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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


I hate to break the news to you....

But its only the haters that will have you believe we only look this good because of the drugs...

There are not enough drugs in my closet, or on the east coast that could get some of you guys even close to my cleaning ladies physique...

listen i know that its still hard work i just ain't dedcated and the drugs hve a big part in it

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus


I am feelin the need to corrupt the life of some lucky FDU Freshman hooka...

Chest at FDU....

Pick you up at your place around 6pm???

riggs, sorry pal, i'm headed north today to pick up NYE tickets, i gotta meet george at metro at 6, then from thier seeing the old boyz from the old stompin ground of NM, ya know where all the tasty girlies are from, angel, d-lite!!!!

feel free to use my facilities.............hollllaaaaa at me fool

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Originally posted by dogekid

i am the package.....bitch!!!

look riggs, another crack head still halucianting from his weekend trip!!! say it with me doggystyle............thier's no place like home, thier's no place like home, are you back yet?? good!!!

now we can talk, what was it you were saying, your the what?? i thaught so, your request for our x-mas package has been recieved pls allow 6-8 weeks for delivery, till then you can still continue to throw yourself down the steps from your trailer park, to get used to the black and blues!!! remeber sing slinky everytime you hit a step!!!! and remember when you start to feel blue, ask me politely and i will take my hands off your throat!!!!

it's a doggy dog's world kid, we're just livin in it..................

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Originally posted by roddigga

you will be the 1st in line during midget tossing, our record is about a good 30 yds joegio sure flies pretty far for a meathead....................w/ your stupid question and comments i think we will easily break that record!!!! good luck and i hope you enjoy our x-mas present, included in yours, i have asked our little elves to pack an extra cucumber for your pleasure!!!!! say it with me doubleplay "I'M A SLINKY"

the best thing about meatheds is when you see one start with as you call them some "slinky" and the slinky totally rips them a new asshole:laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

the best thing about meatheds is when you see one start with as you call them some "slinky" and the slinky totally rips them a new asshole:laugh: :laugh:

?????????????? huh ????????????????? pls put this in meathead terms!!!!

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

ok meathead terms

just because someone can bench a ton doesnt mean they can kick ass.

whoa, whoa, whoa, no one said anything bout kicking ass, "mikey"...............midget tossing is a sport, falling down the steps, and singing slinky, "it was just an accident officer"

see here doubleplay your just another hater who has this stereotypical view on people that you don't even know.........

as far as ass kickin, i never kicked anyones ass or started a fight, but like i've said in the past "it was all in self defence" so simmer down superman, b/c the phone booths closed!!! i wanna see a doubleplay roll call now everyweek stating were you will be, so if i'm ever around i'll stop in look for the big S for superman and we'll do some shots, chugg some beers, and bump our chests together and show the world that slinkies and 100%beefheads can coexist............................

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Originally posted by roddigga

whoa, whoa, whoa, no one said anything bout kicking ass, "mikey"...............midget tossing is a sport, falling down the steps, and singing slinky, "it was just an accident officer"

see here doubleplay your just another hater who has this stereotypical view on people that you don't even know.........

as far as ass kickin, i never kicked anyones ass or started a fight, but like i've said in the past "it was all in self defence" so simmer down superman, b/c the phone booths closed!!! i wanna see a doubleplay roll call now everyweek stating were you will be, so if i'm ever around i'll stop in look for the big S for superman and we'll do some shots, chugg some beers, and bump our chests together and show the world that slinkies and 100%beefheads can coexist............................

yo man its all cool im just playing around. unless someone did harm to my mother or a girlfriend or close female friend im not fighting anyone its not worth the price of the legal fees. shots beers sound cool bumping chess hmmm i got better things to bump lol. but if you consider me a slinky its by choice.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

yo man its all cool im just playing around. unless someone did harm to my mother or a girlfriend or close female friend im not fighting anyone its not worth the price of the legal fees. shots beers sound cool bumping chess hmmm i got better things to bump lol. but if you consider me a slinky its by choice.

superman that is music to my ears freak, bump chests, hey i'll find some other fine hunnie to do that wit...........i'm holding you up on that last offer doubleplay, ya herd!!!!!! i'm putting my fist out now, you dump it on my hand................i like ya already kid, i mean grandfather.............

hey no need to worry, the diggas always messin around..........see ya round fool

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Originally posted by roddigga

superman that is music to my ears freak, bump chests, hey i'll find some other fine hunnie to do that wit...........i'm holding you up on that last offer doubleplay, ya herd!!!!!! i'm putting my fist out now, you dump it on my hand................i like ya already kid, i mean grandfather.............

hey no need to worry, the diggas always messin around..........see ya round fool

ok so the monster bump to rod and a double guido fist pump.

just dont walk around too retarded lol

i take it u like the superman thing huh

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

awe looky look maw... the meatheads are playin again..

It looks like the smaller one is afraid though...

The larger meathead has grunted and shown the meatpup his place at the table..

as superman would say though bus, it's not the size of the dog in the fight, it's the size of fight in the dog!!!!

and yes doubleplay i like SM, but i think you should change it, i wanna see somemore creativity...........something that is more you!!!! hurry cause i have no work tomorrow and will not be able to approve!!!!!

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

i like the superman thing.

my friend who i use to life with told me wen im in the gym i think im superman


come on doubleplay, i wanna see something original!!!! my brother used to wear a SM shirt and beat me when i was a young fella, i get all scitso when i see that, and i've been through 100 boxes of staplers here at work whenever i see you post, and my boss is sick of picking staples out of his ass..............

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