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Couple issues i'd like to touch on....

Guest saleen351

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Guest saleen351

1. Lauderdale fucked up. Big time... Things ain't looking good. It goes to show you, people who run clubs don't always know music, and what the market place is. Things are in limbo, but look for late january for a major event. If not, I may do some parties with some others, with our capital. Not a smart move lauderdale. Basically now, i'm gonna let them fuck it up, then put in my 2 cents. You gotta have balls to run and own a club, and they cleary as of now don't.

2. I've been aked to write a Deep Dish space review. No lists, no comps, no nada. I'm a regular paying customer, and I won't go off on anyone, and I'll write the most honest review like i always do. My review will be on a site which is backed by one of the biggest djs. So hopefully space is on the ball, and we can have a good night. Most likey 1000 people will at some point read the review, so i'm pretty excited. For those who have a problem with me, just stay away, and I will do the same. Plus its fucking DD i'll be on the dance floor.

3. Big how you doing Maze. I got wind of who you called and who you may work with. This is exactly what your club needs. Listen to those people, do what they say, and trust me, things will work out much better then they are now. They know their shit, and would take that club to where it needs to be. Finally a club that is listening and willing to talk and bring in the people it needs. I hope you guys work out a deal... I know cp would support it.

4. My stupid stoned idea. I was stoned the other night, taking a shower after the gym, and we have a radio and cd player in our bathroom, and rage against the machine came on. Do u think rage on the patio from 2am till 4am, and og and roland in the main room would work? Or even a system of a down etc...? I think it would take balls to do, but I know it would kick ass!!!! You may even get some metal heads to hear the sounds of og and roland, and may show up, and enjoy the club music...

Sorta like that cheesey, rock and wrestleing movie with FACE from the A Team with mr fuji:D

5. Are the fish the best team in the AFC? They could be... Makes you wonder why Ditka couldn't get RW to run the way he runs now, yet N.O. have a better running game without him, and have won more games without him, yet the fish have won more games with him... weird shit... Ps do u like RW and cordell are gay?

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1.) We may have to accept the fact that Lauderdale is just lame (musically wise) to South Beach and Space.... I hope the January thing works out ;)

2.) Be sure I see this review.........should be good since it is Deep Dish:D

3.) MAZE - I will see you for Rauhofer.............it's ova when this tribal beotch hits da floor:eek: :eek: I LOVE PETER;)

4.) Ummm, Rage against the Machine broke up Saleen. Now it is the former members of Rage along with Chris Cornell (formally of SoundGarden) ---> they are now AudioSlave. And no, that plan would not work, all though, it's better than Cheeslini:tongue:

5.) THE FINS ROCK:D I think Cordell Stewart is a homo and NO, RICKEY WILLIAMS IS NOT GAY -----> but he sure does run fast!

THE JETS FUCKING SUCK:blown: And pass me the bong beotch:eek:


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1. :(

2. i'll read.

3. :D

4. now this is an interesting idea... i'd go to see audioslave play on the patio. in fact even though it's a complete switch in direction for the club... it could be done on a sunday or monday evening. outdoor... intimate... wow.

5. nice to see the fins doing well. since i work in the media i have semi regular contact w/ many players and these guys are all very down to earth. not like the typical ego involved in the NFL.

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Originally posted by saleen351

1. Lauderdale fucked up. Big time... Things ain't looking good. It goes to show you, people who run clubs don't always know music, and what the market place is. Things are in limbo, but look for late january for a major event. If not, I may do some parties with some others, with our capital. Not a smart move lauderdale. Basically now, i'm gonna let them fuck it up, then put in my 2 cents. You gotta have balls to run and own a club, and they cleary as of now don't.


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Originally posted by saleen351

2. I've been aked to write a Deep Dish space review. No lists, no comps, no nada. I'm a regular paying customer, and I won't go off on anyone, and I'll write the most honest review like i always do. My review will be on a site which is backed by one of the biggest djs. So hopefully space is on the ball, and we can have a good night. Most likey 1000 people will at some point read the review, so i'm pretty excited. For those who have a problem with me, just stay away, and I will do the same. Plus its fucking DD i'll be on the dance floor.


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Originally posted by saleen351

3. Big how you doing Maze. I got wind of who you called and who you may work with. This is exactly what your club needs. Listen to those people, do what they say, and trust me, things will work out much better then they are now. They know their shit, and would take that club to where it needs to be. Finally a club that is listening and willing to talk and bring in the people it needs. I hope you guys work out a deal... I know cp would support it.


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Originally posted by saleen351

4. My stupid stoned idea. I was stoned the other night, taking a shower after the gym, and we have a radio and cd player in our bathroom, and rage against the machine came on. Do u think rage on the patio from 2am till 4am, and og and roland in the main room would work? Or even a system of a down etc...? I think it would take balls to do, but I know it would kick ass!!!! You may even get some metal heads to hear the sounds of og and roland, and may show up, and enjoy the club music...

Sorta like that cheesey, rock and wrestleing movie with FACE from the A Team with mr fuji:D


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Originally posted by saleen351

5. Are the fish the best team in the AFC? They could be... Makes you wonder why Ditka couldn't get RW to run the way he runs now, yet N.O. have a better running game without him, and have won more games without him, yet the fish have won more games with him... weird shit... Ps do u like RW and cordell are gay?


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