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Im Starting to hate when a girl says....


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Originally posted by glowdancer

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because every time i consider commiting myself to a woman

she makes a dumb ass comment like that one

and i realize women are only good for sex

HA! i like that :hat:

i´ll give you some more cool stuff you can use (note this is all obviously playful and flirty). it real fun when you get real play-fight about this, whoever comes up with the best comebacks wins :)

HER: what do you do in your free time?

ME: leaning in, whispering in her ear "i give women pleasure... if they desire it". lean back, grin :tongue:

guys, here is how to truly handle the boyfriend objection (all of this VERY playful in delivery) ;)

(after meeting her 10 minutes ago)

HER: you know i have a boyfriend right?

ME: that´s good, it gives you something to do when i´m not around

HER: well, i don't think my boyfriend would be happy if i was seeing someone else.

ME: i have no response to that. tell you what... i will make you my favorite girlfriend.

HER: (laughing) um, are you deaf? i have a boyfriend.

ME: please speak english. i don't understand that last phrase...

HER: haha, you don't even know me.

ME: (smile, wink) ah yes... but i know what I like. And i am used to winning.

HER: not this time...

ME: (pouting) no? so tell me, (girlsname), are you my sweetie? (big smile)

HER: (laughing) no! go away!

ME: do you want to see me again?

HER: i can't! boyfriend, remember?

ME: that's not what i asked. do you want to see me again?

HER: Maybe.

ME: give me your number.

HER: (laughing) no! you are a bad man!

ME: how can you be my favorite girlfriend if i don't even have your number?

HER: I will give you my cell. i never have it on, but you can leave me a message. Do you have a pen?

happened exactly like that a few weeks ago with a fingerlickin goodlooking girl :)

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Originally posted by somebitch


exactly the reaction i usually get, it´s so funny playing around like that :laugh:

btw somebitch, i dunno, i´ve never seen a pic of you, but i somehow imagine you to look like one of the powerpuff girls, i dunno how i got this image in my head... whatever :laugh:

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Originally posted by tastey

exactly the reaction i usually get, it´s so funny playing around like that :laugh:

btw somebitch, i dunno, i´ve never seen a pic of you, but i somehow imagine you to look like one of the powerpuff girls, i dunno how i got this image in my head... whatever :laugh:

I know you have been on this board for a while and I am surprised I haven't said this but...

you are wierd

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Originally posted by tastey

exactly the reaction i usually get, it´s so funny playing around like that :laugh:

btw somebitch, i dunno, i´ve never seen a pic of you, but i somehow imagine you to look like one of the powerpuff girls, i dunno how i got this image in my head... whatever :laugh:

there are pics of me floating around. there is one on the sticky pic thread on the bump forum (toward the end)... ;)

how about a pic of you??

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Originally posted by suthrnbelle

exactly!! i was just gonna say that...there is nothing more annoying than when a guy says that--like he is being all clever and cute or something??? PUH-LEAZE! :rolleyes:

opps.. i was just about to rip on you, cuz i thought you were marci, but i changed my statement.

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Originally posted by somebitch

there are pics of me floating around. there is one on the sticky pic thread on the bump forum (toward the end)... ;)

how about a pic of you??

interesting :)! i pictured you to be older too... i wonder, can you put a :) on your face? a smile says you a lot about a person...

you want a pic of me send me a pm containing an email adress of you, i´ll send some over to you

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