautuful.. all italian design

this place is gonna be a hot spot when it opens... trust me..

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Originally posted by dtrave

It is almost time for the death of lounges - who wants to sit on a couch that has been defecated & urined on - sit at home if you want to lay on a couch. Fuck Lounges & promoters - both are a rip-off.

not for nothing, but what fucking lounges do u go to?? obviously not good ones...

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Originally posted by jerrycxtacy

not for nothing, but what fucking lounges do u go to?? obviously not good ones...

well put jerry.

although i did agree with the fuck promoters part, there are a select few who are unselfish and have nothing but good intentions... but most are greedy. you happen to fall in the former category. kudos to you my friend.

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I spin and MC at an established venue that dosent need greedy promoters. We consistantly do 800 + every friday and saturday night and as long as I can remember have NEVER had a promoter. No jealousy here, I happy doing what I do right where I'm at.

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