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Snow Boarders!?!?!?!?!!?

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Sup fool.... Where were you yesterday to referee this board lol? My first post generates over 60 replies, 700 views and about 44 threats from 23 distinct users.... I call that a grand introduction! ;)

what time you end up leaving factory? I ran around mayoring for a bit and didnt see you since....

yours truly,

Ray Digga... recognize!! :cool:

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what's up foo????

Sorry I had to bail early yesterday... had to drive the little bro home and plow yesterday.....

So you still wanna meet up at Rod's tonight bro????

I am pretty sure we were introduced at Factory on Sunday... you probably dont remember... you were too busy curled up in the fetal position, sucking your thumb and holdin on to Digga for shelter......

Lookin forward to making you my bitch....

I am fuckin starving today... the double sessions at the gym, 800mg of test, and 300mg of finna have upped the appetite quite a bit....

Bring some dinner ova... I like the meat rare, very rare... fuckin bloody...

One large Fillet Mignon, at least a sum of 20oz(may need two), cooked as instructed, with a nice side of sweet potatoe's.... with no sugar added of course.... then some nice freshly cooked broccoli to finish it off...

I will be there at 8pm sharp... dont keep me waitin bitch....

I am even more of a dick when I am hungry.... and have a lot less patience...

Peace out Hump!

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yo, ray whats up kid........funkatron huh.....:laugh: ..........Roddigga was feeling a little under the weather so he stayed home and drank chicken soup from the shortbus' belly button.......:D .........but I have to take credit for leaving factory.....getting there at 3 was a big mistake......my legs were cement by 10!!!!!

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Originally posted by technojesus

Sup fool.... Where were you yesterday to referee this board lol? My first post generates over 60 replies, 700 views and about 44 threats from 23 distinct users.... I call that a grand introduction! ;)

what time you end up leaving factory? I ran around mayoring for a bit and didnt see you since....

yours truly,

Ray Digga... recognize!! :cool:

i heard!!! but like i said the DON is back and the waters have calmed down, ya know, i left early b/c i drove and had to drive mr SF snugglebear dondeizel home, he wanted to snuggle on the couch and talk on the phone w/ a fine young chica......eh who cares, my cute little birdie wanted to leave as well too so i figured fine!!! i'll go......... eh what ever better off less drama, ya know

so i'll see ya tonight when metro closes i guess

and nice SF track list you freak ass.....

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Yo shortbus, you're James right? OK now I'm starting to remember... you should've just told me "oh I was the scrawny lookin' kid you met at SF on Sunday" and I would've known off the bat... sup lil man! How are them biceps developing lol? I'll have those filets marinating in some equipoise for ya later and a touch of trendbolan acetate garnish on the side... I'd hate to see ya keep suckin down Gerber's creamed spinach jars and lukewarm breast milk thinking you're getting all the necessary nutrients a growing test-driven body needs! ;)

Oh and please lay off the isopure shakes cause there's an ozone depletion warning over your town from those killer fumes.... :eek:

Dave... funkatron .. that was too funny! :laugh: Hey, you win some you lose some.... Rod was still feeling his oats over hearing Going Thru It 5 mins after it was initially played... (but shhhh we wont hear his feelings though ;)) You mongloids gettin together for Metro tonite? I'm down to go but there's a particular rodent-faced individual from this board who I know will be there and I dont wanna hurl all my 4000 calories of the day on the dancefloor.... but then again, my abs might benefit from that lol!

Dig... I heard that SF was holding auditions for drag dancers and funny how you mysteriously disappeared yesterday from the board...hmmm.... How you are still able to sit down after such an "exhaustive" day is beyond me? Prep H kid...... it works... So Shrtbus says at least....

Lata kiddies....

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Make sure the steaks are fuckin bloody, and cold in the middle..

just pull the hair off it and throw it over the coals one time....

and as for the name, wrong fuckin guy hump daddy.....

I'll have ya repeat the name Riggs, over and over as I am kickin your teeth in and smashing your skinny ass body into a bloody pulp... then maybe you wont be so quick to forget who the fuck you are talking to next time.....

I remember meetin you fawker, and there is definately no threat cummin from your greek skinny azz.... You must not have been able to see me thru those dark fuckin glasses you were sportin... I KNOW YA COULDNT TAKE EM OFF THOUGH SINCE THE SUN WAS SHININ SO BRIGHT ON THE MAIN FLOOR....

