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Hottie Of The Decade!!!!!!

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listen here fucker. there is no talking back to exec board members. i still can't believe you haven't delivered my goddamn cream of potato either.

shlonger, donkeys, digga, bus, badass crew, digital crew... we may need to take a trip to lyndhurst tonight and toss this one about and leave her for dead. she's gotten too big for her britches in less than 24 hours.

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Originally posted by dogekid

listen here fucker. there is no talking back to exec board members. i still can't believe you haven't delivered my goddamn cream of potato either.

shlonger, donkeys, digga, bus, badass crew, digital crew... we may need to take a trip to lyndhurst tonight and toss this one about and leave her for dead. she's gotten too big for her britches in less than 24 hours.

Doge kid what up recovered from my 5pm dismissal of the Factory... There is no Digital crew.. Bobby is upset, if there was a digital crew it is Bobby and maybe Deelite but she rather be in mine... and for somegirl we will take a trip tp Lyndhurst and drop kick her

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Originally posted by dogekid

i knew i could count on you. make sure the entire badass crew is present for tomorrow.

meet me in lyndhurst tonight with blowtorches and duct tape.

Slow down shit breath...I have a rottweiler who weighs more than you and BadAss combined!!:eek:

I wouldn't try anything stupid if I were you....:nono:

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Originally posted by fakearmani

This entire thread is BORING ( :zzz: )

and CORNY ( :cheese: )


Talk about something like worth CLICKING on!!! :blank:

Waste of time during a snow storm.

Rather watch Doppler4000.

stupid people. :tongue:

Noone asked you to read anything, so go fuck yourself. This thread is actually very amusing, and just because it doesn't captivate your interest like a cum guzzling contest would, doesn't mean you can go off popping your mouth on MY board. Go watch your doppler, or do something productive with your life. In the lab I work at, we're always looking for guinea pigs for our cancer research... sounds like an opportunity you shouldn't let pass- - you miserable fuck!

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Originally posted by shlonger

Noone asked you to read anything, so go fuck yourself. This thread is actually very amusing, and just because it doesn't captivate your interest like a cum guzzling contest would, doesn't mean you can go off popping your mouth on MY board. Go watch your doppler, or do something productive with your life. In the lab I work at, we're always looking for guinea pigs for our cancer research... sounds like an opportunity you shouldn't let pass- - you miserable fuck!

What up Shlonger Metro tomm.... by the way we have to send these cum dumpster hoes to the cum guzzler messageboard

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

What up Shlonger Metro tomm.... by the way we have to send these cum dumpster hoes to the cum guzzler messageboard

What's up dawg??? Yea Retro Shlongro tomorrow. Any plans of a repeat of last weeks post-metro recreation? I want in... FRUITION OF GROUP SEX, Badass.... it's what its all about, and CHIX.

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Originally posted by fakearmani

This entire thread is BORING ( :zzz: )

and CORNY ( :cheese: )


Talk about something like worth CLICKING on!!! :blank:

Waste of time during a snow storm.

Rather watch Doppler4000.

stupid people. :tongue:

you're the reason ear plugs and cyanide were invented

afterhours in bloomfield tomorrow. i'll put a thread up about it tomorrow

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THE DON IS BACK.............

sorry people but after a short illness i had to take the day off, the neck was killing me after a whole week of whip lash caused by this decades hottie, anyway..............i just wanted to say wassup to my niggas...........and all join as i buy mr.fakearmani a tall glass of "shot the hell up"...................anyway, i'm gonna stroll on down to this somegirls desk right now and get a neck message and keep you all posted on how great it feels.................

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Roddigga. It's nice to see you back. Now I don't have to defend you all day. You must of given me your illness. I had to take the day today off.

Somegirl, make sure you do a good job on his neck. Go easy on him, he gets nervous around you. His palms get sweaty and his pants get tighter in the front.

Deeelite, you just keep taking one day at a time. You will figure it all out someday.

So Roddigga, what's the deal for tonight.

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Originally posted by somegirl24

Did you come by? I had to participate in the mandatory Respect in the Workplace seminar...Boy do I have a case against YOU!!

Kerm--I don't..I really dont!

WHOA!!! I JUST GOT BACK FROM IT, IT WAS NICE WORKING W/ YA BY THE WAY GIRLIE CAUSE I CAN'T WORK UNDER THOSE CONDITIONS!!!!! so did ya miss me yesterday, sugerpie, honey dumpling, or could you take me to HR for that??? cause if you do i will tell HR how you chased me down the hall trying to take a bite of my HONEY BUN!!!!, and how you comented me on how good i look in your dreams!!!!

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