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Burning that demo


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OK So its about time I have a demo CD, and I need to mark seperate trax. All I'm able to do right now is just burn one long track :( I'm technologically disinclined, for sure...

Whats the easiest, best, and cost-free way to burn a halfway decent sounding demo? And what software should I use? And how do I seperate those trax?!? :mad:

Thanx for any advice. :)

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Yes, he can do it in Nero but, he needs software to burn the actuall wave first. Come on Matt; u haven't been studying!

neptune1, what are u using right now? Software in a computer or a stand alone burner?

If it's a stand alone burner, after you record the mix (1 big long wave), take that mix on cd, put it into your cd drive and extract the audio off of it in Nero (saved onto your hard drive) & then u can seperate the tracks in Nero. That's one route!

Or, instead of using Nero, u can use Sound Forge! THAT'S WHAT I RECOMMEND!

If you are allready recording the mix into your computer & onto your hard drive, what software are u using? I use & recommend Sound Forge 6.0. Record the mix right into the computer & onto your hard drive using Sound Forge 6.0. Then, when u want to seperate tracks, in Sound Forge, highlight the start of the track to the end of the track, hit copy, then, hit new page, then, hit paste. Then, save that individual track by itself. Do that with every track. When you're done, go into your cd burning program, add all of the tracks in order & burn using disc at once & make sure there is no (0 seconds) pause (you'll find this in the properties menu of each track) in between every track & proceed with the burn! SIMPLE! I'll get more into detail when u respond back & let me know where your at, what u know, & what you're allready using.

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Originally posted by neptune1

OK So its about time I have a demo CD, and I need to mark seperate trax. All I'm able to do right now is just burn one long track :( I'm technologically disinclined, for sure...

Whats the easiest, best, and cost-free way to burn a halfway decent sounding demo? And what software should I use? And how do I seperate those trax?!? :mad:

Thanx for any advice. :)

Sonic Foundry CD Architect 5.0 Musicians Friend has it for $149. It's the best way to make mixed CDs.


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Everyone has their own way of making a demo.

I first connect the mixer output to my laptop and record the entire set as wav file. I use an old software: ACIDWAV.

Then I use a trial version of a CD burner program called CDRWIN. It allows me to create a cue sheet where I can enter the lengths of each of the tracks. So I don't have to cut and paste, I simply load the entire set with the cue sheet. Then when I record it automatically sets the tracks.

I e-mailed the creators of the software to purchase it, but they didn't respond. The only limiation of the trial version is that it records at 1X.

So I'm happy with my method, but others work too.

Let me know if you want a copy of the softwares I mentioned. Again, both are trial versions but they do what I need.

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I believe I can help you ......

Instructions On How To Split A Large Mp3 Track And Burn To Cd With No Gaps!


Here is a detailed instruction post on how to do it. Mods, feel free to close it if need be, but please don't delete.

Then people will not have to keep posting on how to do it, and if they do, this thread can be linked to...


you have downloaded a hundred meg file from somewhere, and it's all as one track (the seperate tracks are mixed within this file)

you want to burn this file to a cd, but have the break points in it so you can go to specific tracks etc.

What do you do:

First, listen to the track, and see where each new track starts in the mix. Write down this time.

Then you will need to create a cue sheet.

To do this, open a notepad document.

then put this as the header:


PERFORMER "Artist here" TITLE "title of mix" FILE "C:\FILELOCATION\FILENAME.mp3" mpeg3


Then for each track, you need to use this format:



TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 00:00:00


you need not edit the title and performer, but if you want to use cdtext, then you should.

Anyway, where it says INDEX 01 00:00:00 this is the first track, so the 00:00:00 means that this track starts at that time 0 seconds into the disk.

then we add track two like this:



TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 00:00:00


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 04:03:20


Notice that the track # has changed to two (because it is the second track) and that the index time is not 04:03:20

This means that track 1 finishes (and track 2 starts) at 4 minutes, three seconds and 2 tenths of a second into the mix.

