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Girls suck

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what the hell, i finally meet a girl that i want to be with and we go out for a month. i am 21 and never really had a girlfriend that i like alot. so now she says she is to scared and to confused and just want to be friends. girls are so confusing these days. so hard to find a nice girl to stay with. ahhhhh it sucks


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Originally posted by velvetrope

what the hell, i finally meet a girl that i want to be with and we go out for a month. i am 21 and never really had a girlfriend that i like alot. so now she says she is to scared and to confused and just want to be friends. girls are so confusing these days. so hard to find a nice girl to stay with. ahhhhh it sucks


You can say that again.....

Victor Soto

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Originally posted by liquidsky88

Velvet, you're too young to be worrying about having a girlfriend. You have plenty of time. Have fun while you can because one day the party will come to an end. :blown:

i know what your saying, i have been going out and working at clubs since i was 15 and partyin since then. it get boring after a while and sometimes i just want to settle down for a lil while. but i know in a month i will probally be back to my old self and party alot again. just sucks sometimes when you want something and you can't have it. but thats the way life is.


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Originally posted by velvetrope

what the hell, i finally meet a girl that i want to be with and we go out for a month. i am 21 and never really had a girlfriend that i like alot. so now she says she is to scared and to confused and just want to be friends. girls are so confusing these days. so hard to find a nice girl to stay with. ahhhhh it sucks




Originally posted by latinaz

why cant it be

I like you

You like me

your my boyfriend

Im your girlfriend

- seems simple enough




preach on

here i thought it was just me.

well at least i know im not the only one.

all these people i think we should all do it like we did baseball teams when we were little

just get to gether ok ill take you .... yeah ill take her... ok il taake him until everyone is taken :laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by velvetrope

i know what your saying, i have been going out and working at clubs since i was 15 and partyin since then. it get boring after a while and sometimes i just want to settle down for a lil while. but i know in a month i will probally be back to my old self and party alot again. just sucks sometimes when you want something and you can't have it. but thats the way life is.


:( awww dont worry honey life has a funny way of working its self out.

You dont want to go out with a person who has issues and cant make up there mind.

It probably has nothing to do with you.

Acceptance is the key word to life. There is a litte postive in every negative take that positive and execpt her decision and let her go.

Good luck and feel better pigeon we dont suck all the time.;)

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Rope, WTF bro????

You are only 21 yrs old....

You need to have your head examined for wanting to get locked down right now...

You have plenty of time to be locked in later in life...

Get out and meet as many people as you can...

Even if you get stepped on and fucked over a few times...

its all good!!!

You dont need anyone around... wait till ya find someone you want to have around all the time... it will just fall into place....

and at 21... I doubt you have met all that many girls....

If I stuck with the girl I was with when I was 21 I would shoot myself....

At the time I thought it was the best thing I would ever have... now that I look back, I can see that the 23 yr old, bo-lemic, college drop out with no job, was not the tastiest choice a bro could have....

28 and still lookin... but a helluva lot fuckin happier than my boyz who settled or jumped on the first thing that came along....

Best way to forget, get out and meet some new ones...

Star, where you at girl...

Give this kid a splash of dust and help em see the light....

If that dont work... getcho ass over to shooter's to meet Juggs and Latinaz... they will help ya forget who dis hoe bee....


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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

Rope, WTF bro????

You are only 21 yrs old....

You need to have your head examined for wanting to get locked down right now...

You have plenty of time to be locked in later in life...

Get out and meet as many people as you can...

Even if you get stepped on and fucked over a few times...

its all good!!!

You dont need anyone around... wait till ya find someone you want to have around all the time... it will just fall into place....

and at 21... I doubt you have met all that many girls....

If I stuck with the girl I was with when I was 21 I would shoot myself....

At the time I thought it was the best thing I would ever have... now that I look back, I can see that the 23 yr old, bo-lemic, college drop out with no job, was not the tastiest choice a bro could have....

28 and still lookin... but a helluva lot fuckin happier than my boyz who settled or jumped on the first thing that came along....

Best way to forget, get out and meet some new ones...

Star, where you at girl...

Give this kid a splash of dust and help em see the light....

If that dont work... getcho ass over to shooter's to meet Juggs and Latinaz... they will help ya forget who dis hoe bee....


I gave him some advise on page one.

If i sprinkle him I would probably finish his heart off.

Im to young for a relationship too. Im still a spring chicken:D

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Originally posted by stardo

:( awww dont worry honey life has a funny way of working its self out.

You dont want to go out with a person who has issues and cant make up there mind.

It probably has nothing to do with you.

Acceptance is the key word to life. There is a litte postive in every negative take that positive and execpt her decision and let her go.

Good luck and feel better pigeon we dont suck all the time.;)

i know girls don't suck all the time, i just wish a girl was acutally honest at the begining instead of waiting a month to tell me that she isn't ready and scared ya know. and i know a month really isn't a long time but it is enough time for me to acutally get to know someone for who they are. oh well shit happens, just have to learn from it all.


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Originally posted by velvetrope

yea alot of my friends been saying i am to young to be tied down. i just got caught up in the fact i had someone. tonight i am going to hit up Deko and be my old self again.


Honey when a person likes you they like you it doesnt take them that long to figure it out.

Your never to young or to old to fall in love. You were only seening this girl for a month and you have alot of feeling for her so be happy its done now because those feeling were only bound to grow and you would have been more hurt.

Everyone wants to be inlove everyone wants someone in there life so dont feel different.

Every minute you spent upset is cause you let yourself.

Ill come by and squeeze ur hiney infront of her sometimes people dont know what they have till its gone my little chicken.;)

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Originally posted by stardo

Honey when a person likes you they like you it doesnt take them that long to figure it out.

Your never to young or to old to fall in love. You were only seening this girl for a month and you have alot of feeling for her so be happy its done now because those feeling were only bound to grow and you would have been more hurt.

Everyone wants to be inlove everyone wants someone in there life so dont feel different.

Every minute you spent upset is cause you let yourself.

Ill come by and squeeze ur hiney infront of her sometimes people dont know what they have till its gone my little chicken.;)

all this is true(except that im going to sueeze your hiney:laugh: )

plus you have to think of it as HER LOSS, not yours:idea:

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Originally posted by stardo

Honey when a person likes you they like you it doesnt take them that long to figure it out.

Your never to young or to old to fall in love. You were only seening this girl for a month and you have alot of feeling for her so be happy its done now because those feeling were only bound to grow and you would have been more hurt.

Everyone wants to be inlove everyone wants someone in there life so dont feel different.

Every minute you spent upset is cause you let yourself.

Ill come by and squeeze ur hiney infront of her sometimes people dont know what they have till its gone my little chicken.;)

i like when my hiney gets squeezed, :D

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