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Do you let people judge you, or do you take offense--?


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When somebody you know (co-worker, friend, accomplice in crime, etc...) comments on your behavior or personality, how do you take it?/?

Im torn here b/c sometimes im open to people's judgements and evaluations of me. But it's like taking a risk: sometimes it can be positive compliments; other times shallow remarks.

This isn't directed at anything in particular... this just got me thinking, and i wanted to see what the GlObAL perspective was ;)

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Originally posted by danamdkny

I tend to take things personal -- and can be hyper-sensitive-- but other times -- I can be callous--

but I think it's important to evaluate a different perspective -- but also not be a pushover-- because somethings can never be forgotten -- even if you forgive

yeah, im the same with you on the 1st one.

In the past, i've given people the benefit of the doubt,, and sometimes been a pushover. But now i feel im a better judge of people, and can evaluate a situation much better, not leaving myself vulnerable...

ehh, you live n learn :)

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Cant comment really....ive never been judged...then again..when you think about it...who has right to judge you? your friends? please....their no better or worse...we all have our faults...I suppose the only thing that can me remarked upon is if we do anything to better ourselves or not.


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i have been known to be too honest and too judgmental...both of which i have felt i had no control over...but we do...i find i have toned my thoughts down a lot more since i realized how sensitive people really are...most people asking for such information are looking for revalidation or need it to be sugar-coated...i find myself pre-empting statements these days with, "dont take this too personal" or "dont take this the wrong way"...if people could separate their emotional reaction from what they're hearing, they might actually listen and learn...but that requires either years of experience or a well developed, mature soul (not connected to age)...

...these days, i dont mind opinions...i welcome them, even though i wore the other shoe in the past...i have learned to listen...but no matter how old i get, there are certain areas people do not belong...places deep down within you that a voiced opinion feels like a violation...it is only at those times will i react and put somebody down...

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Guest jroo

i like to be judged and to know what people think. but then again i care too much about what other people think. i see it as a way to make myself better, but you're right, nobody is really qualified to judge you. man, im confused now....

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Originally posted by misk

...i tell them to shut the fuck up and if i wanted their opinion i would tell it to them......

hahah, i can always rely on you to tell it like it is, misk :D

I know what you're saying, but sometimes it's good to hear other people's opinions whether u want to or not. Im talking about people that know you pretty well, not complete strangers.

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It depends. If I like the person as person and they judge me then I take offense but I really because I like that person for whatevew reason. And I am stand offish person till I get to know you. BUT if I do not take an interest in what you said or did/do I really do not care what you think about me.

Take this for ex. there is girl that I like just because and she has taking upon herself to try and make fun of me and because she does I take who the F are you ( you do not know me so shut your damn mouth) upon while dealing with her. It's you judge me so i judge you like wise anit fun (and people listen to me instead of you) approuch. She has since stopped runnning her mouth off about me.

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Originally posted by scaredgirl

it depends who say this and how it is say , i get offend very easly

same here... last week my boss made a rude comment to me and I said something really snotty back to her. No one has any right talking like she did to me, just b/c shes my boss doesnt mean shit. usually I will say something, b/c I don't think its right. If you have something to say to my face/or even behind my back, I have every right to defend myself. :mad::D

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Originally posted by gmccookny

When somebody you know (co-worker, friend, accomplice in crime, etc...) comments on your behavior or personality, how do you take it?/?

it all depends on the comment, connotation, and the person... if its constructive criticism and its from a respected person i take it to heart and tweak what needs to be worked on... however if its just a random voice, stranger, faint echo, even i pay no mind to it... most ppl when theyre criticising you, it tends to be for things theyre ashamed or jealous that theyre not... (not neccessarily true in every case but from my experiences most are) and if I were in your situation... i wouldnt really overreact, id just simply be a lil more cociousious of my actions... and see if any others follow this co-worker, friend, accomplice in crime, etc... and say the same...

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Originally posted by dgmodel

it all depends on the comment, connotation, and the person... if its constructive criticism and its from a respected person i take it to heart and tweak what needs to be worked on... however if its just a random voice, stranger, faint echo, even i pay no mind to it... most ppl when theyre criticising you, it tends to be for things theyre ashamed or jealous that theyre not... (not neccessarily true in every case but from my experiences most are) and if I were in your situation... i wouldnt really overreact, id just simply be a lil more cociousious of my actions... and see if any others follow this co-worker, friend, accomplice in crime, etc... and say the same...

Right .

I used to take almost everything anyone said to heart. Taking things way too personally. And of course in the work place, there's going to be chatter.

But unless it's like you said, "constructive criticism from a respected person", i will pay no mind ;)

Side note: i also come from a different angle than the usual way, and people might wonder "where is this guy going?" But when i end up where im supposed to, it catches them off guard, and they're surprised.


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