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YOUR YEAR IN REVIEW (Your "highs" and "lows" of 02)

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Christ can you believe an entire

year went by again? It was like a blink

of a strobe light..and here we are again.

So much has happened in a year

that in retrospect it almost felt

like three years condensed into one

heart beat.(Surreal to think that

one can experience so much in such

a short period of time)

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And now:

(drum rolls)


"BEST" OF "WORST OF" 2002!


BEST OF(My "highs")


*Falling in Love with NY

all over again (In more ways than one)

after a dark ending to 01.

*Finding my best pal


*Being involved and helping out

some of NYC's best crews

in the scene (Tronic, Jaugernaut,

Big Apple breaks..etc)

*Relocating and finding

a new life filled with

growth and promise and

a great new job in my field..!

(as well as making new

friends with the same

interests and goals as me.)

*Traveling again..

*finding a new "peace

of mind" and slowly

learning to love myself again.

*Getting more serious

about writing and having

a new door surprisingly

open up for me in ding my best pal


*Being involved and helping out

some of NYC's best crews

in the scene (Tronic, Jaugernaut,

Big Apple breaks..etc)

*Relocating and finding

a new life filled with

growth and promise and

a great new job in my field..!

(as well as making new

friends with the same

interests and goals as me.)

*Traveling again..

*finding a new "peace

of mind" and slowly

learning to love myself again.

*Getting more serious

about writing and having

a new door surprisingly

open up for me in an entirely

new career..

*Being reunited once again

with family.

*Finally finding the time

and money to start DJing..




(BREATHING is a lucky thing

after the way I almost wound up

the last month or so in NYC)

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WORST OF (my "lows")


*Having NYC break my heart

(In more ways than one)

and my ass put through

the wringer financially.

*losing complete contact

with my old dog

*Being completely

grossed out by NYC's

clubland "clique's"

DJ whoredom and phony

"friends" (to the point

of almost not wanting to

go out anymore)

*losing old "friends"

and being shocked by

people who don't care about

other people's feelings..

*Hitting a very dark

self destructive low

in my life and

almost losing my mind

because of it (scaring many

people away)

*Going deeper into debt with

the IRS (almost having to declare


*Not being able to find

work in NY as an artist and being

ass broke...

*Neglecting my health

*Coming very cland "clique's"

DJ whoredom and phony

"friends" (to the point

of almost not wanting to

go out anymore)

*losing old "friends"

and being shocked by

people who don't care about

other people's feelings..

*Hitting a very dark

self destructive low

in my life and

almost losing my mind

because of it (scaring many

people away)

*Going deeper into debt with

the IRS (almost having to declare


*Not being able to find

work in NY as an artist and being

ass broke...

*Neglecting my health

*Coming very close to

suicide after losing my

perspective and forgetting how

great life could really be.

*losing my faith in "Romance"

forever and having my heart

finaly freeze over completely.

(And not ever wanting it back)..

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- getting accepted to the phd program @ columbia

- going to europe

- discovering tronic treatment (boat parties, mmmmm)

- major parties: cox/hawtin, dancevalley, godskitchen, pvd's return to nyc, tiesto, pvd@arc, rabbit in the moon, boo6, etc... etc... etc...

- QUITTING MY JOB!!!!!!! (it only took 5 years, hehe)

- discovering some random idea i had might be a groundbreaking way to solve a 30 year old problem

- finding out "gradientdescent.com" still wasn't registered and snagging it

- stoned techno improvizations

- making a ton of new friends :)


- falling for someone, spending 4 months drooling only to realize she was only using me for my job. swearing i would never fall for anyone again.

- not falling for anyone since the end of the summer :(

- major academic failure: not finishing my ISMIR 2002 paper on time.

- getting in the middle of two of my friend's infidelities.