Then you add track three like this:



TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 00:00:00


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 04:03:20


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 08:45:21


the same applies for track three as above.

You just add all the tracks like this, until you have them all done.

when you are finished, your cuesheet should look similar to this, except the timings (and maybe performer, title) will be different - to suit your mix


PERFORMER "Artist here" TITLE "title of mix" FILE "C:\FILELOCATION\FILENAME.mp3" mpeg3


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 00:00:00


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 04:03:20


TITLE "title of track"

PERFORMER "track artist here"

INDEX 01 08:45:21


Here is a cuesheet for a catecrasher cd I have:

code:--------------------------------------------------------------------------------PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

TITLE "Unknown Title"

FILE "C:\My Documents\Range.wav" WAVE


TITLE "Track01"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 00:00:00


TITLE "Track02"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 06:11:52


TITLE "Track03"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 11:21:47


TITLE "Track04"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 14:56:67


TITLE "Track05"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 19:02:60


TITLE "Track06"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 24:27:17


TITLE "Track07"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 30:31:72


TITLE "Track08"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 36:52:45


TITLE "Track09"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 43:12:25


TITLE "Track10"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 48:04:42


TITLE "Track11"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 53:52:37


TITLE "Track12"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 57:21:15


TITLE "Track13"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 62:15:12


TITLE "Track14"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 68:34:27


TITLE "Track15"

PERFORMER "Unknown Artist"

INDEX 01 73:43:72


then you need to go file, save as

In the drop-down bottom at the bottom, change to all files types (will probably say .txt text file etc at first).

Then call the file cuesheet1.cue <<very important to have the .cue on the end!!>>

Save this file.


Download a copy of cdrwin if you haven't already got it. If you want the URL to download it from, or need the crack file, please contact me on the details at the bototm of this page.

Anyway, once installed and registered, open cdrwin, and click the record a disk icon (top row, far left)

Then click "load cuesheet"

A file browser box wil appear, and you need to locate the cue sheet we created earlier.

It will say "compiliing cue sheet" then if everything has gone to plan, it will be ready to record!

Then click "start recording" [fourth button down]

Your cd should then burn!!!

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Originally posted by djdeanmasi

Yes, he can do it in Nero but, he needs software to burn the actuall wave first. Come on Matt; u haven't been studying!

neptune1, what are u using right now? Software in a computer or a stand alone burner?

If it's a stand alone burner, after you record the mix (1 big long wave), take that mix on cd, put it into your cd drive and extract the audio off of it in Nero (saved onto your hard drive) & then u can seperate the tracks in Nero. That's one route!

Or, instead of using Nero, u can use Sound Forge! THAT'S WHAT I RECOMMEND!

If you are allready recording the mix into your computer & onto your hard drive, what software are u using? I use & recommend Sound Forge 6.0. Record the mix right into the computer & onto your hard drive using Sound Forge 6.0. Then, when u want to seperate tracks, in Sound Forge, highlight the start of the track to the end of the track, hit copy, then, hit new page, then, hit paste. Then, save that individual track by itself. Do that with every track. When you're done, go into your cd burning program, add all of the tracks in order & burn using disc at once & make sure there is no (0 seconds) pause (you'll find this in the properties menu of each track) in between every track & proceed with the burn! SIMPLE! I'll get more into detail when u respond back & let me know where your at, what u know, & what you're allready using.

I agree to use Sound Forge for splitting one of your mixes. I use Sonar to record and Sound Forge to split as discussed above...pretty easy to do also and you can get to the exact point you want to split, vs other programs which might split a long track in even intervals.

hey djdeanmasi....heard you and mello spin at the Groove Lounge in Long Branch these days? hey does Mike Canberg own/run that place? curious as he was one of my pledge brothers in college and i now hear he either owns or is a partial owner there.

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