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If I can't have you, nobody will..."!!!!!!!!!


I would watch yourself, this kid sounds like he's about to break, I'd wear a bulletproof vest or something, take cover...

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It has come to my attention that there are way too many ignorant (or stupid, take your pick) people talking about shit they know absolutely nothing about, So I am going to spit out a bunch of things I think you dumbasses should know before you open your mouths. Be forwarned, you might actually learn something here, so if you prefer to be an ignorant dumbass you might want to skip this one. FUCK yourself, you bloated tub of FUCKING shit!! Fucking braindead idiots do you really think I would waste anymore of my time w/u people:peeleft: Fuck Off I got enough friends and dont need to come to a fucken computer like you fucken assholes. Laur u r done u fucken bitch, just remember who was there for you, and Wannabediesel u're a fucken pussy having your boys talk shit :laugh: :laugh: what a joke!! Trewguy go do another line or pop another zit and get this; I don't give a fucking rat's ass if she doesnt like me bro so go back and keep practicing your homosexuality you gay fuck!Just stop trying to show off and get a life kid

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You aint smart enough to handle the shit I have to deal w/bro you will never be strong enough, fast enough, tough enough, smart enough then me kid I'll always be a step away. Laur is yours u won u can have that fucken bitch I'm done with her crying just dont fuck up kid, because I’ll hunt you down and kill you.

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Originally posted by xj8mike

You aint smart enough to handle the shit I have to deal w/bro you will never be strong enough, fast enough, tough enough, smart enough then me kid I'll always be a step away. Laur is yours u won u can have that fucken bitch I'm done with her crying just dont fuck up kid, because I’ll hunt you down and kill you.

:cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:

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Originally posted by xj8mike

It has come to my attention that there are way too many ignorant (or stupid, take your pick) people talking about shit they know absolutely nothing about, So I am going to spit out a bunch of things I think you dumbasses should know before you open your mouths. Be forwarned, you might actually learn something here, so if you prefer to be an ignorant dumbass you might want to skip this one. FUCK yourself, you bloated tub of FUCKING shit!! Fucking braindead idiots do you really think I would waste anymore of my time w/u people:peeleft: Fuck Off I got enough friends and dont need to come to a fucken computer like you fucken assholes. Laur u r done u fucken bitch, just remember who was there for you, and Wannabediesel u're a fucken pussy having your boys talk shit :laugh: :laugh: what a joke!! Trewguy go do another line or pop another zit and get this; I don't give a fucking rat's ass if she doesnt like me bro so go back and keep practicing your homosexuality you gay fuck!Just stop trying to show off and get a life kid


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I am confussed. Is Mikey a girl stuck in a man's body or a man stuck in a girls body. Either way he needs to break out of it an grow the fuck up. Don't mock the Deisel just because he has friends that stick up for him. We not sticking up for him, are just mocking you.

Do you realize how stupid you sound mikey. You sound like a little kid that didn't get his red rider BB gun for christmas.

You cry like a girl and swear like a Cyber Tough Guy.

Please, please , please call me my love. My heart bleeds for you. I love you with all my heart.

But call me now you fucking, bitch, slut....

Be a lover or a fighter, be sensitive or manly. Don't try to be both at the same time. Hollaa Mikey likes it, but it doesn't like Mikey.

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Originally posted by Kermzy

Tempting offer, but I'll have to pass. I notice that of all the responses, you chose to get tough with me, interesting, very interesting.


you could of went 3 different ways on that and u chose to go the classy way

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Originally posted by Kermzy

Tempting offer, but I'll have to pass. I notice that of all the responses, you chose to get tough with me, interesting, very interesting.


cause he knows if we ever see him,,, we will fuck him up, so he wont get smart with all they guys on this board, he will be tough with girls


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Originally posted by xj8mike


Whoa..ok..none of your posts got a rise out of me like this one. Your words mean nothing until you talk trash to one of my best friends..

Not a very good way to try and win back the heart of the one you love Mikey...LAUR will see how you are treating women on a message board and assume you will be this disrespectful to all and in person.

Now go kill yourself..or better yet..maybe Laurie can just dig the knife a little deeper into your heart and finish off the job....:blown:

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Originally posted by somegirl24

Whoa..ok..none of your posts got a rise out of me like this one. Your words mean nothing until you talk trash to one of my best friends..

Not a very good way to try and win back the heart of the one you love Mikey...LAUR will see how you are treating women on a message board and assume you will be this disrespectful to all and in person.

Now go kill yourself..or better yet..maybe Laurie can just dig the knife a little deeper into your heart and finish off the job....:blown:

i bet as he read this 1 he shed a tear

:laugh: :laugh:

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Mikey is bullshit...

I can see smoke coming out of his ears... You think any girl would even wanna be near you after this, you are mistaken son.. If I was Laur, I would get some kinda restraining order against you, you seem dangerous... I'm not even shittin either... how many keyboards have you gone through, I bet you are smashing the shit outta the keys when you type, I hope you get carpal tunnel symdrome...

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