- thinking all of my labmates know more then me

- psychological disorders in general :)

there's much more, i'll edit this later :)

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going to south africa and europe after being in the US for 3 years without leaving the country...

finding new friends, discarding old ones...

working in wash dc with a really cool guy this summer...

getting my own place after getting rid of my stupid turkish roommate...

gaining a more grounded perspective on life...


almost failing a class in constitutional law...

travelling too much in the past few months...

losing a very good friend...

gaining something i didn't want to know existed....

having my wallet stolen twice in the same damn year (one time in africa, one time in vegas)

there's more, but i don't want to get too personal

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Falling in love all over again

Watching my two little cousins (1 and 4) grow up, in amazement

Knowing I'm graduating soon

Realizing some fake friends and cutting them out of my life

Meeting new friends

Having the chance to intern @ the American Cancer Society


Watching my mom's lose her husband to cancer

Having to deal with a lost family member

Growing apart from my childhood best friend

Knowing I'm graduating soon

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this year.

has deff been a Very difficult year for me in alot of ways....

id say The worse of this year was....finding out i had cancer, it was a very big blow to my Heart as well as my mind.....its changed me in every way possible, and its made me very Strong in the long run....

and prob the worse was my 1 year realationship with my ex,

all the hell he put me threw, and all the Fear he had pumped into me, Destroyed who i was for a VERY long time, i was a carbon copy of every tipical Victim out there, i was abused, Hurt, and most of all i was left empty....i lost a best friend, and i lost myself. i belevied all my bullshit lies about who he was, and i Became something very Disgusting in my own eyes.

i hated who i was, and i hate how i let somone Have that much control over me, i hate how i got so low that i Questioned living, and i questioned life and my Family. i hate how He had to bring me to the LOWEST FUCKING POINT u can bring another human-being 2, and i hate how he raped everything out of me.

But from all the shit i went threw this year..

i came out of it....ALL OF IT

i overcame my fear of being aloe,

i am Beating this disease

and i beat him...By letting go, and by knowing i was someone who deserved better, and i have grown alot.

i thank god, for pulling me out of such a Horrible thing, and i thank my family and friends for not giving up on me...

and most of all......im gonna thank myself.. for never Trully letting go of who i was, even if i was clouded n Wrong for awhile..


there my downs, n lows..and my Growth of 2002

Shitty year, but my future is Bright....

im openg a club soon,

im free n single

and im happy.;)


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. . Falling in love & getting my heart broken (I learned a lot from that)

. . Breaking off all ties with people who aren't worth it

. . Spending more time with my family

. . Building close relationships with people I can truely trust

. . FINALLY deciding on a major

. . Getting a new job (one semi-important compared to others)

. . Learning a LOT about myself and becoming more confident


. . Practically ruining my credit

. . Putting myself in major debt

. . Fucking up last semester ROYALLY

. . Being totally betrayed by people I thought I could trust

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-cruising around in the summer with the MR2.

-hitting up DeepDish twice, Lawler Once, getting in costume for a sucky performance, then feeling bad about dragging everyone out... then laughing about it later.

-helping my mom get a new car.

-playing with my cute little puppy at home

-Going to PuertoRico for New Year's - ABSOLUTELY INSANE EXPERIENCE.

-Somehow managing to stay ahead of all my bills.

-Putting out a couple decent mixes and making people smile.

-becoming best friends again with two people whom i hadn't spoken to in years.


-bombing this semester totally

-facing more bills than i can pay

-losing motivation for school

-hating Troy with every part of my body and soul

-losing a couple other friends this year.

-feeling trapped inside a shroud that's blocking my imagination, creativity and intelligence.

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- going thru a messy breakup with my g/f of six years

- hooking up with another girl who ended up having a baby

- turns out I wasn't the father :mad:

- getting banned from playing hardcore at three different clubs

- getting paid shit to DJ for packed clubs

- having to borrow money from my family to pay my rent

- getting screwed over by people

- getting informed that I wouldn't be going on tour with E-Craft at the last minute

- my hard drive crashed and I lost some of my original songs

- too much other shit to mention right now


- I wish I was fuckin high right now

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Wow Jaysea man..

That's very brave sharing

all of that with the board..

(that goes for all of you too)


Believe it or not I could

relate to almost all of

what you went through

this year..

And yes, I too was diagnosed

with that horrid disease..

