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of having a girlfriend, if all you can think of is cheating on her. How is this for an answer, sure its fine to bring another girl home and get the sheets smelling like some other girl if you don't mind her coming home from some other guys house after getting railed for a few hours.

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Originally posted by thepulse

of having a girlfriend, if all you can think of is cheating on her. How is this for an answer, sure its fine to bring another girl home and get the sheets smelling like some other girl if you don't mind her coming home from some other guys house after getting railed for a few hours.

Damn Pulse, not the kind of answer I expect from another guy! :mad: I take it you've had that happen to you already! :laugh:

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I do know girls who have had cheating boyfriends, I had two serious girls my whole life and never cheated on them, My point is if you want to cheat, then dump your girl, I can't stand guys that have a good girl at home and can't wait for the chance to cheat on her, they want to have both, but they don't want to be single cause they don't know when the next chance they will get some, so they keep a girlfriend. I always put myself in my girls shoes, how would I feel if while I was out she had another guy over. I wouldn't feel too good. If everyone did that, people wouldn't cheat. Cheating just ain't my thing, if you want to have a different girl every week, stay single.

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Good point Pulse and I give you credit for not being a scumbag. I can't do that. My problem is just like a drug addict is addicted to drugs, well, I'm addicted to the almighty pun. It sucks to be this way, but that's the only way I'll ever be. I may lose a good girlfriend and maybe a wife one day, but once a scumbag, always a scumbag!:hat2:

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Originally posted by liquidsky88

Good point Pulse and I give you credit for not being a scumbag. I can't do that. My problem is just like a drug addict is addicted to drugs, well, I'm addicted to the almighty pun. It sucks to be this way, but that's the only way I'll ever be. I may lose a good girlfriend and maybe a wife one day, but once a scumbag, always a scumbag!:hat2:

Guys like u I wish I could hunt down and beat the shit out of. Would u like some scumbag like yourself treat your mother the way you treat women? I think not kid :idea: grow the fuck up

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Treat people the way you want to be treated, of course if you don't mind your girl coming home to kiss you after she's been sucking another dick, only to smell some other girls pussy on your lips, I guess you can both just fuck each other over.Personally I stay single and when I find a girlfriend its all about her and us, or there is no point in it, I'll Marry my next one.

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Originally posted by xj8mike

Guys like u I wish I could hunt down and beat the shit out of. Would u like some scumbag like yourself treat your mother the way you treat women? I think not kid :idea: grow the fuck up

What the fuck does my mother have to do with this? Beat the shit out of me? You talk a good game behind a keyboard faggot. I'm sure I'm the only guy in this whole world who does this. As far as growing up.... :bigfinge:

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Originally posted by thepulse

Treat people the way you want to be treated, of course if you don't mind your girl coming home to kiss you after she's been sucking another dick, only to smell some other girls pussy on your lips, I guess you can both just fuck each other over.Personally I stay single and when I find a girlfriend its all about her and us, or there is no point in it, I'll Marry my next one.



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what time it is, It pisses me off when I hear a good girl complain about what a scumbag her man is or vice versa, Relationships are built on many things, but TRUST is one of the most important pilars in a relationship, if you can't trust your girl/guy might as well be a single mangina or ho.

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Originally posted by liquidsky88

What the fuck does my mother have to do with this? Beat the shit out of me? You talk a good game behind a keyboard faggot. I'm sure I'm the only guy in this whole world who does this. As far as growing up.... :bigfinge:

I guess hooked on phonics didn’t work 4 u kid! I dont talk trash behind the keyboard if u want a part of me bring it U R nothing but a pussy u should have had enough respect for you're girl and keep your hands to youreself, or tell you the truth before you start fucking over another girl! Have fun playing the "Cat and Mouse" game kid

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