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the real underground


are there any  

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  1. 1. are there any

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I've just recently moved to sobe from mich. I have spent many weekends here over the lst 3 yrs which is part of the reason I moved here. the music is a huge part of my life, well really it is my life. yea ok so Im a Dj.. now days who isnt. I've been doing this since the 80's no shit ! and I'm still alive. you say since the 80's christ your old. not really the music keeps me forever young. I used to run a after hours club in MI the liquid room strickly underground no main streem club jocks, small room 200 to 250 very comfortable couches love seats candels coffee tables like sitting in your best friends big living room. the vibe was as friendly as it gets nothing but smiling shining happy people. I miss that vibe...space, spin, level, crobar all offer great shows from time to time, and there are no doubt some very talented locals spinning in some of the clubs. I now have a few new favorites. but Im looking for the underground. I dont want to hear the same shit weekend after weekend by the same local residents. is there a club here that books local dj's that arn't doing residencies at a half a dozen clubs in town, some thing off the beaten path, some place that isn't so concerned about your fucking bank book and is more in tune to spreading great music and vibes. If you can hook a brother up I'd forever be greatful.

Peace and much Love

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Our Saturday deep house party is on that tip. Its not on the main strip, we charge only $5, no dress code, no attitude, just cool folks into cool music. the party is called DiRtY LiTtLe FuNkY ThInG and is at lola bar 247 23rd street. open bar and free admission 10-11:30. This sat we have two guests from chicago droppin' in for the parte'. Julius the mad thinker and mona from 3degrees.

Peace and I'll see you on the dancefloor

Joe Budious

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hay Mr J thanks for the hook up on the club I will most deffinatly check it out . I'm all about fat tracks and good vibes..

and to U pod comercial is the shit we are force fed wk after week in all the main streem clubs around town, when there not booking head liners. I agree though the term underground is over used, to me underground means music and people that arn't excepted by the main streem because of our music tastes and our life styles because we don't feel like conforming to everybody elses ideas of what is readily excepted. ect....I hate hanging out with pretentious fucks who think they have it going on. And why arnt there any hard house Dj's in this town. bring on the beats.


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I hear ya about finding that chill spot where its more about the music than about being seen. I am from Chicago and moved here about 2 years ago. I spin funky Chicago style house, this Satuday Dec. 14th we are spinning at a very chill spot, Kaya in Kendall. Really cool spot, only room for about 200-300 people, but the whole club has tons of space for dancing, couches, lounging areas. We have done this spot about 3 times already and are definitely looking for some support. Its free before 11pm and $5 after.....I assure you the music will take you back to exactly what you initially described. If you can make it we would appreciate the support....here is a link to the flyer that has a little sound byte, peace!!


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Underground ........ many like to use it ....... few can prove it .....

Miami has few places that can give U that mainframe ...... non of the clubs nowadays can give you that feeling ...... U might need to find out of warehouse parties ..... small gigs that will get to your ears if you are really interested .......

Music formatts that diverge from the mainstream can be called underground ......

Check put a Phat Music Sessions party .... and you will understand what I mean .........


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hay lyrik thanks for the invite I'm all about supporting local talent . most of the headliners out there were all locals at one time bumping there shit. it takes some of us longer than others to get our due, its all about being in the right spot at the right time. locals put heart into what they do its a passion to them.

so to all support your local Dj......

and to vipnerd thanks for responding to the thred. I have to say though the ware house thing isnt me never has been I need creature comforts like a big O cumfie couch to sink into from time to time. The big rooms are cool when theres a reason for the masses to gather, that special show - take mario 2wks ago thats a good reason to jump off into a cluster fuck of people. other than that I have no desire to hang with the masses every weekend. thats just me.. Peace Buzz

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underground what ever. just bring the music to masses.. the more exposed the masses are to different styles of music; in different settings. can only add diversity, and perhaps challenge the creativity of the artist that make the music. I'm fairly certain what ever defines "underground" , doesn’t include creating an elitist environment. just my $0.02..:)

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Your absolutely right the more exposed to the music the greater the opportunity to impress upon people your creative expression. It doesn't really matter to me where that specifically is, just as long as there are people and the music....and to buzzmaster...I meant to say "couldn't have said it better myself"...not... "could have said it better"...oops my bad..anyways come out and support, no matter where, as long as the music stays pumpin' and funky it has its own way of creating an environment full of good vibes.

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