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1st impression::; METRO ;::

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OK peeps

just curious here -

suprised that MR METRO hasnt asked this one<>

what was your first impression of METRO LOUNGE when you 1st got there

that very first night?

and what (if u can remember) did u think of the music?

i know i LOVED it-

felt like the NYC experiance for me- and A to Z was spinning.

it was the 1st night that LULA was there

LULA? LULA?... where did u go where did u go? i cant see you LULA?

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WOW!!! GOOD MEMOREY!If you are talking about the night lula performed, you were at our very 1st year anniversary. Believe it or not, that was the FIRST live performance we ever had. Metro wanted to establish itself with a name that was created..... Metro Lounge, the name, the vibe, and what it was we were trying to create, before we went with the main streem shows. At the time, the only reason we never booked any act was because the shows that were going on at the time were "corney" in our opinion. That was the very first performance of lulu (eXtasy) that she ever did. She came out on stage looking like a HORROR SHOW, starting singing her Extasey song, AND THEN THROUGH PILLS INTO THE CROWD..........IT WAS CRAZY!After that she played everywhere of course. Metro went 1 full year with no live performances. (not including our stage/drag shows)

When Metro first opened, it was the first of its kind out here in jersey.When i saw it being built, i knew it was gonna be something different. Things were being done that i did not see in other jersey clubs. COUCHES? IN A CLUB? IN JERSEY?NEVER............AT THAT TIME. Some people were like,"why are they putting couches, it looks like a living room. I swear people said that.It looked like no other club, and was original,NO RIP OFFS of ANY club at that time. THE MUSIC WAS SICK!!!!!(can we say retrometro)Hard New York city style music ........courtsey of the original Metro man Alex Coviello, stage shows with Jon trainer, GROVEY LOU and the boys dancing on the box (no one was having box dancers, let alone MEN dancing on boxs with no shirts). HOW ABOUT HOWEY BONGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He would have still been with us if everyone else in jersey didnt jump all over him and kill his carrer in a year (great performer though) People dug it. I have so many memories of early Met only reason we never booked any act was because the shows that were going on at the time were "corney" in our opinion. That was the very first performance of lulu (eXtasy) that she ever did. She came out on stage looking like a HORROR SHOW, starting singing her Extasey song, AND THEN THROUGH PILLS INTO THE CROWD..........IT WAS CRAZY!After that she played everywhere of course. Metro went 1 full year with no live performances. (not including our stage/drag shows)

When Metro first opened, it was the first of its kind out here in jersey.When i saw it being built, i knew it was gonna be something different. Things were being done that i did not see in other jersey clubs. COUCHES? IN A CLUB? IN JERSEY?NEVER............AT THAT TIME. Some people were like,"why are they putting couches, it looks like a living room. I swear people said that.It looked like no other club, and was original,NO RIP OFFS of ANY club at that time. THE MUSIC WAS SICK!!!!!(can we say retrometro)Hard New York city style music ........courtsey of the original Metro man Alex Coviello, stage shows with Jon trainer, GROVEY LOU and the boys dancing on the box (no one was having box dancers, let alone MEN dancing on boxs with no shirts). HOW ABOUT HOWEY BONGOS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! He would have still been with us if everyone else in jersey didnt jump all over him and kill his carrer in a year (great performer though) People dug it. I have so many memories of early Metro, it was some of the best times of my life(also, the first year i was not working at Metro, i was involved with Petey k and the crew, but working at another place(they had me in the steakhouse), so i was an annoying customer, loving Metro to death, and bothering PK to bring me in there ,thanks pk;) )I used to Go 3 night in a row..thurs...fri...sat every night was packed, it really was amazing.I never got sick of it.

And i hate to say it, but EVERYONE was really WACKED, i mean REALLY , REALLY ,WACKED. It was crazy.Thats all i will say about that......

Anyway, in a business that usually dosnt last that long at the this level, i am glad and proud, that at almost 5 LONG years later, Metro is still as bangin, if not even more, than when we first opened. I hope we are still making good first impressions.

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Wow. Devito was really awsome at Metro also.

What about the VERY first time DANNY TENAGILA played at Metro Lounge. THAT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD. Do you know alot of people in the seen, even today , dont relieze DT played at Metro Lounge way back, i think it wasright around a little more than a year after Metro opened. I really did not who TENAGLIA was. And i know A hELL of a lot of people did not know who he was either ( though thay may not admit that).DANNYTENAGLIA the 1st time at Metro was something witness.

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Gigs!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Sorry for the long reply, i fucked up and must of hit a wrong button or something, it copied half of the post over agian. Anyway, i know i can go on for days about Metro. How ya been. Merge isnt to far away. Try to make it for retrometro this friday at ML. Lets make some NEW memories.:D Are you def. coming nye?

