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Giants Got Screwed By The League

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No excuses for blowing a 24 point lead....But they got screwed!!!!!


The New York Giants and San Francisco 49ers were informed today that a

defensive pass interference penalty should have been called on the final

play of Sunday’s game.

A videotape review by NFL Director of Officiating Mike Pereira of the final

play - the Giants’ 41-yard field goal attempt with six seconds remaining -

determined the following:

• Tam Hopkins, number 65, of the Giants lined up as the left guard and was

illegally downfield on the pass attempt. The three flags thrown on this

play were for this penalty.

• Guard Rich Seubert, number 69, was an eligible receiver on Giants field

goal attempts. This was reported to the officiating crew prior to the game

as is routinely done prior to every game.

• 49ers defensive end Chike Okeafor interfered with Seubert downfield when

he was attempting to catch Giants holder Matt Allen’s pass. This defensive

pass interference penalty against the 49ers was not called.

• If defensive pass interference had been called, there would have been

offsetting penalties (ineligible receiver against the Giants and pass

interference against the 49ers) with the down replayed at the original line

of scrimmage, the San Francisco 23-yard line. Although time had expired, a

game cannot end with offsetting penalties. Thus, the game would have been

extended by one untimed down.

One additional note on the play: Giants holder Matt Allen did not have the

option of spiking the ball to stop the clock, which only can be done by

taking a hand-to-hand snap directly from the center. If Allen had spiked

the ball, it would have been a penalty for intentionally grounding the ball

and the game would have ended due to a 10-second runoff of the clock.

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Originally posted by djdanfury

Did anyone else see Strahan point at the scoreboard when Terrell scored ?

As soon as I saw that, I knew that was all the motivation Terrell needed to tie that score up.

Better yet, and I hate to make fun of him, but did anyone see the shot of Strahan just before the attempted field goal?

Someone was down on their knees in fron of him and it looked like he was getting a :bj:

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Originally posted by djdanfury

Did anyone else see Strahan point at the scoreboard when Terrell scored ?

As soon as I saw that, I knew that was all the motivation Terrell needed to tie that score up.

Straha need to utilize his dental plan and get that gap fixed. In the words of Dr. Dre "Gap teeth in yer mouf so my dick gotz to fit." :laugh:

I'm still in shock over that errant snap. :(

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Originally posted by j2dabizo


even though they play like shit the last 4 qtr, we should not deserve to lose like that

and how about finding a F*ing snapper,

does anyone here know how to snap a football??

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Originally posted by cigs

This just makes it even worse :blown:

Although they never should've blown the lead in the first place.

I feel u on that one....They get too excited...Jason Sehorn was probably already thinking about what he was going to say when he get's to Disney World.....It's just a miserable day to be a Giant's fan....But being a Giants fan all my life u kind of get used to this....Guess it's time to jump on the bandwagon...Let's go jets.....

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Four things the Giants must do for next year:

1: Finder a snapper (someone who isn't 41years old and fat)

2. Get a kicker (perhap Vinatieri, lol)

3. Send Sehorn packing (ever since he married that actress he's played like a fag also I don't think any Giants fans particularly thought it was good to use Sehorn against Owens on single coverage, when Sehorn gets beat he gets beat for TD's).

4. Trade Ron Dayne (If he had twice the heart of Tiki maybe he could get a yard on 3rd and 1, he doesn't deserve anymore chances)

Enough Said

This one hurts but the Giants will be back in the playoffs next year if these 4 steps happen. :mad:

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Guest bonsolidd
Originally posted by mrbadabing

Four things the Giants must do for next year:

1: Finder a snapper (someone who isn't 41years old and fat)

2. Get a kicker (perhap Vinatieri, lol)

3. Send Sehorn packing (ever since he married that actress he's played like a fag also I don't think any Giants fans particularly thought it was good to use Sehorn against Owens on single coverage, when Sehorn gets beat he gets beat for TD's).

4. Trade Ron Dayne (If he had twice the heart of Tiki maybe he could get a yard on 3rd and 1, he doesn't deserve anymore chances)

Enough Said

This one hurts but the Giants will be back in the playoffs next year if these 4 steps happen. :mad:

Trade Ron Dayne? sell him off to a slaughter house! JOKE

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cmon on giantsfans face it bad call or no call, your team blew a huge lead, anyteam that plays like that dosent deserve to go any further, and futhermore what about that INTERCEPTION that was never called towards the giants last drive when the niners really did pick off the ball but they didnt even bother to review it??

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Originally posted by whytevinyl

cmon on giantsfans face it bad call or no call, your team blew a huge lead, anyteam that plays like that dosent deserve to go any further, and futhermore what about that INTERCEPTION that was never called towards the giants last drive when the niners really did pick off the ball but they didnt even bother to review it??

You must've been watching a different game, because that guy CLEARLY did not have possession of the ball AND when he rolled over it hit the ground.

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