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This blows. it's 9AM & still waiting for my ride for SF

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yea i def expectec the music to be much better than what it turned out being. i heard much better or regular nights, stayed from 11 to 8 or so, still had a good time, but only a handful of tracks actually made me break a sweat and bust my ass on the dancefloor. it was packed through most of teh day/night but yet there was room to move around and dance.

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Originally posted by zeeker

Why so bad?

well. I figured there was goin to be a review thread, so ill just type my review here.

Got there at 8:30am and walked in to NO MUSIC? Then noticed JP makin his way to the stage to talk to the crowd. I didn't care what he had to say so i headed to the coat check in the basement. Waited on line for 40 mins, but I had a blast listening to Cleavland ripppppppppp the basement apart. Played "Be yourself" into "elements" into "Spastik" into "wonderland" siiiiick set was goin on, and after I checked my coat, I stuck around for another 15 mins surveying the damage cleavland was doing to the basement.

Headed upstairs and the beats JP was playing werent to my liking, but I made do with what I had. Found some friends here and there, talked to random people was called "Dirty" by 4 girls(but they liked it[i was wearing my shirt that said dirty]) and made my little spot on the catwalk opposite the stage.

Upon glance of the crowd, it was disgusting. Now some of you seem to think that I feel that I am a supreme clubber or some shit, which isnt the case, but I feel that I know my fair share of info on certain topics. I havent been to factory in about 4 months, but since I last went, the average age dropped from 19 to 16. Rediculous. Kids running around everywhere. Drug use is a known there, so I wont go into it. yeah, ive done my share, but Im outta that phase in my life and dont agree with it. ur lives so I dont care.

Now musically, It felt like the entire day was filler music. Some of it was good, too much of it was Blah to me. Highlights for me were, first, Pontape getting destroyed to shreds then Deep Kemical Keys mixed into it, then he stops the music so Tenaglia can speak..... and later on, Ficken into Tiesto - Obession(biazzi mix) into Luz(2 different mixes of it). Those were the only 2 times where it felt like business was about to pick up, then BAM disapointment. After danny spoke, there was a few tenaglia tracks which were good, but didnt keep the energy that the mini tech set prior to him speakin was creating. Later on in the evening, he dropped No more games/Died in your arms and the energy in the club skyrocketed, and after it.... let down, filler shit. Around 7 somemore good things were played and then drops Like a Prayer and we all were happy with that. Left around 8:30 after Paula Cole, Boots on the Run and some other jams that I cant remember now.

No long tech sets the entire time i was there, and no real eye opening sets other then the ones i listed. this is all my opinon, so others may see it differently.

Big shouts to Barry, Erin, Ingrid, Steve, Simon, Ben, Barrie, Heather, Nick, Serge, Marisa, Jim, and the rest of the experience heads.

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Originally posted by vixenfoxxy

Is it possible to do this sort of thing minus assistance from substances? I mean, I'd love to stay out for over 24 hours consecutively but.. I don't think I'd make it that long!

Is it still going??

I party 110% sober all the time. Longest ive done was 16 hours probably the last aniversary party at factory. today i did 12 hours.

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Originally posted by roninmess

just heard that i missed Thunder over Deep Kemical and right now Danny Tenaglia is spinning a mini set in the basement. :cry: :cry:

i know i wanna go bacckkkk .. i misses things to come im so fucking mad..and women beat their men....wtf....

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Originally posted by roninmess

just heard that i missed Thunder over Deep Kemical and right now Danny Tenaglia is spinning a mini set in the basement. :cry: :cry:


im missing Dannnnnnyyyyyy!!...

fuck fuck fuck......well at least i chatted with the guy :D

..as for Robin's long ass post...yeh he's right...we kept lookin around and everyone was pullin close to 16 yrs of age...kinda shitty but whatever...i enjoyed myself for the time i spent there...but hearin danny spun in the basement just kinda put a damper on things:(

the circles were kinda whack...only 2 kids ripped it...i honestly dont think im a great dancer..but at least i have enough sense not to get into a fuckin circle if i suck...

one thing about today CLEVELAND!! is off the fucking Hoooooooooooooooook!!...he's soooooooooooo nasty ...mixes shit ud never imagine...massssive props to him

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