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Test of Strength...

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Yo riggs, sure that wasnt a wall o' slinkies?????........when do the slinkolympics begin??? Dont we need to crown the slinky of the year or something.....only fair bus....only fair!!!! That person will have the honor of holding your protein shake all night long NYE@METRO......HOLLLLLAAAAAAA

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listen to me... you need to lay down and place 4 ambiens in your mouth and swallow. when you awake on saturday i want you to call me. i'm gonna come by with rubber padding for your house and car. after that is installed we're gonna transport you and all your belongings to Gary, Indiana where you will learn to be a pea farmer.. no tools of course. you will eat only oatmeal, applesauce and pudding, along with other various soft foods in a hope to slow you down. finally, a shrink will be flown out to visit you every half hour to check on your progress.

go with god my son.

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

How many time can you smash your face against a brick wall before knocking yourself unconscious..

Given that each person's distance to the wall and rate of impact are identical...

I just hit 34 with no results....

boo, i have that gun loaded and ready for u to put that bullet in ur head. i thought that was what u wanted this morning?

don't go smashing ur face against the wall, you wanna look pretty laying in that casket.

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****News Update from Gary, Indiana****......abnormally sized meathead was cited wandering amongst the cornfields claiming he has mounted every 3 tooth redneck sheepherders daughter in his path......his picture has been framed and worshiped in every brothel west of pennsylvania!!!! Some say he exists, some say he is a legend, but rumor has it to not get in his way......simply handover a female specimen to satisfy his hunger and be on your way!!!!!!

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riggs, riggs, quick i just got word a young buck who actually has been trying to rid himself of a slinky status has just tried smashing his head into a wall..............his mother used his screen name and PM'd me and said her poor son was sick of being a slinky and wanted to prove his manhood to us so he banged his head onto a piece of ply wood and nocked the poor little fella out.............hey hype, if you ever wake up just take the plunge fella and sing the song in your head "SLINKY, SLINKY, SLINKY, SLINKY"............i'll hold your tie when your falling down the steps while it's still on your neck.....................

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I wish I had done more drugs this week... it would at least give me valid excuse for my actions..

This is just the restless Bus you are seeing.. too much on his mind to be left home with his thoughts..

I am up for another night of RPP if anyone wants to come out tonight...

For all you Slinkies... RpR is an abbreviation for one of our traditional, animal nights out...




In any order...

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

How many time can you smash your face against a brick wall before knocking yourself unconscious..

Given that each person's distance to the wall and rate of impact are identical...

I just hit 34 with no results....

Some things in life are mant to be mysteries.....lol

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Originally posted by SPYGIRL2

Some things in life are mant to be mysteries.....lol

Wait a min. . I thought that it was "Some Things in Life are too Beautiful to be Forgotten" or "Some things in life are just not fair" or "Some things in life are permitted that you might learn the lesson" .. . Oh just forget it. . .. :laugh: :laugh:

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Originally posted by rdntheshortbus

How many time can you smash your face against a brick wall before knocking yourself unconscious..

Given that each person's distance to the wall and rate of impact are identical...

I just hit 34 with no results....

Isnt that an event in the meathead olympics??

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