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Does Anyone Else Here Spin With Mp3's?

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hmm touchy subject -

i def don't - but i can see how it could be benficial ie final scratch etc.....BUT i dont think as a DJ u NEED all those choices at your fingertips..i think a couple record boxes and a book of cds have more music than you will ever need for a set.

As for only spinning music you steal from artists, that is not acceptable.

I occaisionaly download a track or two to play out, but that is only because they vinyl hasnt been available for purchase. 95% of the music I play out is on vinyl only, and i think it works fine that way.

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Originally posted by gothzane

what about someone who makes their own mp3's

im not a dj...but i wonder if its possible to just spin with cds without vinyl.


it's like i was saying in another thread...

It doesn't matter whether the music comes from vinyl, cd, mp3, someone's ass etc. Good music is good music.

I want to pick up a Final Scratch kit so I can take that on the road with me, and I can reduce the number of vinyl I have to lug around. It's better to carry a laptop with 5000 tracks than trying to haul 5000 vinyls. And what's better than having a friend email you his brand new track or remix on MP3 just minutes after he finished it?

I love vinyl, but let's face it, it's an old technology and there's a lot of really good CD and MP3 (whether you purchase or steal music is an entirely different issue) equipment out there. Now, we all know that using vinyl doesn't make you a better DJ. Mixing and track selection are still learned and mastered skills, regardless of the delivery method.

I hear that Danny T uses like 95% CDs in his live sets...

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I have an all-vinyl collection as well. It's really ignorant to be closed-minded about using other equipment. bringing a load of CD's that you've put tracks on isn't going to turn you into Tony Draper overnight, nor will it diminish your skills.

What if:

--You've been searching for a track FOREVER on waax, but it's long-since been out of print and you can only find it in MP3

--You've made your own tracks and you'd like to burn them to CD to play them. Of course, feel free to take them to a record label and pay out the ass to get them pressed into dubplates, but it's easier to throw it on a cd and bring it.

there are a LOT of dj's who use CD's and it's rather stupid to think that "real DJ's only use vinyl" all the time. in case you didn't look at your bank account, $$ isn't cheap, nor is having a vinyl habit.

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I mainly only use vinyl in my own studio anymore. I've played too many places where the decks were unreliable, or the other DJs didn't bring their own needles and needed to use mine. Plus I'm sick of lugging around all of my records. I enjoy the feel of spinning records more than other formats, but now it seems like I'm usually just playing wax in my studio for my own enjoyment, or if I need to sample some kind of scratch effect for a tune.

I put everything on cd nowadays. But every track I burn to cd I edit in SoundForge first so I can normalize the levels and EQ the tracks so the sonic quality is consistent within my catalog. I'm also in the process of creating a spreadsheet book where I'm going to have all of my tracks separated and listed by genre and tempo so I can find what I'm looking for faster so I'll have more time to focus on creative mixing.

As far as mp3s, I dunno. I've never tried any mp3 mixing program. I suppose it might be interesting to try out, but I'm a little too paranoid about the laptop crashing in the middle of a set and you're stuck there looking like an ass while everyone's listening to speaker hum.

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Originally posted by heretic909

As far as mp3s, I dunno. I've never tried any mp3 mixing program. I suppose it might be interesting to try out, but I'm a little too paranoid about the laptop crashing in the middle of a set and you're stuck there looking like an ass while everyone's listening to speaker hum.

actually you know what happens when the laptop crashes during an mp3? it loops over a tiny bit of it over and over REAL FAST....kind of like a gabber track. your peeps might enjoy that. :D

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Originally posted by dr0ne

actually you know what happens when the laptop crashes during an mp3? it loops over a tiny bit of it over and over REAL FAST....kind of like a gabber track. your peeps might enjoy that. :D

That actually kinda happened once, although it was a cd. I walked into this one club, and the DJ saw me and invited me to spin a few tracks if I wanted. What he didn't know was that I was already completely trashed, but I took his offer anyway.

So I went thru this tunes, put a track on, and somehow in my drunken state, I set up some kind of loop on the cd player which was repeating the same loop for about two minutes before I realized it and mixed out of it.

Of course by now, the DJ realized that I was mad drunk. He said he didn't know which was funnier: the fact that I had accidently set up this loop, the fact that people kept dancing to it, or the fact that someone came up and asked who the remix was by.

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