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must read, i am venting. Title: Promoters

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u know i have been promoting for 6 years now, i have done every club it seems from las vagas, to chicago, to nj, nyc, and miami. but the promoters in nj, well the new wave sub promoters, who dont know anything about public relations, marketing, and or promoting in general. Being to pack a club of 400, or making a club that was 1/2 full ...fulll is not promotinging. Taking a dj, and hiring people to work at the club caus u know that they will bring alll the people is not promoting.........

the best, is when other promoters trash talk and do dirty business just to pursuade people, (almost like beggin) for them to go to some other owns building so they can make money off of you.

like joe georjio (spelling) that man has never said anything bad, nor has never dont bad business, ever!!!! he somoeone where doing the right thing is more important then money, etc....

why am i posting this, cause all these promoters who never know what a door deal was, or who ravine was, before 1999, should learn how to practice....how to do good business.

for example, i am trying to bring back Taste lounge in bloomfield, and this is the week we are really pushing it, before we send out a street team and bury the state with flyers, and before we name a special guest dj.....so carguy who isnt a promoters wanted to let eveeryone know that he was going to try taste and wants cp to stop in with him......

the thread started talking about other things and some asshole (who was a promoter using another name) descided that posting how many differnt people posted on the thread would justify why there were so many threads and veiws....... he wanted assurence that .......... Taste .............. wasnt going to be packed and his spot would be, because only 16 different people posted on the board.:mad:

i mean is that good business, i mean are u a man now, u feel god about it. see, this isnt really a bigdeal, but this is a small example about how these fake nj promoters, no i dont mean (bon solid, tommmy d, rafi and rob, sergio.........these guy have been around before me!!) handel business. most of these people we asking me for comps 4 years ago.

i try not to do bad business but ia m not perfect, but when u see these sup promoters doing there own spot, just remeber all the lieing and bulshitting they had to do to get it, and that they asre only thee to get paid.......me i comp half my club everytimg i do a night, people who really know me know.

just lettign off steam

p.s. this wasnt meant for a spesific person, this is meantto everyone

sorry for my spelling

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Originally posted by caruch

u know i have been promoting for 6 years now, i have done every club it seems from las vagas, to chicago, to nj, nyc, and miami. but the promoters in nj, well the new wave sub promoters, who dont know anything about public relations, marketing, and or promoting in general. Being to pack a club of 400, or making a club that was 1/2 full ...fulll is not promotinging. Taking a dj, and hiring people to work at the club caus u know that they will bring alll the people is not promoting.........

the best, is when other promoters trash talk and do dirty business just to pursuade people, (almost like beggin) for them to go to some other owns building so they can make money off of you.

like joe georjio (spelling) that man has never said anything bad, nor has never dont bad business, ever!!!! he somoeone where doing the right thing is more important then money, etc....

why am i posting this, cause all these promoters who never know what a door deal was, or who ravine was, before 1999, should learn how to practice....how to do good business.

for example, i am trying to bring back Taste lounge in bloomfield, and this is the week we are really pushing it, before we send out a street team and bury the state with flyers, and before we name a special guest dj.....so carguy who isnt a promoters wanted to let eveeryone know that he was going to try taste and wants cp to stop in with him......

the thread started talking about other things and some asshole (who was a promoter using another name) descided that posting how many differnt people posted on the thread would justify why there were so many threads and veiws....... he wanted assurence that .......... Taste .............. wasnt going to be packed and his spot would be, because only 16 different people posted on the board.:mad:

i mean is that good business, i mean are u a man now, u feel god about it. see, this isnt really a bigdeal, but this is a small example about how these fake nj promoters, no i dont mean (bon solid, tommmy d, rafi and rob, sergio.........these guy have been around before me!!) handel business. most of these people we asking me for comps 4 years ago.

i try not to do bad business but ia m not perfect, but when u see these sup promoters doing there own spot, just remeber all the lieing and bulshitting they had to do to get it, and that they asre only thee to get paid.......me i comp half my club everytimg i do a night, people who really know me know.

just lettign off steam

p.s. this wasnt meant for a spesific person, this is meantto everyone

sorry for my spelling

Nice post, and I hear ya 100%... I don't see how people show up to some of the nights that are promoted on this or any other board, when people act like assholes, can't handle a little competition, and put down other nights, when everyone should be in it for the scene of NJ, not just their night..

