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My New Years Experience/Review.. Have a seat & Enjoy!!


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Just wanted to Thank CP for the support you've @ll donated all throughout 2002, it never goes unnoticed...

NYE is always hectic.. Despite the unfortunate incidents some of you might of had, I think you would be pleased to hear my experience. Well here goes...

Got 2 invitations to the Sagamore Hotel NYE party from a close friend... So, it's about 10:30pm & we pull into the 17th street Parking lot where we were surprised to find a spot soo late in the night. Feeling lucky, it seemed to me this would kick off a great NYE...

Got on the phone, made the call letting her know we had arrived in order for her to greet us with the tix. Here's where it all gets complicated... Turns out, she left the tix in her car & there was no way she could pry herself free for a minute, as she worked the night away ensuring things were tended to at the Party. So we were instructed to take a walk to her car located on 15th & collins, the garage behind Billboard Live.

After walking the distance (in the drizzling raindrops & heavy wind gusts) & not being able to find a vacant cab the whole way thru, we managed to have the valet guy escort us to her car to pick up the tix. Lucky for us, shortly after pulling out of the garage, we managed to find the only vacant cab in the city before the rain got a bit heavier (heavy enough to freak my girl out cuz she paid big $$ to style her hair for the night). Finally it's about 11:15pm- we pull up to the velvet rope of the Sagamore hotel entrance to a sight of about 20 people held behind the rope, while they got processed (hey no biggie, it's only 20 peepz in front of us, not to mention the 40 others who were around clueless & standing, taking up space & trying to buy their way in..

I was meeting my best friend & his girl there cuz at the last minute he had this crazy idea he could walk & talk his way into the party without having purchased a single ticket :laugh:. Looking at my watch on one hand & picking up the phone with the other, I called my best bud to harass him about not meeting us at the door on time!! So I waited & waited & finally shortly after 11:30 they show up & we crowd the door to a mass of about 50+ peepz- all practically beggin' the door guy to not hold up the line & shoving their way up the stairs, to the rope.

After not being able to bear much longer, it was 10:40 & the line wasn't moving. We then hear one of the promoters tell the doorguy "THAT's IT, NO MORE PEOPLE WITH GENERAL ADMISSION TICKETS!! ONLY VIPS!!! So, I'm like fukin' great!! here I am, waiting in a crowd after waiting for my bud out front for 20 minutes & on top of that, they aren't letting anyone else in with a general admission ticket cuz the place is "too crowded" (btw, a pre-paid general admission ticket costs $125). At this point I'm a bit P.O.ed but what keeps me at ease is knowing I didn't have to spend $250.00 on two tix (I felt bad for those lost souls who did & were right next to me pleading & arguing their way in).

Normally, I do the talking in these situations, but since my friend :stupid: was soo confident he can pull off his stunt at the door, I dropped out of line in desperate search of a not-so-legal way in & I let him handle it. I ended up inside the National hotel & out to their pool area & yard hoping to find a hole to crawl thru into the Sagamore, but I had no luck- security had the place tapped!! So I stroll back to the line to find no progress & an apology from my bud. I handeled it pretty well, considering I'm hot-tempered. My better half (the nice guy in me) kept telling the tough guy in me to pick on someone my own size (considering my best friend is about 5'6 & a buck 20 in his wet clothes!!). At this point there was under 10 minutes left till the start of 2003 & we were stuck outside with very little hope...

Miraculously, the golden gates (velvet rope) open again & the masses of peepz storm thru :letsgo:. My bud then decided it was time to admit to the fact he wasn't getting in & we said our goodbyes. Now normally, I would laugh at the idea of sneaking in to a place, but since it was my long time best bud & I was in a good mood, I let him talk me into it. I figured, if he talked me into it, he can talk the doorguy into believing him that he was "Abe Froman" ("The Sausage King of Chicago") :laugh:. It turns out, he's watched "Ferris Bueller's day off" one too many times...

So, it's 11:55pm & my girl & I stroll in & weave thru the masses in the lobby & down the hallways, out to the bar to grab our first toast to the New Year :beer:. "Bartender, I'll have 2 Grey goose & Sprites"!! Bartender reply's.. "sorry guys, I just ran out of cups" & waves us & the crowd to the next bar. @ the next bar, the bartender is taking down the last bit of the Cuervo tequilla str8 from the bottle & replies- "Sorry guys, don't have any ice & I'm still waiting on a stack of cups to come thru"!! It was like an episode of the twilight zone :eek:.

No worries, everything else went to shit & we couldn't take advantage of the 9-12 open bar, much less grab a New Years toast.. So we stroll out thru the hotel onto their pool area & garden where there must of been an easy 3,000+ peepz (well over their capacity). Just as we stepped outside, the countdown began & I kissed my girl Happy New Year :makeout:!!

