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Piracy laws w/ live sets??

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I posted this on another board but wanted to see if any of you knew anything about this...

Ok, my school recently cracked down on pirated mp3s and made everyone delete them... even seized a few of the major offenders' computers. Obviously with single tracks that are on an artists album, legally you must buy the album to have the rights to own the mp3. However, does anyone know how these laws apply to live sets? My thinking is that since they are usually just recorded at the venue or via internet radio, and most aren't available to purchase on a CD for example, it would be ok to have them as the artist can control who records his sets. Anyone have any concrete ruling on this? Thanks.

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Originally posted by digitaldan

I posted this on another board but wanted to see if any of you knew anything about this...

Ok, my school recently cracked down on pirated mp3s and made everyone delete them... even seized a few of the major offenders' computers. Obviously with single tracks that are on an artists album, legally you must buy the album to have the rights to own the mp3. However, does anyone know how these laws apply to live sets? My thinking is that since they are usually just recorded at the venue or via internet radio, and most aren't available to purchase on a CD for example, it would be ok to have them as the artist can control who records his sets. Anyone have any concrete ruling on this? Thanks.

It doesn't matter if the DJ can control who records his sets. It would still violate (1) his/her copyright right to reproduce the set, (2) the copyright rights of the radio station that broadcasted the set, if any, and (3) the copyright rights of the artist whose record the DJ spun.

But why do you care?

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it's very much a grey area, but as far as dance music is concerned, from what i hear most DJs (famous or not) don't really care if their live sets are distributed to other people, with the obvious exception that if the set was officially put out as a record by some label.

producers also for the most part (in the EDM business) don't care too much if their tracks are being distributed mixed into a set by some DJ, but if the track came out as a record, they do take issue with people trading the unmixed mp3 of the record (CDJ's would just burn to CD and not buy the record).

it's still technically illegal though....if the tracks on the set or DJ himself is signed to a major or a sub of a major, the RIAA might wanna come after your ass. if it's some unsigned DJ playing obscure records with no ties to a major, then the RIAA couldn't care less.

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some points:

radio sets are broadcast for anyone to listen to.

is it illegal to record the radio to tape?

is it illegal to let a friend make a copy of that tape?

i personally wouldn't want to attend a college that concedes to the RIAA/MPAA's demands.

related articles:



if u can afford it, you might want to find someone who lives nearby off campus and setup a fileserver with wireless LAN, then stream your music/files without using school resources.

btw, which school is this?

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anybody notice that nowadays it's really hard NOT to break the law, because we simply have too damn many of them?

seems like in order to be a perfect upstanding citizen these days you've got to be a complete mindless drone with no sense of adventure or excitement.

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