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The offcial Saleen351 Og, Edgar V, lauderdale review

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

Og is stil on the decks. I had to leave, i gots work in the morning. Place was packed from 9pm on till when i left around 1230. I'll finish this review while i'm at work tomrrow, but its clear, good djs, low costs, shitty club with shitty sound system ( i thought edgar was gonna blow the entire system) ='s a great time...

cpers in the hiz house....

good night

and go fuck your self...

tomrow the real review is up, and frank lords jacked an old track and fucked it up. Im looking for my copy now... its like 1996 ish... I'll get the id later...

though i'd like to add, it was for charity. I brought a seseme street big bird toy, hog had a paint set, da jew, had a steering wheel that made sounds, da jew had some thing, i forget....

big how you doing for those who gave to the needy....:)

and big how you dong to the staff and djs, and others who put it on. I hope some kids are happy with my toys and your toys...

:heart: :heart: :heart:

it wasn't about clubs and music tonight... we supported the dj, who supported the needy kids... no matter what it was a win win situation...



frank lords


good shit...

i'd go back any time..

did i mention no marcus or lp....

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my official review.

besides meeting some cp'ers for the first time, the whole experience gave me a rash....

cheese club, cheese crowd and cheese music (mostly)

had a better time for the hour Joey and I hopped accross the intracostal to B-Lounge.

BTW I can't imagine how bad the sound is going to be with a full crowd there. It would have sounded better if Maze had turned up the volume and they would have left the doors open.

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Guest saleen351

OK here is my offcial review..

After yelling at da jew cause he didn't want to bring a gift, i made him buy one. We all came with gifts in our hands. We rolled posse deep in there at 930. So nice walking into a club without all the politics of a space door crew. You simply handed them the gift, and walked in. Such a brillant concept. Space, take notes.

I walk in, and get a brew dog from the lovely Jenifer. $4 bucks for an amstel, and i'm fired up. We hit the dance floor bar, to chill and put the word out, that the CP lauderdale crew was there, ready to tear the club up. Place at 930 was crowded. So we wack out some beer, got to talk to the cp lawyer Joeygk, good luck in nyc joey, sue some people and make lots of money, then come down and open up a club for us. So the saleen, is in a nice mood, things are smooth, and going well. So i hit the bar, this old dude bartending, who is clueless, takes forever to get me a drink, so right before i order, someone tells me this dude is charging 5 bucks an amstel. I"m like, dude they are 4$ up front. Hes like no way, thats wrong, so I walked away and headed up front for my $4 beer. Dude comes flying up behind me, nudges me out of the way, and starts yelling at the lovely jenifer, right in front of me. So i'm like fuck you, < exact words, you fucking jerk off, you won't get a dime from my crew, for what you did. Gave him the finger right to his face, and called him a jerk off, and told him to go fuck himself. No reason for him to do that. So my crew didn't buy shit off of him all night. This is why you don't have old men bar tend in clubs..

It was dui bd and he actually made it threw the night without knocking over any club owners, or djs, or falling down.


Somewhere in the 10pm time frame, frank lords did dark beat. Now the sound system in this place is like one of those bling blingers whos system is weak in their car, so they crank it up and its all distorted. Its aweful. So aweful I felt bad for the djs. And the mic was fucked up for the live performace, keep getting feed back. The sound guy should be fired...

People were loving the dark beat thing.

They did it twice, later on around midnight. I'll sum up both performances here:

First off, frank lords is a big indian dude. Well I think he is, if he is, I think he discraced his people with all the indian shit, and war paint, if he isn't well thats even worse. I"m not one of those pc people who say, change the name of the Redskins and Seminoles etc. But a song about drums made for night clubs and with so many still thinking it sez, i'm addicted to drugs. Which for a month when I (first person on cp and vip ided back in march) thought the same thing. I don't know, maybe i'm just seeing to much into it.

Any way, dude is talented, and puts on a decent show. Though he jacked two tracks out of it. Frist one, I've yet to id, but its old like 1996 or 97 old. I have it on a NYC underground cd..I tried to find it last night, but my cd is scratched to high heaven, so i'll have to id it later. But we all know the track, its a black dude chanting. Frank lords didn't come within a million miles of pulling it off. Then he jacked a country track. I think either toby macguire or toby keith did it. Though he really spoke the lryics, he cleary jacked it. (yes saleen went to college in NC, and listens to country,not on a regualr basis though).

Go see a debra cox to hear a real live performer.

With that being said, I finally got "it" last night. People rip on dark beat. I even caught two huge big time djs ripping on it, and i showed oscar their posts. Thing is og and frank, and ralph last night, watched I'd say 800 people, well maybe 650 people, jump around and get wild to both performances. Thats the point, these dudes, turned out a track, that is so simple, yet so ingenious, sorta like derb which is the standard after final chapter. Though the boys fucked up by not getting gregs mix out there faster, I finally get where og is comming from, in defending his track. Those 18 year olds last night, never get to see og spin. They were pumped up, not cause he is the space dj, but he is mr dark beat, and fired up, was before their time.

