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Jeff Mills Takes over Fortrezza Da Basso In Florence!

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"Medieval fortress goes techno"

There are but a few nights when

you actually know you are in the presence

of a deity of music..those nights

where you just WON'T leave the dance floor

for anything out of fear that you'll miss

a second.And of course with Jeff Mills

YOU WILL since this bad mother drops tracks

at lightning speeds (30 to 50 records

an hour.)

So I knew Mills was gonna be in Italy but

I had originally thought he'd swing by Rome

(previous dates on his site had Rome

scheduled in)Needless to say

I had my girl and every single one

of my friends here hyped for weeks..

Unfortunately things changed and I

had to hop a train to Florence by

myself in order to catch up with him.

But since I'd never seen him LIVE

It was but a small sacrifice I was

more than h Jeff Mills

YOU WILL since this bad mother drops tracks

at lightning speeds (30 to 50 records

an hour.)

So I knew Mills was gonna be in Italy but

I had originally thought he'd swing by Rome

(previous dates on his site had Rome

scheduled in)Needless to say

I had my girl and every single one

of my friends here hyped for weeks..

Unfortunately things changed and I

had to hop a train to Florence by

myself in order to catch up with him.

But since I'd never seen him LIVE

It was but a small sacrifice I was

more than willing to take.

Saturday evening I'm in Florence

and killing time in front of the

beautiful Fortezza Da Basso

(A Fortress Built on the outskirts

of a medieval city in 1534)camping

out like some crack head raver back

in my good ol Jenko pilgrimages

in the middle of bumble fuck.

The Crowd gets thick and finally

around 11:00 they let us inside the

gargantuan complex.The space where

Mills is playing is a wear house type

cavernous open space of 36,666 feet.

A clash of modern architecture and expose

rocwilling to take.

Saturday evening I'm in Florence

and killing time in front of the

beautiful Fortezza Da Basso

(A Fortress Built on the outskirts

of a medieval city in 1534)camping

out like some crack head raver back

in my good ol Jenko pilgrimages

in the middle of bumble fuck.

The Crowd gets thick and finally

around 11:00 they let us inside the

gargantuan complex.The space where

Mills is playing is a wear house type

cavernous open space of 36,666 feet.

A clash of modern architecture and expose

rocks of the Fortress wall..

It is perhaps one of the most beautiful

spaces that I've ever been in for an

event like this..

Drinks are cheap (€4 a beer, €5 cocktails)

and the staff is great.Party was thrown by

www.jaiss.it & www.metempsicosi.com.

I find a spot in front of the stage

by a speaker and listen to

Sergio Ricciardone (www.explosiva.com)

warm up the crowd. His set wavers

between electro and very minimal techno.

Everyone gets into it and the place gets

packed wall to wall. ks of the Fortress wall..

It is perhaps one of the most beautiful

spaces that I've ever been in for an

event like this..

Drinks are cheap (€4 a beer, €5 cocktails)

and the staff is great.Party was thrown by

www.jaiss.it & www.metempsicosi.com.

I find a spot in front of the stage

by a speaker and listen to

Sergio Ricciardone (www.explosiva.com)

warm up the crowd. His set wavers

between electro and very minimal techno.

Everyone gets into it and the place gets

packed wall to wall. I meet some really nice people

and go off with a girl to share a spliff...

Round 1:30 Mills takes the stage and the

entire Pavilion goes ape shit! For like ten minutes

I don't dance. I just stand there staring at him

from the bottom of the stage awe struck. HOW


I remember that I brought a camera and I snap

my entire roll in one spastic act of DJ Worship.

What can I tell you about

his set..it started off

with a track that was mostly all bass

and experimental frequenciI meet some really nice people

and go off with a girl to share a spliff...

Round 1:30 Mills takes the stage and the

entire Pavilion goes ape shit! For like ten minutes

I don't dance. I just stand there staring at him

from the bottom of the stage awe struck. HOW


I remember that I brought a camera and I snap

my entire roll in one spastic act of DJ Worship.

What can I tell you about

his set..it started off

with a track that was mostly all bass

and experimental frequencies..

he scratched and played around for about

half an hour until he just dove right into the sound

the he is known best for. Fast, furious,

playfull..he would fuck with us for hours..bring us up

into an orgasm of techno insanity

and slow the album down completely and build

from it again. Always flawless..smooooth as ice!

Changing gears in the story every other heart beat..

beating us without mercy then getting poetic

and dark and sci-fi. It was mind blowing!