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If you ask me your making more out of it than it really is....................I am freinds with the promotion team at Cherri and as far as Vip posting to his "friend" and calling him a Homo.........thats a joke. Micky P or Carl F(whatever you want to call him) is a good friend and there is no harm in what Vip did there....................As far as Esco giving a count...........who the fuck is Esco and what does he have to do with Cherri or any other club for that matter????????????

Back to the Carl thing, he pm'd me and told me about taste and I told him I'd probably be going to Cherri.........so what? its only bad business if it worries you and it shouldnt..........

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well thats how it used to be when there were only 5 major clubs in nyc and and only 4 in nj......

but now david marvese from exit said lets make every tom dick and harry a promoter, just cause they know friends.....

i was a nyc promoter fro 3 years before i did new jersey.......santaforeal told mr that i have a rep of not staying long at parties, u know why cause spots get old.....keep it new and fresh for the scene not for how much of the door u are getting

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Originally posted by stiffler

If you ask me your making more out of it than it really is....................I am freinds with the promotion team at Cherri and as far as Vip posting to his "friend" and calling him a Homo.........thats a joke. Micky P or Carl F(whatever you want to call him) is a good friend and there is no harm in what Vip did there....................As far as Esco giving a count...........who the fuck is Esco and what does he have to do with Cherri or any other club for that matter????????????

Back to the Carl thing, he pm'd me and told me about taste and I told him I'd probably be going to Cherri.........so what? its only bad business if it worries you and it shouldnt..........

did u even read what i posted...........i wasnt talking about the people from cherri....? i never said cherri ever in the entire thread.....and that was a lil example, thats nothing compaired to what i was talking about..

again, that was just a small lil example, and even if it was a joke..............remember when enron was stealing money everyone was blamed, even though they werent even involved....................

again i never said anything about vip nor did i ever mention cherri...so i dont know what u are taling about!!!!

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Well I am not a promoter but I do think you are venting for maybe several other reasons that might be upsetting you and not because Viptech said "come check out my club Cherri" to a freind...........He said nothing negative about Taste or the promotion and as a matter of fact did nothing to intice his friend to not go to your club and check his out "that night" just a simple come check it out statment..............nothing wrong there..............And like I said with this esco character.........who is he other than someone trying to make waves.................

Im just sticking up for my friend because I dont want to see bad rumors starting over a promotion team that i think is doing well and deserves to be. youve been in the game long enough to know that the last thing anyone wants is bad publicity.

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Originally posted by stiffler

Well I am not a promoter but I do think you are venting for maybe several other reasons that might be upsetting you and not because Viptech said "come check out my club Cherri" to a freind...

i didnt know they said that......................

like i said before i am not talking about vip tech nor cherri!!!!!!!!!!!

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IMO if a promoter from one club bashes another it only makes that promoter look bad. I think its much worse the non promoters who are such haters. it seems like the new way to promote a DJ or a Club is for people who like it to say every other club sucks. Like one DJ the others all suck. I hear things of people that rarely go out and slam places they just "heard" were bad.

It seems like the whole industry has turned into a bunch of haters. I remember when almost no one knew who was spinning in a club and it didnt matter where you went as long as you had fun. I think if i was the owner of a club id rather have it full of people who enjoyed it who cares what they look like or anything kinda like poor billys than have a place where everyone wants a comp and free drinks and all just so if something went wrong or they thought the club owed them something they could bash it.

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

IMO if a promoter from one club bashes another it only makes that promoter look bad. I think its much worse the non promoters who are such haters. it seems like the new way to promote a DJ or a Club is for people who like it to say every other club sucks. Like one DJ the others all suck. I hear things of people that rarely go out and slam places they just "heard" were bad.