Punk ass Bitch... thats your new name to be referred to as....

Tell ya what greak, make me a fuckin nice Giro so I can see if you are a true greak or just an american tryin to get some attention from the ladies with the foreign ploy.....

Hit the wieghts, and PM Stacked.. he'll put you on a good training routine... call me when you break 220 so I can at least have a good challenge for a fight.....


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I am out in a few... time to feed the bus...

I want you to ponder your reply while I am gone....

Dig hard into your krunked memory banks and try to remember who I really am....

I'll accept a good dinner and a tasty fuckin giro as an apology....

Just have em to Digga's by 8pm sharp...

Tardiness will not be accepted.....

If you complete the given task, I will let you shine my shoes after you are done shinin the donkeys hooves, and waxing Digga's car.....

One more request....

I would appreciate it if you changed your screename... think of somethin to follow techno other than the Lord's name...

I find it very disrespectful of you to use our god's name in your title...

Stay small sis!!

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My little shuga plum... where'd the love go? One day you're tellin me to take you out on Big Brother Day to fly kites and teach ya bout the birds and bees and the next I sense this carnivorous hostility from a man who cant break the 2 plate hump... Look... I'll take you under my wing (literally) and show ya the ropes... get your mind out of the gutter, dont misconstrue what I mean by "ropes"... ;)

So if you enjoy prancing around in your little debbie's apron during your lunchbreak making low-fat buttermilk biscuits, you're overloading on needless carbs.... why not try eating the cows you tip in hicksville and get some amino acids in your system. Think heavy weights, lower reps.... Searching the internet for plastic surgeons specializing in pectoral implants isn't gonna help you.... trust me, you're hurting yourself. But if you choose to go that route, go for saline, not silicone.... I'll get you the referral if need be

I'm glad you remember who I am at least... I do have that knack of leaving impressions on people babydoll :D ... the shades are to protect my eyes from scary individuals like that 8 foot black guy in the pink dress that was pinching your ass... Now I know thats none of my business but if you wanna tell me about it later, PM me... :cool: Not Greek either but close.... and foreign? nah... this ass is just about as rosy red American as apple pie...

Hit me back youngun after you're done playing Betty Crocker...

Ray BK..

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Very good boyscout....

You finally showed me you have a brain....

Too bad you still dont remember who I am......

I suggest you crawl back under your rock or in the hole you were in when ya met me at SF....

I dont take shit from anyone, and I especially hate fuckin spineless pussies like you who enjoy herassing women....

Ya wanna pick on someone, I will be out next weekend... pick on me...

I think my bro Stacked and the donkeys will be out too.. so bring some of your giro cookin greacian friends.....

I would love to end your existence and save some extra oxygen for people who are not a true waste of flesh....

For the record also... I happen to have a little soft spot in me for Stardo... so any references made to here on this board, will only result in my foot going that much further up your ass.....

PM me with a nice apology and I will really fuckin kick your teeth in....

I dont waste time on fake people like you....

In my world, you do not exist!!!

See ya soon bro...

Eat up and hit the wieghts....

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Stardo? what reference to her was made? here we go again with the stories.... I'm done

talk to Stacked cause I already told him the deal that nothing was ever said regarding Stardo nor do I know who she is so maybe you should get on the same page as everyone else kid...

If you choose to let this get personal with the insults, I wont go there but if you wanted to still have a comical exchange the way I thought you could, feel free to continue...

do not mistake me ...

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No more chomical engagements....

Dont make any reference to me, dont post my name or Stardo's on any of your posts...

I would prefer you to just leave this board and never come back, unfortunately I doubt that will happen though....

Do me a favor too....

Stop making references to my boys such as Stacked, and Digga as your boys....

How long have ya known these guys....

I think we were introduced for the first time at SF... first time you have ever shown your face, or been introduced to me... I have known these guys for awhile now....

So as for YOUR BOYS...... wake up from the little wet dream you are having and realize that you are a nobody with no backup on this board..... you are just the typical loser who is tryin to latch on to as many people as you can to save yourself from this lonely little nightmare called your life you are trying to live....

Gecher friends on the phone, your friends, not the ones I know that you have labled as such.... tellem the Bus is commin for ya....

You are goin to need all the help you can get beeeech!!!!!

Its been a long time since I last sparred... keep talkin shit so I can come out of retirement......

I have no patience or tolerance for spineless men like yourself who herass helpless women....

Come pick on me bro... I would love to give it back to ya...

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