A year ago..though I neglected

it and pretended it wasn't there.

In fact not many people know about it..

It played a major roll in my

depression this last year..

feeling like shit and losing

tons of weight while broke

and going through a bad relationship

can get prety hairy...

It's all of those type of

things that make one grow.

In the end I was able to see who my TRUE

friends where....who stood by me even

when I was a mess and tried to understand what it

would be like if they where in my shoes...

But It's all good now.

I'm going to the doctor weekly..

eating well..laying off of

the hard drugs, cutting back on the booze,

seeing a shrink and working out again.

New Job, New Girl(s), New car,

New Apt and europe as my back yard.

Life's good.

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mugs it does suck, but i see things different because of it, ya know?

and with the opeing of this place soon, im Ready to put Everything i got into oeping a Venue with Amazing Talent, and Puttting the Focus more on ART, People, Vibe, n ofcourse HOUSE MUSIC....lol im looking forward to putting all my energy in something i love.

i love this new space!

i love the Dj's that will prob grace it,

and i love being able to be here, n do this and give back to a dried up city.

this year was good....i found myself.....30yr's into life, i found me

its nice....lol

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I had a lot of highs and not a lot of lows. This was a year of remarkable blessings for me. Mugs I did not not have the lows that you did and I hope that you continue to grow and feel better in 2003. The most remarkable thing for me this year is how well I am doing in school, the work force and how I have cut all illegal substances out of my life. They were def taking over!!! I wish everyone a happy, safe, prosperous New Year....

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Originally posted by mugwump


(Keepem coming)

This is a snap shot of my new "high":

spending long sundays on the beach with

Mr. Rocco in Fregene, Italy

(20 minutes from my apt in Rome)


That's one cute dog... and not a bad beach either

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Jaysea wrote:

mugs it does suck,

but i see things different

because of it, ya know?

Yea it really does..

I got bitter and angry and

then denied it..but once you

embrace it and start to really

think about your mortality many

other things start to look and feel so trivial

and minute..(Granted I am much better

in my head right now than I ever

was in NYC)

I'm glad for you man..

The Nightclub thing sounds great

and I'm sure that with your past history

and experience in the scene you'll

run a great night...

(Too bad I'm not there anymore

or I'd totally help you out in any and

every which way I could if you

ever needed an extra hand.)

Keep me posted from

time to time..K?



Too bad I didn't see

ya one last time before I left.

You sound like your doing well..Keep it up

you crazy Texan woman you. If your

ever in Italy look me up..

(miss ya)

jimk29: Thanks!

Rocco's a looker all right..

(unlike his daddy thank god)

Italy has some beautiful beaches..

(The water is so blue it's surreal looking)

I've always loved Beaches in the winter time.

here...small crowds and really relaxing..

I just sit in front of

it and let this feeling of

peace come over me with the sound of the waves..

(Rocco on the other hand spends the entire

time chasing seagulls and running like

a maniac)




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  • 3 weeks later...



Getting close again to my MEXICAN side

of my family.


Finding out that my REAL genetic father

(after searching) is dead*...




*Turns out he was a painter

with severe depression..he commited suicide five

years ago.....there's something to be said for genetics

me thinks

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Highs of this year:

~Meeting & falling in love with my babes, the love of my life :kiss2:

~My grandmother surviving a horrible car accident

~My family becoming closer after the death of my grampa

~Making new friends from CP

~Finally having an awesome birthday with someone I love and metting Andy Dick in Central Park that day

~Quitting smoking

~Doing good in college for the semester

~Meeting Tiesto, Ojeda, Vicious, Edgar V and Noel Sanger

~Finally, getting a new PC

~Finishing re-doing my room

~Having an awesome time chilling at clubs with CPers

~Getting off of work Christmas eve and day and spending it with my family and Larry and his family

Lows of the year

~Losing my grampa :( (RIP- I love you)

~Being so far from my babes

~Growing apart from my best friend

~Wanting to quit my job b/c my boss is a Bitch :cuss:

Thats all I can think of right now....:):(

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