Mills sounded every bit like I had hoped

he would (anes..

he scratched and played around for about

half an hour until he just dove right into the sound

the he is known best for. Fast, furious,

playfull..he would fuck with us for hours..bring us up

into an orgasm of techno insanity

and slow the album down completely and build

from it again. Always flawless..smooooth as ice!

Changing gears in the story every other heart beat..

beating us without mercy then getting poetic

and dark and sci-fi. It was mind blowing!

Mills sounded every bit like I had hoped

he would (and then some.) The crowd of THOUSANDS

where being driven insane by this legend..

this fucking scrawny little black man that

had control of our minds for four

straight hours. I swear This was one of

THEE best sets that I've ever heard in my life.

Shit I think I should just quit listening

to Techno all together now. where else does one

go from here?

By the end of his set I was a sweaty,

gasping, grinning mess!

(I swear I think

I lost ten pounds again last night

Christ did he ever abuse us!)d then some.) The crowd of THOUSANDS

where being driven insane by this legend..

this fucking scrawny little black man that

had control of our minds for four

straight hours. I swear This was one of

THEE best sets that I've ever heard in my life.

Shit I think I should just quit listening

to Techno all together now. where else does one

go from here?

By the end of his set I was a sweaty,

gasping, grinning mess!

(I swear I think

I lost ten pounds again last night

Christ did he ever abuse us!)

And let me tell you something

about clubber crowds here in Italy

..They are my favorite in the world

so far!(next to the nuts in Ghent)

At one point during one of his

breakdowns thousands of voices

started to chant in unison like

in a soccer game "aaahhhhhh

oooohhhhh ahhhhhhhh oooohhhh"

it was beautiful.I got goose bumps.

It was probably one of the most heart

felt things I've ever heard. (not

since a rock show have I seen an audience

chant together..but instead of WORDS

they where mimicking the tracks s

And let me tell you something

about clubber crowds here in Italy

..They are my favorite in the world

so far!(next to the nuts in Ghent)

At one point during one of his

breakdowns thousands of voices

started to chant in unison like

in a soccer game "aaahhhhhh

oooohhhhh ahhhhhhhh oooohhhh"

it was beautiful.I got goose bumps.

It was probably one of the most heart

felt things I've ever heard. (not

since a rock show have I seen an audience

chant together..but instead of WORDS

they where mimicking the tracks sounds..

it was truly something that raised

the hair on your arms like a good roll)

By the time Mills dropped "I HAD A DREAM"

I was hugging and kissing some girl I'd just met..

dancing in a circle and loving life! I stuck

around till around 9:00 and then caught a ride

with my new friends to the Train station.

Slept the whole ride to Rome with a huge smile

on my face.

I think I can retire now.

(pics to come)



it was truly something that raised

the hair on your arms like a good roll)

By the time Mills dropped "I HAD A DREAM"

I was hugging and kissing some girl I'd just met..

dancing in a circle and loving life! I stuck

around till around 9:00 and then caught a ride

with my new friends to the Train station.

Slept the whole ride to Rome with a huge smile

on my face.

I think I can retire now.

(pics to come)


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Yoo --> the same thing was happening to Mikey Bugout in the music section.. seems if you post something several paragraphs wrong that CP mixes them up and repeats them..

Either way..

On the topic of the original thread..

FLORENCE!! Wow.. what I would give to go there. :)

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Originally posted by codica3

Yoo --> the same thing was happening to Mikey Bugout in the music section.. seems if you post something several paragraphs wrong that CP mixes them up and repeats them..

Either way..

On the topic of the original thread..

FLORENCE!! Wow.. what I would give to go there. :)

yea it sucks...

I wrtote a long review just

to get it all screwed up

when I copy andf paste it into CP


Florence was great. I love Tuscany.

Very friendly and ready to party.




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omg how good is it to know that there's actually going to be something to do with myself in Florence, and that there will be good DJ's through there? I'm really happy to hear that.

I'm moving there in February and I'm worried I'll get there and it will be nothing but museums and college crap.... :hey:

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Unfortunately there isn't

a WHOLE lot going on in Florence..

You'll have to swing by Rome and visit me

sometime for a proper night..

(Fortezza Da Basso only hosts

events like this soooome times)

Don't fret though..

Italy is FULL of great music

and clubs..you just have to know

where it's at and everything's just a

train ride away. PM me when you

get here...good luck!





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Thanks Mugz. I'll definitely look you up when I get over there (I should be arriving the first week in February...yiiiiikes!)

Do you have any info on what it's like over there trying to get booked to DJ and whatnot? I want to keep up on my DJ'ing when I get over there but I don't know what kind of places & equipment will be available. *sniff* I wish I could bring my tables with meeeee :(

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