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Monday Morning...


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Yeah I am in the hurt box bad today.

Friday night was a real good time. Richie was tearing apart Avalon to open then Felix started to rip it, but I took off to Axis where Hybrid was laying a great set. Went back and forth a few times to Avalon, two good sets going on in each room.

And a lot of drinking done by me and meathead

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Originally posted by kaydup

Yeah I am in the hurt box bad today.

Friday night was a real good time. Richie was tearing apart Avalon to open then Felix started to rip it, but I took off to Axis where Hybrid was laying a great set. Went back and forth a few times to Avalon, two good sets going on in each room.

And a lot of drinking done by me and meathead

you and meathead went out on a date? :confused:

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Originally posted by kaydup

Yeah I am in the hurt box bad today.

Friday night was a real good time. Richie was tearing apart Avalon to open then Felix started to rip it, but I took off to Axis where Hybrid was laying a great set. Went back and forth a few times to Avalon, two good sets going on in each room.

And a lot of drinking done by me and meathead

:laugh: Huge surprise - cause that never happens when you guys drink together.

Sorry I missed it - I was smart and stayed local :rolleyes:

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Friday was a lot of fun. Avalon/Axis was as good as you'll ever see it. Good size crowd in both rooms (not too big, not too small), music was SOLID, Richie's opener was really good, hearing Felix on the big system was awesome, and Hybrid threw it down proper. Well, one half of Hybrid anyway, one of the guys had 'food poisoning'.

teamj5, you would've been proud. I broke up a breakdance circle in Axis not once, but twice. There was actually some tool sitting on the dance floor during Hybrid's set. So, I drunkenly danced in the middle of them until others joined me and the circle was no more. It's great watching those morons when their circle goes away... they can't dance like normal people. They just sit there with their arms folded with a bitter look on their face. I just smiled at them and continued dancing, all to the delight of a drunken flavanugz who was giggling like a schoolgirl nearby :smoke:

Drinks were flowing, kaydup and I were in cahoots as usual, the only thing gay about the night was the breakdancers (sorry to disappoint).

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dj flavanugz giggling like a school girl over breakdancers? what else is new !

sounds like fun friday. still have no desire to go out yet, which is weird. i think ive transformed into one of those people that only goes out on big nights.

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Originally posted by teamj5

sounds like fun friday. still have no desire to go out yet, which is weird. i think ive transformed into one of those people that only goes out on big nights.

I guess this should be expected, but it seems we've transformed into complete opposites (big suprise there). I really don't think I ever want to go out on a 'big night' again. All you get is an over-sized crowd with an over-sized headache.

It was so nice being able to go from Avalon to Axis and back without having to worry about being inundated with meatheads and morons. I had an awesome time this past Friday... much better than at Digweed.

I'm tellin' ya... small time clubbing is where it's at :tongue:

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Breakdancers are annoying. Period. ::::Insert that red faced smiley here:::: I think that breakdancing is cool, WHEN YOU DO IT AT HOME! Stay at home and stare in the mirror practicing your coolest moves so that maybe one day you can go to a packed club and throw down your little routine. Then when it's done, you can stand around like a buffoon, watching other breakers do the same ol bullshit. Then you can stand there and think to yourself how you own the club and are the coolest kid in there.

Anyways, the night was good. Hybrid was money and Richie played some good shit. Had me dancing like a maniac. I got absurdly tanked and thats how I like it.

Ok, maybe my rant about breakdancing is too much. Go ahead and do your thing, but just do it somewhere more considerate than in the middle of the dancefloor. My personal opinion is that if i was djing the party, I would have been not pleased with people making a huge circle in the middle of the floor, and PEOPLE SITTING DOWN!!!! OMG!!! Outrageous. But I wasn't djing.

Trainspots for Hybrid

(lots of unknown remixes)

Sasha: Wavy Gravy (? remix)

Green Velvet: La La Land (? remix)

RR Workshop: Dust Sucker

Oakenmold: Ready, Steady, Go! (? remix)

Satoshi Tomiie: Love in Traffic (? remix)

Hybrid: Visible Noise

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theres a pretty wicked osamu m mix of wavy gravy...i wonder if that was it ?

i would have loved to of heard love in traffic on a system !

i dont mean big night in the digweed or sasha sense (at avalon anyways). big night meaning deep dish or howells...shit like that. i enjoy long sets way too much...id rather travel or save my energy for a long night of being in a club than to go out for a few hours. even 4 hours out really means two when things dont pick up till midnight.

i think its just serious rise-withdrawl syndrome. once that opens back up i'll be cured. axis 10-2 then off the rise till 6....ahhh i cant wait.

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