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Hot Dogs....


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I've had a craving for some hot dogs for the past week or so but I havent gotten around to picking some up....So what do you like on yours?......My fav. is loading it up with some onions and tomato....People tell me that sounds disgusting but I love it....I guess its the Polish in me.....

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Originally posted by sassa

i used to loooove hot dogs, until my friend's neighbor told me that his wife worked in one in the 50's, and when he told me what went into them....i had to stop eating them :(

That is exactly why I don't eat them nearly as often as I used to... but sometimes, when a craving hits - I just eat and don't ponder WHAT I'm eating.... ;)

What about the packaged ones that say 100% beef??? :confused: Are they really just beef??!!??!

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Originally posted by sassa

i used to loooove hot dogs, until my friend's neighbor told me that his wife worked in one in the 50's, and when he told me what went into them....i had to stop eating them :(

awesome and if you compared y2k to everything in 50s and didnt use them nowadays, youd prolly be left eating only bread and using morse code to communicate... theres so much shit back then that was bad for you, hell even now but a lot has changed... (cough fda cough) food, clothing, medicine, labor, etc... banana...

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this is why i try to eat as healthy as possible. there are times i don't, but that doesn't mean i should stuff myself with shit that's terrible for me.

it's a shame that the more quality something has, the more expensive it is.

all the shit in the supermarkets we buy...all made from cheap good and cheap labor. they're all probably filled with pesticides for vegetables and fruits, preservatives, additives, etc in cookies, cakes, breads, etc...

even the water is bad now.


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Originally posted by djwrecknyc

about eating healthy... for those in Queens. has anyone tried or heard of the "Buddah Boddai" (sp?)? it's suppose to be a kosher Chinese vegeterian restaurant off Main St. in Flushing.

i never heard of it, but io heard of places like that, they have fake chicken and shit, but really good?

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It's good again like Nedick's!



Bill Guterding of Plainview, L.I., savors a Nedick's hot dog, a delicacy unavailable for more than 20 years.

Nedick's, the street-corner joint where you got your hot dog on a butter-toasted split-top roll and washed it down with an orange drink, is back.

More than 20 years after the last Nedick's disappeared, the giant Riese Organization officially opens its first new one tomorrow on the lower level of Penn Station, on the Eighth Ave. side.

Since an informal opening several weeks ago, says Jeff Segal, corporate chef and director of culinary development for Riese, response has been "amazing."

"We get a lot of double-takes," he says. "One man was misty-eyed because his father used to work at Nedick's. Everyone who knew the place has a story."

"When I was working with the Guardian Angels in the subways, Nedick's was our oasis," says Curtis Sliwa, now morning co-host on WABC radio. "We'd say we were going to The Orange Room. It was upscale dining for the blue-collar guy."

The new Nedick's is styled after the old and builds its menu on the same fundamentals: a hot dog and an orange drink.

The basic dog is a Shofar frank. Patrons also can order a corn dog from Texas, a brat from Wisconsin, a Cincinnati Coney with chili, a Georgia firedog or a New Jersey ripper, which is deep-fried.

A Californian with guacamole is available, but Segal says Riese did not resurrect Nedick's to offer spa cuisine. "This is gird-your-belt food," he says. "This is the Nedick's you remember."

Sliwa, a former champion in city hot dog-eating contests, says Nedick's had "a very good dog, the best bread and then the orange drink. It was like the trifecta."

The new menu also has expanded to include fries, wings and egg rolls, and Segal says it eventually may include other New York classics. Two desserts are offered: chocolate-covered cheesecake on a stick and deep-fried Twinkies.

Time-honored quaffs

Beverages include an orange drink that Segal says replicates the original, as well as Stewart's root beer and Jeff's egg cream.

"We've tried to re-create what people remember," says Segal. "Nedick's was the only place where they butter-toasted the rolls, so when you walked in you not only smelled the dogs, but toasting bread. It was unique."

Nedick's opened in 1913 and soon entered city lore with stories like a young Gregory Peck living on "the nine-cent Nedick's breakfast" while he worked for his break in the movies.

For many years better known than Nathan's, Nedick's lasted until burger chains began to dominate in the late '70s.

Riese, which owns Nathan's, Tad's and Lindy's, bought the Nedick's name two years ago. It expects to open at least one more outlet by summer, says Segal, with plans to expand through Manhattan, into the other boroughs and perhaps to out-of-town spots like Atlantic City or Las Vegas.

Originally published on January 14, 2003

.....I'll have to try this place out one of these days...Sounds pretty good....

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