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NYE Hotel Rooms

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ok, my boy's NYE party just got thrown away like the wrapping on the outside of a test kit that shortbus just picked up.

so... that obviously leaves me with one choice.. metro. here's where i need some help. i need to figure out who has gotten a room already and who has room left in their room for a doge.

i'll supply the restraints, i mean booze for afterwards and inbetween.

talk ta me people!!

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Originally posted by dogekid

ok, my boy's NYE party just got thrown away like the wrapping on the outside of a test kit that shortbus just picked up.

so... that obviously leaves me with one choice.. metro. here's where i need some help. i need to figure out who has gotten a room already and who has room left in their room for a doge.

i'll supply the restraints, i mean booze for afterwards and inbetween.

talk ta me people!!

if its just you.. you are in

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dogekid may not stay with me!

I hate him!

you hear me jay????

Now, why don’t you climb onto that Special Needs tricycle of yours with the fourth wheel attached for extra-ensured retard stability and pedal your fat ass down to the sports field and do some “outdoors†stuff for a change.

Hell, if you don’t like it, you can always offer to lick-clean the jockstraps.

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see, the funny thing is i wasn't asking whether u liked me or not, cuz we all know that shrine you keep of me in your closet says it all. i mean, c'mon now.. anyone that sends themselves bouquets of roses every day and night signed "One day they really will be from him.." obviously has some form of a delusional psyche.

and don't make me tell everyone about the time you disguised yourself as my mother last year, asking if i wanted to try breast feeding again.

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Originally posted by dogekid

see, the funny thing is i wasn't asking whether u liked me or not, cuz we all know that shrine you keep of me in your closet says it all. i mean, c'mon now.. anyone that sends themselves bouquets of roses every day and night signed "One day they really will be from him.." obviously has some form of a delusional psyche.

and don't make me tell everyone about the time you disguised yourself as my mother last year, asking if i wanted to try breast feeding again.

Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables......

Generally, there is nothing wrong with having nothing worthwhile to say - unless you insist on saying it.....

A long period of non-posting would be most welcome on your part...

I mean really.....

What possessed you to think that you were capable of being entertaining or interesting to read?.....

I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you.......

Maybe you wouldn't come across as such a jellyfish-sucking mental midget if your brain cells weren't on the endangered species list.......

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Thanks for your contribution, but if I had wanted to hear from somebody with your IQ, I'd be at my local supermarket talking to the vegetables......

I'd get more pleasure from running my nostrils down a cactus, than reading another contribution from you.......

:rofl: :rofl: :rofl:

you crack me up girl

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we might all ask ourselves the question.. what do we think of when we think of hunnie?? hmm, i'm thinkin some form of sharp cheddar, maybe even a nice aged brie. point is cheese breath, you're about as useful as a used condom packaged by a wood chipper. you, my friend, are as enjoyable as a day of counting tree rings on thousand year old maples.

i'm taking control of your room from here on. as of now you will be staying in the janitor's closet using an 8 week old package of lunch meat as your bed. and try not to huff all the spray paint during your stay....junky.

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Originally posted by dogekid

we might all ask ourselves the question.. what do we think of when we think of hunnie?? hmm, i'm thinkin some form of sharp cheddar, maybe even a nice aged brie. point is cheese breath, you're about as useful as a used condom packaged by a wood chipper. you, my friend, are as enjoyable as a day of counting tree rings on thousand year old maples.

i'm taking control of your room from here on. as of now you will be staying in the janitor's closet using an 8 week old package of lunch meat as your bed. and try not to huff all the spray paint during your stay....junky.


You have just proved the theory that there is no limit to human stupidity.....

Your post is an orgy of stultifying cacophonous verbal depravity; an exercise in literary impotence, and an offense to all of good taste and decency.......

When I want your monkey-brained opinion I'll rattle your cage, okay?.....

You're just another Internet-addicted idiot suffering from diarrhea of the mouth and constipation of the mind.......

If that post was intended as a joke, you forgot to include the punch line.....

I bet you thought it was just coincidence that your parents had the same surnames before they married....

I used to think that you were a gibbering idiot. Now, after reading your latest post, I have a much lower opinion of you.

You are obviously suffering from Clue Deficit Disorder.......


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oh yeah???... well, you're ugly.

Originally posted by xrapturex Dont Worry Dogekid,

You can stay with me if you'd like

Originally posted by somegirl24 Listen up Dog..you can stay with me but as payment, I must insist you be my bitch....

thank you my loyal subjects

now, can we get back to the topic at hand please?...

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Originally posted by hunnie818

ya know what Jay.....forget it...

I'm sick of being pissed off.........TRUCE????:confused:

truce it is...

and just for clarification and to clear some dead air.. i know you're still upset with me for trying to take advantage of your 12 year old cousin this summer, but what did you expect? she had on her Wonder Woman undies and matching training bra.

plus, i told you and your entire family that i woulda payed for the abortion. i even offered to help pay for your prosthetic penis, so that you could take your first big step towards becoming Homie818.

i hope we can learn to be friends again.

your pal,


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Originally posted by dogekid

truce it is...

and just for clarification and to clear some dead air.. i know you're still upset with me for trying to take advantage of your 12 year old cousin this summer, but what did you expect? she had on her Wonder Woman undies and matching training bra.

plus, i told you and your entire family that i woulda payed for the abortion. i even offered to help pay for your prosthetic penis, so that you could take your first big step towards becoming Homie818.

i hope we can learn to be friends again.

your pal,


Ya know I tried to be civilized but obviously its not gonna work....

Fuck you about my cousin...it's not even funny! It's obvious your stick your dick in anything...

