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WOW!!! Last night was insane i had a blast , the crowd was incredible.The only time i left the floor was to go upstairs and look at the crowd. After seein the crowd goin crazy i got even more amped. It was hella cool meetin you trinity im sure we ll run into each other again. My friends were so pissed when i told them that they could of got tickets at the door.

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awwwwwwwww yeeeeeeeeeaaaaaaah!!! s&d most definitely went off!!! sorry to hear i missed all of you...but it's cool that you all got to meet one another. i was pretty much dancing my ass off up by the front left speakers the whole night...wearin' a open white linen shirt...

well, till the next time...



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I'm going to NY on Sunday the 16th. I'm still planning on going to see PVD in NY. Too bad u guys won't be there. I know crazygg will be there the same time I am. I'll keep u posted Trinity.

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So S&D went off! The shrine was great lots of room to dance and chill.

So I found the guy with the white eyes! Very cool meeting jp, crazygg, and vaughnblue. Everyone one seemed really cool, we'll have to meet up again...

Looked for chinoxl, but couldn't find ya. I I had a pink blinking wire around my waist.

So jp, you're still going to see PVD? I probably won't get back to NY until labor day. Well glad to here everyone had a pHat time.



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