It seems like the whole industry has turned into a bunch of haters. I remember when almost no one knew who was spinning in a club and it didnt matter where you went as long as you had fun. I think if i was the owner of a club id rather have it full of people who enjoyed it who cares what they look like or anything kinda like poor billys than have a place where everyone wants a comp and free drinks and all just so if something went wrong or they thought the club owed them something they could bash it.

u are right man, i good points:clap: :clap: :clap:

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I must apologize to you cause I posted my second post before reading your reply from my first post. But when I read the Taste thread(which i wanna add i may attend since alot of my friends are going) the only promoter post was Vip and the scoreing post was from Esco so I thought I was making a safe assumption. Nevertheless, I hope all goes well with your night and like I said before, I was just sticking up for a friend who is a promoter that I felt said nothing wrong.............

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Hey MARK not for nothing if I recall the night before Cherri Grand Opening at the Ramada afterhours Friday you were sitting there telling my friends Cherri suck it hold 30 people in front of my face and of course I didnt respond because once again I do good business.....

I can see why you talked bad about it because you are doing Taste our competitor and Anthony from Cherri would not give you the party at Cherri... No hard feeling but no reason to put down Cherri

I am not posting this for drama but you are saying people do bad business by talking shit about a club if you are going to tell people Cherri sucks dont say it in front of me

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uer right, and i was saying that the venue wasnt good, thats why i ddint wana do the room, me and santaforeal looked at it and it didnt seem like it would work for a long time

at that time there was no party, this was before the party started, so....

i wasnt bashing the party or the promoters

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like i said before...............

this has nothing to do with cherri or vip teck!!!!!!!

this is other bull shoit that goes on in nyc and in nj............why is everyone thinking its them!!!!!!!

both parties can work fine, and i am hopeing myself and vip teck can get a thursday and do it together someday

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Originally posted by stiffler

I use to go to Chicagos and Tempts when Franco Iomello was there...............How about you"?????????????????:laugh: :laugh:

yeah i remember those days. the good ol days. the great ol days were miracles. who cared who was spinning no one wanted or cared for a hook up we just wanted to go cause u could drnk under 21 LOL

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Originally posted by stiffler

I use to go to Chicagos and Tempts when Franco Iomello was there...............How about you"?????????????????:laugh: :laugh:

haven't heard Franco's name in a looooooong time. he got us into every fucking theme park in disney for free a few years ago. he has completely disappeared man.

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Originally posted by badassmafuka

I can see why you talked bad about it because you are doing Taste our competitor and Anthony from Cherri would not give you the party at Cherri... No hard feeling but no reason to put down Cherri

first of all i didnt want to do the room and 2 people varified that in front of you thats one!!!!!

two..........i was putting down the venue...uer telling me that when someone says that exit is so big, or that the set up at sf isnt good them are puttign down the party

again, i ddint say the party sucks cause i was doing taste, i was saying that cherri....the building isnt that great, and that the sound system at the time wasnt good

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any1 else want to bring me up on here?

i am ready, any more accusations?????? i will ansewer, i have nothing to hide?

any1 else goign to to talk about something else that hs nothing to do with what i posted????????????

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Originally posted by dogekid

haven't heard Franco's name in a looooooong time. he got us into every fucking theme park in disney for free a few years ago. he has completely disappeared man.

He married a girl I graduated highscholl with and lives in Montville from what I hear....................

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Originally posted by caruch

any1 else want to bring me up on here?

i am ready, any more accusations?????? i will ansewer, i have nothing to hide?

any1 else goign to to talk about something else that hs nothing to do with what i posted????????????

Hey:mad:First of all I apologized for my "accusations" and secondly my accusations were completely substantiated based on the information provided. What I am saying is, I thought what I thought for a reason based on what i read............No need to go on with this.................

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Originally posted by doubleplay1970

havent heard his name either. Kinda funny though a blast from the past surfaced on thanksgiving eve anyone remember glen frischa ??? the ol sat ight dance party and emerald city


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