Your a child molester!

As far as the abortion, your a real p.o.s. for even bringing that up on a message board!

Burn in hell fucker!:flame:

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Originally posted by dogekid

i like em new, not like you

How dare you!!!! You must be kidding...

Your the fucken slut...your the one who banged that preschooler behind my back!!!!!

Yeah..im sure she was a 16 year old virgin who just happened to have sex w/ you on the first night cause it was "love"

your so gullible....pullllleeeeease

i dont know what the hell i ever saw in you! ASSHOLE! :mad:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

How dare you!!!! You must be kidding...

Your the fucken slut...your the one who banged that preschooler behind my back!!!!!

Yeah..im sure she was a 16 year old virgin who just happened to have sex w/ you on the first night cause it was "love"

your so gullible....pullllleeeeease

i dont know what the hell i ever saw in you! ASSHOLE! :mad:

first of all, she told me she was 17 and once i had buck naked, she looked more like she was 25. guess you russian brit frenchy furckers just bloom early. what was i gonna do? ask her for ID?

and i didn't say it was outta love, i said she loved it when i hit her doggy-style. figured she deserved the extra-special treatment if she was related to you somehow, knowing that you ain't gettin none, your little cousin might as well. maybe she could draw you diagrams just so you'd feel involved.

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Originally posted by dogekid

first of all, she told me she was 17 and once i had buck naked, she looked more like she was 25. guess you russian brit frenchy furckers just bloom early. what was i gonna do? ask her for ID?

and i didn't say it was outta love, i said she loved it when i hit her doggy-style. figured she deserved the extra-special treatment if she was related to you somehow, knowing that you ain't gettin none, your little cousin might as well. maybe she could draw you diagrams just so you'd feel involved.

Your are such a pig! Ask her for Id??? Your suck a jerkoff...why would you even be trying to get w/ someone in my family...your twisted....

and thats right bitch...you never hit this shit and never will cause your pathetic!

So go screw around w/ my cousin.....i wish she would've kept the damn baby and ruined your life!:mad:

and draw me a diagram??? Baby when i have sex it's so good the neighbors need a cigarrette!

Kill yourself :knife:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

Your are such a pig! Ask her for Id??? Your suck a jerkoff...why would you even be trying to get w/ someone in my family...your twisted....

and thats right bitch...you never hit this shit and never will cause your pathetic!

So go screw around w/ my cousin.....i wish she would've kept the damn baby and ruined your life!:mad:

why would i want you, when i've already gotten to your cousin who could do back flips over your ammature ass.?.? and the only reason she didn't keep the kid is because i told her i'd kick her in the fuckin stomach on the first day of the ninth month. and i'll do the same to you if you don't watch your mouth.

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Originally posted by dogekid

why would i want you, when i've already gotten to your cousin who could do back flips over your ammature ass.?.? and the only reason she didn't keep the kid is because i told her i'd kick her in the fuckin stomach on the first day of the ninth month. and i'll do the same to you if you don't watch your mouth.

You would know nothing about my amateur ass since you never tapped it PUNK!

Ya know what...your fucken dead!

YOur gonna kick me in my stomach??? Ill break your fucken jaw!

DO NOT think for 1 second i wont come to your house and bash your fucken brains in with a bat!

As a matter of fact...Im gonna tell my uncle about what a little slut daughter he has and i'm gonna tell him about you too and what you just said....

I hope he rips your fucken spline out through your throat you pathetic, limpdick shmuck!

You think your so big and bad...we'll see when i roll up to your house w/ my boys and we each take turns tossin you around like a ragdoll!

Watch your back....

:mad: :mad: :mad:

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Originally posted by hunnie818

You would know nothing about my amateur ass since you never tapped it PUNK!

Ya know what...your fucken dead!

YOur gonna kick me in my stomach??? Ill break your fucken jaw!

DO NOT think for 1 second i wont come to your house and bash your fucken brains in with a bat!

As a matter of fact...Im gonna tell my uncle about what a little slut daughter he has and i'm gonna tell him about you too and what you just said....

I hope he rips your fucken spline out through your throat you pathetic, limpdick shmuck!

You think your so big and bad...we'll see when i roll up to your house w/ my boys and we each take turns tossin you around like a ragdoll!

Watch your back....

:mad: :mad: :mad:

who, your uncles that slurps down 20 packs of white castle and finishes it off with a diet root beer?.. that the tough guy you gonna send after me? please tara. i'll throw you and your whole family over my knee and send ya cryin up to your room without supper. cept for Lisa, she can stay and keep my meal warm any day of the week.

now fuck off.

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Originally posted by dogekid

ok, my boy's NYE party just got thrown away like the wrapping on the outside of a test kit that shortbus just picked up.

so... that obviously leaves me with one choice.. metro. here's where i need some help. i need to figure out who has gotten a room already and who has room left in their room for a doge.

i'll supply the restraints, i mean booze for afterwards and inbetween.

talk ta me people!!

listen hear manho, me and the peeps got plenty of room, but for you, your out of your mind, slinkies stay in the emergeny stair way where you belong!!!............no need for a room, ya know why cause we aint sleeping, we're on from the minute my nigga joe starts, till richie is packing up his records!!!!!! unless i find that NYE kiss!!!.............hollaaa at me jaydog..................remember it's your world we're just livin in it...........

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Originally posted by neena16

dogekid and hunnie...I am immensly entertained. Thank you. :laugh:

what do u mean? this was all real. we really hate each other and i really did sleep with her 12 year old cousin. seriously...

digga...remember the magic numbers 2 and 10.

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