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Playstation 2 Problem...

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I was watching Lord of the Rings on PS2 a lil while ago until I ran into a problem.

Around scene 24, the movie went to a black screen with an error message that said "Unable to Read Disc".

I called up Sony and they told me to try to vacuum the back of the system which I did, still with no luck.

This has happened to me before while watching a few other movies too. Mostly the long ass 3 hour ones.

Has this happened to anyone else? How the fuck do I fix this horseshit machine. I really do not want to send it back to Sony, but if it comes down to it I guess thats what I'm gonna have to do.

Thanks in Advance

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Whats up, I had the same problem , there is a defect with the P2's with the dvd player , the laser that it uses burns out, its not a great dvd player at all , its also seperate from the laser for the game, I called sony and had it sent to them and they sent it back to me fixed , or u can return it to the store u got it from, I knwo it sucks i went through the same problem , but most new P2s have a better dvd player now, Good luck man sorry if i didnt help much but not much i can really do!!

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Originally posted by sandman1130

Whats up, I had the same problem , there is a defect with the P2's with the dvd player , the laser that it uses burns out, its not a great dvd player at all , its also seperate from the laser for the game, I called sony and had it sent to them and they sent it back to me fixed , or u can return it to the store u got it from, I knwo it sucks i went through the same problem , but most new P2s have a better dvd player now, Good luck man sorry if i didnt help much but not much i can really do!!

Thanks man...

I gave Sony a call and looks like im gonna send it back to them to get fixed.

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the same fckin sht happened to me it doesnt read dvd's or games and its pissing me off i called sony and they said we will fix it for $150 im like what the fuk i could buy another PS2...seriously sony should call back all the early PS2 and give new ones instead of buying a hole new PS2..BTW Sandman did sony fix yer PS2 for free and when was this???


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