So og, as much i as rag on space and your sets, keep up the good work, you make miami what it is, and only if we can somehow get those tracks to the public on cd, a tad bit faster, then miami will be the place. Though i'd like you to redo circles in a DT elments style. I think it would be phat since, you already jacked his, welcome to the tunnel vox... :D

I though mad house was really good. Track needs a little peters in there, and could be a huge radio hit. The other dude Daniel Bettingfeild was pretty good too. (this wasn't an underground show for those who say its cheese, it was for charity.)

Got to meet shroomy, nice talking to you. Other cpers were in the house. Glad to see you guys out in lauderdale, in which i have edgar v on record telling me, there is more hot women in lauderdale...:D

Edgar always nice chatting with you, and like i said, you guys need to put out the info on clubs and dates and track so we can come out. I was going to mercury to see you, but i guess it will have to wait. Your set, was not my thing, but for trance, it might of been some of the best i've heard. You changed it up a bit, and i really liked the scum frog mix for the opening track. Your mixing is tight, but like you even said, no one can run with greg in florida as a technical dj.

Og, big thanks for the cd. Sorry we had to leave, but work was calling, and we were banged up.

That club is such a nice space, with the worst sound system on earth. Edgar cranked it up for a synth break down, with no bass and when it hit, the system was yelling, help me, help me. LOL. Looked like OG had to reach over after edgar had his back to the tables getting a new record, and og brought the bass down...

Big fuck you, to club ibiza, this was cleary to showcase your club, and you dropped the ball. Good luck getting any decent talent in there, after all the sound problems. One speaker at maze is better then the entire system there.

The highlight of the night:

I'm standing at the bar, and I hear this soft chant. I'm thinking what are they chantting? I can't make it out. Yet it got lounder and louder, until I figured it out. THE MOTHER FUCKING TEMPS CREW WAS IN THE MOTHER FUCKING HOUSE. THE DENNY CHANT WAS ROCKING LAUDERDALE.




All in all it was for charity, and we had a great time. And for a tuesday, the place was packed. Titties every where, pigeons all over, and even the faggot ravers showed up. Sobeton would of loved all the little kids with lights. Tone you should of showed up, and taught them the art of the lights... those little grasshoppers need training from the master:D

Hopefully those djs, and promoters realized, people love music, and clubs, just we can't afford it, but when promoted right and prices are in market equilibrium people come out. LP take notes. That place had more people then the last two fridays combined. And double the amount of chicks i've seen in space in a month.

Good talent+good promoting+good prices= crowds

nuff said.

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All I have to say is, it was ok. :confused: Now I relize why all clubs now are 21 and up with the little teenie bopers and their fucking glow sticks swinging them around like they were in a Bruce Lee Movie,:confused: maybe its me but I just dont get it.....:D

Nice to meet some of the people from the board last night :) all in all it was for charity so I wasn't too disappointed.......:D

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Well, all though I missed the charity portion (but I did donate cash for the food drive on my b-day) - sounds like the sound system sucked.

Sooo, guess I have no need to check out this dump anytime soon.

And Saleen, that is by far, theeeeee longest post ever. Shit, I ordered a pizza, had it delivered, ate it, and watched an entire SportsCenter episode before I finally made it through the damn thing.

Next time, shorten it up a little buddy. Thanks -


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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by lolahotass

Well, all though I missed the charity portion (but I did donate cash for the food drive on my b-day) - sounds like the sound system sucked.

Sooo, guess I have no need to check out this dump anytime soon.

And Saleen, that is by far, theeeeee longest post ever. Shit, I ordered a pizza, had it delivered, ate it, and watched an entire SportsCenter episode before I finally made it through the damn thing.

Next time, shorten it up a little buddy. Thanks -


when the boss gives me no work, i type...

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Originally posted by lolahotass

And Saleen, that is by far, theeeeee longest post ever. Shit, I ordered a pizza, had it delivered, ate it, and watched an entire SportsCenter episode before I finally made it through the damn thing.

Next time, shorten it up a little buddy. Thanks -



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it a shame how baja moved in that space and ruined the venue. you should have seen it years ago when it was the theater. it was an awesome venue. the lighting system was VERY similar to maze w/ a moving rig. the sound was pretty decent. back in the days... spin spin sugar, professional widow and the gift were the theaters anthems...

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Guest saleen351

whats the name of the track that goes:

you spin me right round

baby right round

it was on the wedding singer album...

i can't think of the name right now....

heard it 5 years ago at beach place, and it rocked....

though its probably 10 years old by now

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I just wanted to thank everyone who came out for needy kids last Tuesday at club Ibiza. Because we wanted to do a free 18+show it was more difficult to find the right venue. Although there were sound issues, it was a great party and we filled up 4 station vehicles with toys for the kids. Thanks everyone and keep listening and Happy Holidays.


Promotions Dir.

Party 93.1

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Guest saleen351
Originally posted by bustersobe

I just wanted to thank everyone who came out for needy kids last Tuesday at club Ibiza. Because we wanted to do a free 18+show it was more difficult to find the right venue. Although there were sound issues, it was a great party and we filled up 4 station vehicles with toys for the kids. Thanks everyone and keep listening and Happy Holidays.


Promotions Dir.

Party 93.1

since it was for charity i have no complaints, but keep club ibiza off your list of venues to hold it at next time... i thought it was pretty shitty of the club to have such a terrible sound system, you could of rented a much better one for practicaly nothing, since it was tuesday, and also, they may of donated it since it was for charity...

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