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ok pod, i think this guy has you beat with club pics..

Guest saleen351

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Not even close, it's Spundae in LA.

He's pretty damn good, whoever he is :) Hats off to him. My only complaint off the bat would be too much direct flash use, but that's a matter of style really. Though the best in the biz are the guys who shoot for Mixmag in the UK.

I'm glad to see quality though. I hate to toot my own horn, but the majority of club photography I see absolutely sucks. Certain sites around here seem to just send some guy with a little digital camera out and pop shots until the CF card is full, then slap it onto the docking station and upload the contents to the website. You end up with pictures of the guys foot, the DJ shot from 10 rows back, and then some...

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Guest saleen351

i think the pics kick ass, i like his "style" and im like a little kid when it comes to lasers.. they are neato....

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Dude, lasers rock so hard ... I'm a big fan as you know. Even worse is when I can play video games on them. I wish every club had a laser system like we deployed during the DJ Spin-Off...Space (current)'s one is OK, but the ones at crobar and Level are blah at best...too slow.

Maze needs a laser :)

Mini-Me, stop humping the laser!


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That guys is amazing, his style is different than Pod's but not necessarily better, it's self expression after all, really. This other guy goes out more to capture the moment in a very documentary style, almost newsy...so you can see how the place is, you can almost do an inventory check, including shoes...Pod plays more with the aperture and the speed of the camera, I personally enjoy that better...it's more fun to watch...the other I find maybe too symetric and kinda cold and mechanic...still a kick ass photographer.

Demi by Pod


ps. the lasers on that joint! :eek:


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Originally posted by pod

Dude, lasers rock so hard ... I'm a big fan as you know. Even worse is when I can play video games on them. I wish every club had a laser system like we deployed during the DJ Spin-Off...Space (current)'s one is OK, but the ones at crobar and Level are blah at best...too slow.

Maze needs a laser :)

Mini-Me, stop humping the laser!


I think Maze does have a laser at the main room...but I'm not sure.

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Funketeer hit the nail on the head...I tend to portray things 'as I see them' Chris' (the guy in LA) photos seem to be more documentary style, more grounded in reality if you will...

The way I see a club is in washes of color punctuated by flashes, and I try to demonstrate that in my shooting. Now maybe I ate too many paint chips as a kid, or maybe it's because I was born on the same day Three Mile Island went up (no lie, ask my parents), but that's how I see a club. :)

I'd say Miami has the best concentration of people who do nightlife photography because the scene is so open to it. People down here want to see themselves on the web or in print..Ego, yeah...but it's definitely a reason why shooting here is 'a thing'.

Shooting in New York was a different experience...the clubs were open to it, they like to see what their baby looks like immortalized on film, the DJs like it, they think it's funny, but the people up there are less ego-centric and could care less. Bad thing? Not at all...different environment. It forced me to improvise a bit in terms of what I shot. I did more abstract images in New York, for one thing...and I kind of got the sense a lot of people in NYC do what I call the 'dual-life' thing...where they're mild mannered accountants by day, and super club gods by night, not wanting the two worlds to ever meet (Like George on Seinfeld...) or something...not that there's anything wrong with that!

Europe looks to be along the lines of Miami too, except their club photos seem to be a bit more humourous. They wanna laugh on Monday after seeing themselves banged up on the weekends :)

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Originally posted by pod

Not even close, it's Spundae in LA.

He's pretty damn good, whoever he is :) Hats off to him. My only complaint off the bat would be too much direct flash use, but that's a matter of style really. Though the best in the biz are the guys who shoot for Mixmag in the UK.

I'm glad to see quality though. I hate to toot my own horn, but the majority of club photography I see absolutely sucks. Certain sites around here seem to just send some guy with a little digital camera out and pop shots until the CF card is full, then slap it onto the docking station and upload the contents to the website. You end up with pictures of the guys foot, the DJ shot from 10 rows back, and then some...


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POD, not that I think you would care either way what I think about your pics, but...

Since I do not get out much, I like to look at your pics to see what is going on. You take very WARM pictures. I'm not trying to feel the room as much as I'm trying to see how the people are feeling. If they are they having a good time and what type of vibe the place has is coming across on their faces. The lights and room are secondary to me. The other pics would be good for a magazine or something. But I want to see peoples moods. I like your work and I maybe one day a shot of my fat ass will make it onto your site. But, if not, I'll keep on checking because I like to watch people.

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I try to mix it up as best I can. I don't intrude on people's party so to speak. I rarely approach someone for a shot, unless it's a DJ, but I let the people come to me...my little Pentax is a magnet sometimes. I find that the people in an image are more genuine if they want to be photographed. I've asked people before, and in general they look kind of put off if I badger them too much :).

I want to portray a positive, warm (hehe) feel of the club through the way I shoot. I've always felt that too much negativity about the scene makes it's way into the press, and if people see my images, they can see the good side of the club. 99% of the people in my images want to be in them, and look happy to be there...but people to me is only half the club...the other half is the lighting, the DJs, the overall atmosphere :) If I'm understanding you right, that's what you're talking about?

But I'm glad you commented on the shooting I do, it's always appreciated!

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it was nice to see some straight-up pics; almost all the club pics i see these days are just "look at what i can do with photo shop," and that doesn't say anything about the club or the party to me. all the digital tweaking that's become the norm just tells me that photographers and webmasters are more concerned with "looking hip" than actually showing anything that happened on those nights. i don't think those kinds of pics relate any sort of true energy at all. don't get me wrong, fun with color is great, but people should use it wisely, and keep it toned down.

but i also take issue with posed shots, and that guy's site had a lot of those. i really don't care to see pics of people with their arms around each other, saying, "cheese," unless i know them.

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Heheh :)

Chicago Chris has better gear than me though, I checked out the rest of his site, he's got a Canon 1D :)

He gives a good overview of the clubs there though. I had no idea what crobar Chicago looked like until I saw his stuff...

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The pics were pritty cool. one thing to know about shooting pics in miami clubs is that most of them fill the entire place with smoke for some reason. That usually makes shooting pics a pain in the ass.. it makes the pic look bad when the flash reflects on the smoke. It seems to me that wherever those pictures where taken.. they didnt have a whole lotta smoke in the room. The framing was excelent. and the coloring was alright. He also used a fisheye lens.. which is allways cool. He prolly had a badass camera.


"but the majority of club photography I see absolutely sucks. Certain sites around here seem to just send some guy with a little digital camera out and pop shots until the CF card is full, then slap it onto the docking station and upload the contents to the website. You end up with pictures of the guys foot, the DJ shot from 10 rows back, and then some"

amen to that.


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i am a photo major in school and have been interested in club photography. i did some photos at rock concerts before, and i am kind of curious to take it to the clubs. i like that one photo up there that i see, (i havent looked at the rest yet) when i did it at the concerts i used myt slr camera and no flash, i like not using the flash because i like gettin movement in the images as well as the colors from the lights, however because that not all my images come out well. well i have some opportunity to do some photography in the clubs but i am putting it off right now bc of school and also because i would prefer to use a digital camera.. well a digital maual camera if possible.. not like i can really afford one.. do you use a digital or manual slr or what? just wonderin

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