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d.j johnny a.

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FU** THE FAKERS....You know once they start losing all the fans out here will turn on them.

GO SUNS!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

I know they choke, but we stay behind our team no matter what, even when we move away.

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I didn't forget where I live, in the land of fakes and fake, Faker fans. I've been to Faker games and see how the fans turn on the team when they start losing. We don't pull that shit with our Suns, win or lose we stick behind them...and yea, after $200 million spent on a team, and with the personnel and coaching staff, you'd expect them to be world champions, but this is a new year and a new year for the Fakers to choke.

Sorry, but I grew up hating the Fakers and will always be loyal to my boys...even if the owner is a dumb ass and trades away his marquis players....we'll be in contention and hand the Fakers their jocks when they choke. cwm4.gif

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I believe this is a case of don't hate the player hate the game. The Lakers, like the the Yankees find a way to get a quality team and make a lot of money. These teams charge more per ticket, they give a lot of things that are not in the contract. A LOT and MANY perks. It's not like the players pay for any of the food they eat or any of the cars they drive. Also the Head Coachs Salary isn't in the cap so Phil is paid by the cost of seats at Staples Center which are extremely more exspensive than a Clipper game. So go LA, home of the most fickle fans in all the world (they change loyalty like they change hot spots for going out) and go SUNS. I say enjoy basketball and get ready for the College ball, at least those kids play with heart and every game means something.


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Originally posted by hardcore:

...I say enjoy basketball and get ready for the College ball, at least those kids play with heart and every game means something.


Right F - - kin on, screw the NBA and all the loud mouthed over-paid whiners that fill its locker rooms. The college game is where its at. Every NCAA game counts, lose one and you may be out of the hunt immediately. The kids put forth 110% for every minute of every game lest they feel the wrath of coaches like Bobby Knight. You think Spre would have tried to lay a hand on Coach Knight? I don't think so! GO DEACS


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I'm with ya too. That's why I stick with the suns, we don't have those kind of players...well, back in the day, Danny Ainge whinned a lot, but only to refs...So, I'm down with the NCAA ball and well, you guessed it "Go Sun Devils"!!!!!!!!!!!! May you make it past the first round for once. cwm2.gif

And on the collegiate tip, did you see the ASU/Oregon game last Saturday? Hell of a good game, ballsy move going for the win with the fake kick on the extra point...too bad it back fired on him.

[This message has been edited by dlish (edited 11-01-2000).]

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Yes definately the game of the week. But the Vicker is probably not going to start. This is bad news for all VT fans. He'll play but the question is how much? He needs to play but he also needs to not ruin his ankle.

And what happened to the PAC-10 this year? They came out all high and mighty and went into conference play and found out MOST of the teams are mediocre at best.


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Whatever...the Pac-10 is still the best conference...if not for sports, for the ladies that go to these school, if not the ladies, the parties, if not the parties, the weather (except for the Oregon and Washington schools).

My roommate went to VT, I'm sick and tired of hearing about those fools...and that's exactly what that school produces.

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And back on the Laker tip...How about those Fakers....can't even beat the geriatric team of the NBA (Jazz)...yea, world champion chumps. I think Phil's repeat day's are over until he moves to a new city with more backbone.

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Originally posted by dlish:

And back on the Laker tip...How about those Fakers....can't even beat the geriatric team of the NBA (Jazz)...yea, world champion chumps. I think Phil's repeat day's are over until he moves to a new city with more backbone.

That was good that the Jazz were at that game because that's the closest Karl Malone and that b*%#h stockton will ever get to a ring.

The Suns and their weak ass team don't scare me either.

Go Lakers

[This message has been edited by herbalist (edited 11-02-2000).]

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Yea, whatever...I'd put my money on Jason Kidd over Kobe anyday...did you see, first time someone had a triple double the first two games of the season. And, if Phoenix would spend 800 thousand million trillion dollars on their team, they'd be national champions too...but, then again, Colangelo is an idiot, so they'll probably never win one.

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Yea, yea, I still don't get why anyone would call them world champions...there aren't any other countries in the playoffs... cwm6.gif I know, I know we win the olympics every year, but the only true WORLD Champions are the winners of the World Cup...now that's a true world champion. cwm4.gif

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