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freezing my ass off.....


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Ok so it's like 10 below outside for the last month or so, this is a lame-ass board today & I'm STILL exhaused from last weekend :rolleyes:

On a up-note - one of the girls I work with brought in swedish fish for me this morning. I can't say enough good things about swedish fish. :insertlickinglipssmiley:

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Yeah, I'm with you 100% on this one. I've been in a serious funk lately. I honestly don't ever remember it being this cold outside for this long... ever. Only good thing is that it's too cold to snow... only bad thing is that you know as soon as it gets a little warmer, the snow will start-up again :rolleyes:

I'm going to try to snap myself out of it this week though. Tonight going to the Beacon Hill Pub (anyone game? :pint:), tomorrow I'm going to rock proper w/Hybrid & Felix, Saturday having a bunch of friends over for a big wrestling night (I'm leaving myself wide open here.. I'll explain what a wrestling night is later).

Sweedish fish are quite possibly the perfect food. They're SO good, I can't express this enough. And for some reason I'll still go a good year or two in between eating them, and then when I have them again, I'm all like "These are the greatest food ever... why don't I eat these more often?" It's a viscious cycle. g, what for did the fish come in? I love the boxes of them that have only red ones. You get like a million fish for $5, beat that!

Oh, and I appologize for the board being lame lately. Work's blown this week and I haven't had any good posts. I place all the responsibility on myself... :tongue: Fortunately when I start to ramble (read three rambling paragraphs above), things usually get a little kick in the ass ;)

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this week has sucked.

im still tried from burning myself out last weekend, i started school yesterday which now means waking up at the crack of dawn again.

all i want is to wake up tomorrow morning so i can be happy its friday. hybrid and then party till sat when i go to sander k in NYC woo hoo.

and yes swedish fish are YUMMY! i do the same thing brian i eaither eat em or i dont for a yr or two then think why didnt i eat them all along.

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Originally posted by kaydup

Swedish fish blow they get stuck in my teeth

uhhh, hello - that's the best part!!! Nothing greater than getting a fix an hour after you eat one.

And yes nyis - red is the only way to go. The girl i work with knows this & would never even attempt to upset me with those mixed fruit fish. Bleck!

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Originally posted by kaydup

Beacon hill pub, is up from Pravda right? I could be down.

Board being lame = too much work

Swedish fish blow they get stuck in my teeth

Yup, it's way up the street, on the other side of Boston Common. It's like the nicest dive bar you'll go to... $2 drafts, foosball, pinball, a good number of girls, cheap Red Bull & Vodka... all good stuff.

Yeah, you can always tell when we've got too much work.. things get really quiet. I also really hate tax season because of this :mad:

Yeah, how can you complain about getting Sweedish fish stuck in your teeth?!? Who wouldn't want to find that one piece of fish hiding way back in your teeth three hours later? It's like pennies from heaven (you know what I mean).

dh19, have fun at Sander K this weekend. I've still yet to see him.

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Originally posted by whadupg


Nyis wtf is the wrestling thing? if it involves you and your roomates rolling around on the floor in tight lycra outfits I'd really like to be invited :tongue:

Actually it invloves ALOT of nakedness, hot-wax, whips and lots of roll-playing. Very-steeeeemy!!! NY loves to get donkey-punched.

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Originally posted by kaydup

Swedish fish suck!

And you know what people really suck today:mad:

I will call ya tonight, maybe I will meet ya there

Isn't it D&G19 not dh19

I was referring to Danny Howells. I heard he is 19 and that he will be at Arc this Saturday. That's just what I heard though.

As for wrestling night, I'll still explain later (I'm supposed to be doing work, bitches!) No lycra... well, not much anyway ;)

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Originally posted by vikkii123

wazzup_sg.gif G

speaking of wrestling did anyone catch that episode of the Osbornes where Jack and his friend were wrestling.. omg it was so gross.. fat jack took off his shirt and his pants were falling off.. YUCK!! :puke:

:laugh: I saw that one - jack's big asscrack hanging out! Left me scarred!

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Originally posted by vikkii123

Did you see his Man boobies.. OMG he had bigger tits than me...lol boobies.gif


:laugh: That was probablly around the time I was cowering in the corner with my eyes closed, sucking on my thumb and shaking violently. Sorry I missed it!

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Originally posted by gayray

Actually it invloves ALOT of nakedness, hot-wax, whips and lots of roll-playing. Very-steeeeemy!!! NY loves to get donkey-punched.

It must really suck to try so hard to be funny, yet come up short everytime. I'm sure Ray is used to coming up short though.

Wow, a tired, old alias that beats a dead-horse joke everytime (s)he posts. Quite a life you've got for yourself there Ray. Run along now skippy... you've bored everyone on here (and over there).

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