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Hmmmm, that was a long time ago. The oldest memory I have of the place was 97 or was it 98 (can't remember which year it opened) spring time, when there still used to be an island bar in the middle of the dancefloor. I remember the bartenders used to get up on top of the bar and walk around pouring shots into people's mouths, it was cool. I remember they used to let a whole bunch of girls get up on top of the bar and dance around. (Now only Z cause she's special) There was this one she was getting very naughty, started taking her top and bottoms off I think, the bouncers remained tolerant. Finally she yanked off her bra, and wouldn't you know it, 3 flashlights all started shining on her and the bouncers yanked her down off the bar and threw her out.

:laugh: :laugh: :laugh:

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Wellll.....this friday was my first time...

I loved it!!!! Richie rydell is such an amazing dj!!! So i guess my first "memory" will be the way he mixed reina :D

I'll most definately be back for retro metro this weekend...so looks like the metro legacy is finally beginning for me :hat:

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weather your first time was recent or back in the 90's

it doenst matter

Metro is STILL movong strong and i keep tellin ppl about it -

that it the only one in NJ of its kind-

YEs it has been a LONG time and MEtro as i see it has done what it had to do -to earn its keep and PLACE in not only the NJ scene -but

the nightclub sncene as well-

i know aolt of ppl that get into promoting in NJ

and their biggest worry is how to get ppl away from metro and all it offers-

THeres just no way to do it=

so i have to say

HOLLA at solar grl and the SOLAR GRLS!!! for getting involved in


and as it is with MERGE too?

all i can say about place is


this was the ONLY way to improve on metro-

like seeing a beautiful woman-

the only way to make it bethat it had to do -to earn its keep and PLACE in not only the NJ scene -but

the nightclub sncene as well-

i know aolt of ppl that get into promoting in NJ

and their biggest worry is how to get ppl away from metro and all it offers-

THeres just no way to do it=

so i have to say

HOLLA at solar grl and the SOLAR GRLS!!! for getting involved in


and as it is with MERGE too?

all i can say about place is


this was the ONLY way to improve on metro-

like seeing a beautiful woman-

the only way to make it better

was to make 2 of them-

From what i got out of MERGE was seeing the extended atmosphere of metro lounge-

thank you PETE

now i just want to see a MONSTER sized METRO LOUNGE

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I have been going to metro since the begining when Howey Bongo was there and Lou was the dancing god on the platform....

I just started back in the scene after 2 years of (stupidity) and when i walked through the door for the first time..It all came back to me..the great vibe ..the people having a great time..getting shitty...and of course the one and only RICHIE....

People think I am a metro groupie and YA KNOW WHAT...

FRIG THEM..I AM!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

No matter when your METRO memories start..they will all be the same UNFUCKENREAL!!!!!!!!!!!!!


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wow a jr. soundfactory even down to the ML logo on the banner outside. dark corners dark beats. I love this place. Became part of the Metro family quickly.everyone on the team there are good people nick joe and the rest of the bouncers, carlos edwin all the bartenders george, dee, kerri, my boy danny. and richie say no more about that man incredible. chris jay and petey got it going there. if your hungry the food is great take some time to have the del monico steak great. just a great place

-----------------------------7d230 banner outside. dark corners dark beats. I love this place. Became part of the Metro family quickly.everyone on the team there are good people nick joe and the rest of the bouncers, carlos edwin all the bartenders george, dee, kerri, my boy danny. and richie say no more about that man incredible. chris jay and petey got it going there. if your hungry the food is great take some time to have the del monico steak great. just a great place

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Originally posted by ml2k1

Wow. Devito was really awsome at Metro also.

What about the VERY first time DANNY TENAGILA played at Metro Lounge. THAT WAS OUT OF THIS WORLD. Do you know alot of people in the seen, even today , dont relieze DT played at Metro Lounge way back, i think it wasright around a little more than a year after Metro opened. I really did not who TENAGLIA was. And i know A hELL of a lot of people did not know who he was either ( though thay may not admit that).DANNYTENAGLIA the 1st time at Metro was something witness.

September 29, 1999

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Hey KERMZY, how did you know that! Good call.

Ya know what was a great Metro memory, the first time Jon Trana and the girls prfrme. Picture Metro packe to the walls,music poundin, and all of a sudden you hear.......DEEP KEMICAL and then you see.......John Trana appear out of nowhere. I can see that whole seen in my head to this day. AWSOME!

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Liquidtouch, you really are on point with your Metro knowledge. You are right . The second time Tenaglia played at metro WAS september 25, cause thats Petey K B-day, he played on his birthday and it was also the grand re-opening weekend of the "New " Metro Lounge when we moved the main bar and expanded the dance floor.

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Originally posted by liqidtouch

KERM and ADV !!

you are BOTH right-

there was 2 seperate nights:cool:

I guess when you dont drink you remember a hell of a lot more huh? LOL

I dont remember the date I first went, but I remember it was with my friend Jen, and I fell in love immediately. :tongue:

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