Shortly after that I ended up finding a short cut (actually an "employee only" access hallway) thru to the back of the garden where we ran into our friend who had offered us the tix. Stopped to chat & told her about our experience- there was nothing we could do but laugh about it!! It turns out, 30 cocktail waitresses/bartenders quit at the beggining of the night, it became almost impossible for them to determine the difference between the big $$ vip tables & the standard ones, they ran out of Ice, Vodka & many other liquors & the only thing most bars were serving was Tequilla (str8 up).

She handed us both a shot, but I'm not friends with Mr. Cuervo :nono: (maybe its the differences between my country's politics & theirs or something, I don't know). I refused to start the NEW YEAR on tequilla!! I'm just supersticious like that. That would of been a sure sign of a bad year to come!! I took the drink out of appreciation, but ended up leavin' it lyin' around somewhere. As if all this wasn't enough, I walked around ("Excuse me, Excuse us" thru the crowds & drunken silicone valley girls leanin' over, spewing out their intestines) to find every speaker in the place blown & then I knew & figured, it was time to go (25 minutes after walkin' in).

Walkin' back to the car, we decided to stroll by Spin since we were in the neighborhood. Walked in and had a few drinks while Mr. Acosta was on the decks, giving us flashbacks of our memorable Shadow Lounge days. Felt like it was 1999 again :).. Dropped a few classics & some of his signature stuff, while the crowd went bonkers as he interacted with them.

After an hour & a few drinks, it was time to get things going- Off to SPACE!! Ran into Dan (aka Pod here on CP) & offered him a ride out to Space with us. Dropped him off, took care of things & was off to pick up a couple of spare outfits to last us thru the night & morn'...

Finally got to Space around 3:30 & Oscar G was tearin' the f_kin' roof off the Main room & even had the white men jumpin' :bounce:!! Shortly there after, walked out onto the patio to say hello & listen to Shawn (Rudnick) droppin' the bombs out there. Not even the rain phased Shawn, the crowd or the good tunes- workin' the room quite nice & keeping them on their toes.. Did some motion here & there between the Patio & the Mainroom & caught Edgar for a bit as he stepped in with one of my long time fav. tunes (Mindcircus - Way out West) pickin' up things right where OG left them (nothing short of amazing)..

Then it was time to listen to my Main Man- Roland!! From there on out I was in music heaven!! Roly was spreadin' the love with a deep proggy set, filled with percussions, build ups & some perfectly planned out breaks to stir up a magnificent display of MUSIC!! Had me & my crew hypnotized!! Even had the pan-handlers outside & Gary the Space keeper jammin'!! I was a lil' worried, Roly isn't a drinker & he had a few sprinkled with vodka before takin' the decks (part of it was EDGAR's fault!!) :drunk:. So in the meantime, the responsible me kept stuffing the guy with pounds of water & a prayer here & there. Paranoia, I guess.. Being that it all worked out for Roly & I.. I figured I would kick off our Saturday nights in 2003 with a bottle of Jager in the booth just before his Lunar Sessions sets on the patio (Louis, relax- I'm only kidding!!).

Anyway, If any of you caught me, you might of noticed the giant "DJ ROLAND" sign in the booth & a big worry-free smile on my face.. It was truly an amazing night!! Stayed for an ear of Ivano's tunes, but by 9am I felt like I was poured out of a blender :drool:, so it was time to venture home & crawl into bed...

Thanks to Space (my home away from home) for saving my night!!

Happy New Year Everyone!!

House Sessions & Lunar Sessions promises to give you nothing short of our best in 2003!! Thanks again...

anyone have any other interesting stories??

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Guest saleen351

comped all night

free vip access

drank for free

just another ho hum typical saleen night......

though my boys crying that i didn't hook them up pissed me off. I hooked my brother up, but on NYE you are completely on your own...

Biz I'm glad somone kicked you in the balls at the door of a event, its happened to all of us, at space, spin, crobar well not level, theres never anyone there at level, etc... One day i'll teach you and your buddy the art of true door broker...

No matter how many comps that i got, i'm still nicky from the block!

May space bann trance in 2003.....

good luck,,, i won't be around much...

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hey Biz,

nice to hear you and your crew had a good time at Space and saved your night despite the problems at the Sagamore...btw.. did you see Shannon Elizabeth there? yum! yum! :D

Happy New Year to you and thanks for all the good attention on 2002. :hat:

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Originally posted by saleen351

though my boys crying that i didn't hook them up pissed me off.

Dude who was bitching? :confused: Because it sure as hell wasn't me...... I got in for free on my own and Amy and Danielle were buying me drinks and shots all night all I did was tip them..... The only one I could picture bitching would be Angry No Ass...........:laugh:

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Originally posted by pod

I feel bad for the promoters of that party, it's all over town on how bad it was...

I also heard the party at Oxygen was cancelled due to a big fight.... and the same thing happened to the party at the Shelborne due to the rain. Looks like a lot of parties were total fiascos. :blown:

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